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Small Group Lesson Plan Day 1 Grade Level: 2nd Bilingual Number of Students: 5 Instructional Location: Leal Elementary

Strategy: Visuali ation

!aterials: Las Estaciones" #ig s$eet of paper divided into % s&uares" pencil and eraser Standard's( )ddressed: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.2.1 Ask and answer such questi ns as wh ! what! where! when! why! and h w t de" nstrate understanding # key details in a te$t. *e+ts: %itle& Las Estaciones 'enre& ( n-#icti n !aterials: Las Estaciones, Large sheet # ,a,er di-ided int . squares! ,encil! and eraser Strategy ,ocus: )e#initi n # *isuali+ati n! intr ducti n t strategy Vocabulary: *isuali+ati n

#efore: Setting the stage! acti-ate and /uild /ackgr und kn wledge! intr duce and e$,lain Ask students t think # their #a- rite # d and t ,icture it in their head Re"ind the" t think a/ ut all the as,ects # their #a- rite # 0hat d es it l k like1 0hat d es it taste like1 0hat d es it s"ell like1 0hat is the te$ture # the # d1 0hat kind # s unds d y u hear when y u eat it1 Is there anything s,ecial a/ ut it1 d.

2a-e the" draw a ,icture # their #a- rite #

d and then e$,lain what they th ught a/ ut t a ,artner.

E$,lain that we can d this when we read t . Say 3when we read! we can ,icture what is ha,,ening in the st ry in ur heads t get a /etter idea # what is g ing n.4 3%his is called -isuali+ati n4 During: E$,licit instructi n! acti-e engage"ent in "eaning "aking! and ,ractice 5y u sh uld /e checking # r understanding thr ugh ut6 Say 3% day we are g ing t read a sh rt st ry a/ ut the seas ns and ,ractice -isuali+ing what is ha,,ening in the st ry.4 Read the #irst ,age # the st ry. Say 30hile reading this ,age! I ,icture l ts # #l wers ar und a tree. 7y tree has l ts # green lea-es and "y #l wers are di##erent c l rs. %hen I see s "e rain #alling n these.4 )raw what y u descri/ed # r the kids n the large ,iece # ,a,er. %urn t the ne$t ,age. 3%his ti"e I want y u t think a/ ut what y u see while I read. 8ust think a/ ut it! d n9t sh ut ut what y u are thinking s that y u d n9t ruin any ne else9s ,icture.4 Read the ne$t ,age. 3:k! d es e-ery ne ha-e a ,icture in their "ind # su""er1 'i-e "e ne ,iece # y ur ,icture.4 5; ssi/le Answers& /ig sun! /right sun! kids swi""ing in a , l! a /ig , l! an e",ty sch thr ugh it6 )raw s "e # the suggesti ns that the students gi-e y u in the sec nd / $. Re,eat this ,r cess # r the third ,age. Read the ,age and ha-e students think a/ ut what they see while y u read. 2a-e students share with a ,artner what they see. Enc urage the" this ti"e t think " re a/ ut the s"all details in the ,icture. Ask the students what they ,icture in their "inds #r " the ,age. lh use! a sch lh use with an <

; ssi/le answers include& I see a tree with di##erent c l red lea-es I see a sch l #ull # children I see lea-es n the gr und Etc. Enc urage the" t e$,lain #urther 50hat c l r are the lea-es1 0hat are the children d ing1 Etc.6 Again draw what the students descri/e # r y u. =inally! read the # urth ,age t the students. Again ha-e the" share ut what they ,icture. ; ssi/le Answers include& It9s sn wing %here9s l ts # sn w n the gr und S "e ne shaking #r " c ld I see children "aking a sn w"an Sn w"en )raw these state"ents )fter: Restate teaching , int! clari#y key , ints! e$tend ideas! check # r understanding Re-iew what each " nth was! and ha-e students e$,lain t a ,artner what the key characteristics the / Ask students h w the ,ictures hel,ed the" re"e"/er what ha,,ened in the st ry. 5I was a/le t l k at the" while I was thinking a/ ut i", rtant ,arts! etc.6 Ask students t e$,lain t their ,artner what -isuali+ati n is. )ssessment: k ga-e # r each " nth.

