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EDRL 443/CIL 543 Assessment Results (Narrative Report) -Interest/Attitude/Motivation Use the following template to construct your narrative

report of assessment results. The fields can expand to include pertinent information. Turn this in along with completed protocols and student work. Name Shawntel Davis Title of Assessment s!: )ur*ose of Assessment Date Administered: 10-7-13 Tutees name: Arwin Jennings

- "l#nt and $ooter $%& &nterest &nventor# - 'lementar# (riting Attitude Surve# "lint and $ooter $%& &nterest &nventor# )ur*ose: This instrument hel*s tea+hers dis+over students fundamental attitudes a,out reading at s+hool- home and for *leasure. "l#nt- $ooter /0! 1arfield 'lementar# (riting Attitude Surve# )ur*ose: The *ur*ose is to +olle+t data a,out the students attitudes a,out writing from the surve# is to *lan further instru+tion. Morrow, L. M., Gambrell, L. B., & Duke, N. K. (Eds.). (2011). Best practices in literacy instruction. Guilford Press.

Summar# of %esults Arwin is a nine-#ear -old ,o# who lives in an a*artment with his 2om- Dad- sister- and his ,rother. 3e loves s*orts- es*e+iall# "oot,all and 4as5et,all. 3is favorite su,6e+ts are math and s+ien+e. 3e has several res*onsi,ilities around the house. These in+lude- dishes- laundr#- and doing homewor5. Arwin en6o#s *la#ing ,as5et,all when he is done with his homewor5. 3e was also ver# s*e+ifi+ in the fa+t that he *la#s a+tual ,as5et,all not 6ust on a videogame. (hen & as5ed Arwin what ma5es a good reader he said- 7 the# do not ma5e mista5es8. & thought that was interesting ,e+ause most 5ids usuall# sa#7the# read fast8. (hat #ou learned a,out the +hilds litera+# in terms of interests- attitude- 9 motivation: Arwins favorite su,6e+t is S+ien+e and he is not a ,ig fan of reading and writing. 3e li5es writing a,out real things. Not ne+essaril# a,out himself ,ut things that ha**en in real life. 3e does not li5e to waste his time writing a,out things that are not real. 3e does not li5e fi+tion ,oo5s and a+tuall# gets mad when he has to read a fi+tion ,oo5. 3owever- he also mentioned to me that he reall# li5es $a*tain :nder*ants. & thin5 he might ,e +onfused a,out the differen+e ,etween fantas# and fi+tion. 3e told me that if he has to read we would want to read a nonfi+tion ,oo5 a,out animals. 4ased on these results & will not have an# writing *rom*ts that are fi+tional and unrelata,le & will alwa#s tr# to ma5e what we read and write authenti+. & will tr# to tie writing into Arwins

1oals and;or strategies for further instru+tion ,ased on what #ou have learned.

)ossi,le +onne+tions to other assessments<

*referen+es however- & will not do so at the e=*ense of his learning. & will also in+lude a several dis+ussions were we dis+uss the different genres of ,oo5s- & thin5 he ma# ,e a little +onfused. (e will ,e reading fi+tion ,oo5s ,e+ause & want to *rovide a well-rounded literar# e=*erien+e.

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