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Area of Concern School Improveme nt Plan (SIP) Campus Goal Settin

Needs Assessment Create a plan of action for a turn around school

Campus+ ,ide %eadin Initiative

Community and :amily Involvemen t

Campus data reports derived directly from the results of our $P%IStanford .&/Aprenda test as ,ell as the $EA Accounta"ilit y ta"lesE0AAS reflect students 1 rade levels "ehind in readin Increase parental involvement and relationships ,ith students and their families

Projects Action Plan Goal Settin and ac!uirin necessary resources and dele atin accounta"ilit y Setup/or ani2 e iStation la" and small roup lessons/mate rials $eachers ,ill utili2e istation la" and students ,ill spend at least an hour per ,ee# on istation3

Evaluation Campus "enchmar# and S$AA% results

Competency Addressed


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iStation ,ee#ly reports 456- 756E56 Assessment s


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:amily ni ht that involve the parents and the students3 ;iteracy Ni ht Science Ni ht

Increase the attendance and involvement 3 Compare attendance from last year and from one event to the ne<t3

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