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December 4, 2013 To the family of Arwin Jennings, It has been my pleasure to wor with Arwin !

uring ten wee ly tutoring sessions this fall" As his rea!ing an! writing tutor, I ha#e foun! Arwin to be e$tremely logical young man" %ometimes I felt as if I was tal ing with a colleague an! not a stu!ent" &e was a great stu!ent an! always !i! what was as e! of him e#en if he !i! not want to" I use! se#eral assessments with Arwin for the purpose of !etermining rea!ing an! writing le#els" The first assessment was the Interest Attitu!e %ur#ey an! the 'arfiel!(s )lementary *riting %ur#ey" This sur#ey helpe! me !isco#er Arwins( attitu!e about rea!ing at school, home an! for pleasure" The purpose of the 'arfiel! )lementary *riting Attitu!e %ur#ey is to help me learn about Arwins( attitu!e towar! writing" Then from this information I can plan further instruction" These sur#eys ha#e showe! me that Arwin li es writing about real things" +ot necessarily about himself but things that happen in real life" &e !oes not li e to waste his time writing about things that are not real" Again, he seems to be highly logical young a!ult trappe! in a chil!(s bo!y" Another assessment that we use! was a writing assessment" ,or this assessment I ga#e Arwin a prompt an! ha! him write as much as he coul!" I !i!n(t gi#e him any other instructions for this assessment" I wante! to see what he coul! !o on his own" ,rom Arwins writing I notice! that he ha! some great i!eas howe#er, he nee!e! to learn how to organi-e his thoughts" Throughout our sessions we use! the writing process" This process in#ol#e! prewriting, !rafting, e!iting, an! publishing" .rewriting always inclu!e! a brainstorm to help Arwin write !own all of his i!eas" Then came Drafting, this step is writing a rough !raft" I ha! Arwin write in a template labele!, topic sentence, !etail, !etail, !etail an! conclu!ing sentence" This helpe! Arwin organi-e his writing" *hen we e!ite! his writings, we correcte! misspelle! wor!s an! a!!e! new #ocabulary that we learne! from our gui!e! rea!ings" The final stage was publishing" As you may ha#e seen in Arwin(s wor portfolio, we create! a .re-i" A .re-i is a program that allows the user to create a presentation" It is #ery similar to /icrosoft .ower.oint" Arwin e!ite! his four best writing samples an! I type! them up an! put them into the .re-i" &e !i! a fabulous 0ob an! his har! wor is really shown within the .re-i" 1y the en! of our sessions Arwin was writing 2 34 sentences" *here as at the beginning of our sessions he woul! write three at most" &e is a great stu!ent an! I belie#e he is capable of so much" I was also #ery impresse! with his e$pression while rea!ing" This is something that can still get better howe#er, Arwin has alrea!y shown impro#ement" *hen rea!ing with you at home this is something you can remin! him of" 5emin! him to rea! as if he is ha#ing a con#ersation with you" &e might not li e it but in the en! it will ma e him into a more confi!ent rea!er" *or ing with Arwin has been a pleasure" &e always ma!e me laugh with his matter of fact statements about life" I now that he will continue to wor har! this year" %incerely,

%hawntel Da#is, 6+78 Tutor /arilyn /c9inney 6+78 7iteracy .rofessor

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