GL3-Tenants Personal Details

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Tenants Personal Details

1. Personal Details Name: Address: Addresses for past three years if different from above:
(If more than one previous address, please give details separately)

Time at each address: (Address 1) Years Months (Address 3) Years Months (Address 4) Years Date of birth: Tel No: (Home) (Mobile)

(Address 2) Years Months



Status: e.g. Single / Married / Divorced / Separated e.g. House Owner / Private Tenant / Living with Parents / Council Tenant Have you ever had any adverse credit history? 2. Employment / College Details Employment Status: e.g. Employed / Unemployed / Self-employed / Retired / Student Employer / College Name: Position Held / Course Attending: Employer / College Address: Employers Tele No: 3. Accounting details (where self-employed) Name: Address: Tel No:
For use in England and Wales 2011 Residential Landlords Association Version: 03-2011

Tenants Personal Details

4. Current Landlord details Name: Address: Tel No: 5. Bank / Building Society Details (current account) Bank / Building Society Address: Account Name: Account No: Sort Code:

6. Personal reference / Guarantor's details Name: Address: Tel No: Qualifications (if any): Relationship: 7. Other relevant details Children: Pets: 8. Declaration: I, the undersigned, declare that the information given above is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorise you to obtain any relevant information from any of the above and hereby authorise any of the above to release such relevant information. I also agree to a credit check being undertaken. Signed: _______________________________________
For use in England and Wales 2011 Residential Landlords Association Version: 03-2011

Ages: Other:

Date: _____________________

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