303 Maritime Police Station Barangay Sisiman, Mariveles, Bataan

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Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE MARITIME GROUP HEAD UARTER!

REGIONAL MARITIME UNIT " 303rd Maritime Police Station Barangay Sisiman, Mariveles, Bataan

For: Chief, RMU-3 CC: Fm: Station Chief, 303RD MARPSTA Situational Report coverin the perio! from 0"00# Septem$er %%, &0%3 to 0"00# Septem$er %&, &0%3' I# !IGNI$ICANT INCIDENT! ( )one II# CRIME INCIDENT! ( III# ARRE!T O$ %ANTED PER!ON & )one I'# EN$ORCEMENT O$!PECIAL LA%!-)one '# INTERNAL !ECURIT( OPEATION! ( )one 'I# ANTI) TERRORI!M ACTI'ITIE! * IMPLEMENTATION O$ THE THREE TIERED DE$EN!E !(!TEM) )one 'II# OTHER ACTI'ITIE! )'

*n Septem$er %%, &0%3 at a$out +:+" o,cloc- in the afternoon, per.onnel thi. .tation le! $/ SP*3 Ro er F Fran.i.co P)P, P*& 0o.elito 1 Pito/ P)P, P*& Dante 2 2uin a$ P)P, P*% 3lmer 4 Co$alle. P)P an! P*% Dioni.io 3 Floren!o 0r' P)P'on$oar! motori5e! $anca con!ucte! .ea$orne patrol operation at vicinit/ .ea6ater. of 1ataan' Returne! to .tation at a$out +:00 AM Septem$er %&, &0%3 6ith ne ative re.ult' Con.ume! 7809 liter. of !ie.el'

!IGNI$ICANT INCIDENT! :nci!ent involvin prominent per.onalitie. :nci!ent involvin national .ecurit/ 0ail $rea-., e.cape. of pri.oner.;!etainee., an! <ail;pri.on riot. Ar.on ca.e. an! .tructural fire. effectin 7&9 or more familie. or 6ith an e.timate! !ama e of Php'"0, 000'00 or more' Re.cue of -i!nap or a$!uction victim. Recover/ of contra$an!. Crime. perpetrate! $/ ./n!icate crime roup. 3lection-relate! violent inci!ent. 73R=:.9 )atural !i.a.ter.;calamitie. an! it. relate! activitie. 7.uch a. evacuation, .earch an! re.cue, Relief operation etc'9> Man-ma!e !i.a.ter. 7.uch a. .tampe!e, colli.ion, commotion., etc9 The .urren!er, recover/, confi.cation an! capture of ille al firearm.> an! the accountin of 4oo.e firearm.

4an!, 6ater. on air+ mi.hap II#CRIME INCIDENT! Crime. a ain.t Per.on. Mur!er #omici!e Ph/.ical in<urie. Rape Crime a ain.t Propert/ Ro$$er/ Theft Carnappin Cattle Ru.tlin III# ARRE!T O$ %ANTED PER!ON! Top Mo.t ?ante! *ther 6ante! per.on I'# EN$ORCEMENT O$ !PECIAL LA%! :lle al am$lin :lle al !ru . :lle al lo in

:lle al fi.hin #i<ac-in Anti arme! ro$$er/ Anti .mu Pirac/ *ther. '# INTERNAL !ECURIT( OPERATION! 3ncounter. C));3nem/ hara..ment C));3nem/ attac-. C));3nem/ Rai!. Con!uct of Com$at Patrol;Securit/ *peration $/ P)P Unit. 'I# ANTI)TERRORI!M ACTI'ITIE!*IMPLEMENTATION O$ THE THREE)TIERED DE$EN!E !(!TEM :ntelli ence Tar et #ar!enin lin

:nci!ent Mana ement 'II# OTHER ACTI'ITIE! Trainin .;Seminar.;?or-.hop Tree plantin Peace Covenant Atten!ance to conference;meetin . Social;reli iou. activitie. *ther.

DA:4@ P*4 C*)SUMPT:*) A)D P*4 1A4A)C3 *) #A)D *F 303RD MARPSTA For the 3r! Auarter C@ &0%3
Date ua,te,l- POL Allocation Recei.e/ DIE!EL GA!OLINE 3CD4 0alance on Han/ Lan/* $loatin1 assets use/ Runnin1 Hou,s of T,a.el Dail- POL Consumption Remainin1 POL 0alance fo, the /aDIE!EL 3%+4 GA!OLINE 3CD4 Acti.it-


GA!OLINE 3CD4 Motori5e! $anca %&hr.

DIE!EL 804


Septem$er %%, &0%3

3B+ 4

Sea$orne Patrol *peration

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