Assess"ent # r this less n is in# r"al /ser-ati n # what students are discussing with ,artners t see i# they are starting t get a /asic understanding # the c nce,t. Students will als /e assessed in# r"ally n i# they are a/le t share /asic ideas # what they are ,icturing while the st ry is read. E+tension: E$tensi n acti-ity is started in the )aily 5 stati n& Read with a ,artner. Students wh w rk in read with a ,artner will w rk t gether t ,ractice the strategy. :ne ,artner will read the #irst # ur ,ages # the st ry while the ther ,artner draws what they are ,icturing while their ,artner reads. %hen the ,artners will switch > /s s that each ,artner is ,racticing reading al ud and the -isuali+ati n strategy. Differentiated Instruction: S "e students wh are /etter -isual learners will /e gi-en ty,ed u, sentences t g al ng with the ,ages s that they ha-e the e$tra su,, rt in #r nt # the" while reading. 7i$ # wh le-gr u,! indi-idual and ,artner w rk s that e-ery ne gets a chance t share and think in a situati n " st c "# rta/le t the". !odify and -$anges to Plan: Include " re wait ti"e t gi-e the" ti"e t think s that they ha-e clear ,ictures. Read sentences se-eral ti"es s that they can really think # a ,icture in their heads. Less n went as ,lanned s t " rr w9s ,lan d esn9t need t /e " di#ied c ntent wise.

Lesson Reflection

I was sur,rised that this less n started ut a little r cky. 7y c ,erating teacher in# r"ed "e that the students w rked n this c ",rehensi n strategy s "e last year 5she l ,ed with the" this year6 s I e$,ected this less n t /e " stly re-iew # r the". 2 we-er! when I asked the" what I th ught -isuali+ati n was! " st # the" l ked at "e with /lank stares. I tried wait ti"e /ut they >ust stared at "e. =inally Ali ?e-in said 37aestra! we d n9t kn w >ust tell us.4 I had t -eer ## a little t enc urage the" t ,redict what they th ught it "eant. I ga-e the" ti"e t talk with a ,artner a/ ut what they th ught it was. %his see"s t w rk really well with "y students as they really like the l w risk sharing situati n. A#ter they shared what they th ught! I " -ed n t the ,ening acti-ity. I de#initely saw this hel, clear u, the idea # -isuali+ati n. %hey were a/le t descri/e their #a- rite # ds in great detail& ne student

descri/e ta"ales n t nly with the te$ture! /ut als included why ta"ales are i", rtant t her /ecause she "akes the" with her grand"a. )uring the 3during4 ,hase! I n ticed that the students were itching t talk a/ ut what they were seeing during "y talk al ud " "ent. %hey were -ery eager t share the ideas. %his is why I knew that I needed t "ake sure I re"inded the" that we are nly thinking! n t screa"ing ut a/ ut ur ,ictures. E-en still! I had a #ew students wh were #requently sharing ut their ,ictures /e# re I asked a/ ut it. %hey were e$tre"ely e$cited a/ ut drawing and were u,set when I didn9t gi-e the" ti"e t day t draw their wn ,ictures. %hat is s "ething that I w uld ,r /a/ly change. Instead! I w uld ha-e d ne a think al ud and drawn all # "y ,ictures /ased n the ,ictures I saw and then all wed the" t draw their wn ,ictures al ng with "e. I a" de#initely n ticing that the "a> rity # "y students are -ery -isual learners. I als n ticed in "ysel# that I d a g d > / # enc uraging students t take risks. I als think I did a

d > / # questi ning students9 th ughts as a way # getting the" t think " re critically a/ ut h w -isuali+ati n is hel,#ul. = r t " rr w9s less n! I n ticed that s "e # the students were struggling t kee, u, with "y quick ,ace! s I think that

t " rr w I sh uld ,r -ide " re wait ti"e t gi-e the" " re ti"e t think 5 r draw in t " rr w9s case6. I als n ticed that s "eti"es tw # "y students were struggling /ecause they didn9t understand the reading the #irst ti"e. Because # this I ,lan t

reread the ,age se-eral ti"es s that they get se-eral ,, rtunities t understand the ,assage and create that ,icture.

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