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Instruction Manual Peer Review Sheet*

Highlight all that apply, and add an overview of your assessment on the back of this sheet !mail it to the other group Authors emails: "# miss$su%y$rocks&yahoo com '# Assessors names: "# '# (# )# ,!S -. (# )#

"# *o the instructions have a clear, appropriate title+ '# *oes the introduction to the instructions o State the purpose of the task+ o *escribe safety measures or other concerns that readers should understand+ o /ist necessary tools and materials+ (# 0re the step-by-step instructions o -umbered+ o !1pressed w2 active, imperative verbs+ o Simple, clear, and direct+ o !asy to follow3could you do this procedure using this guide+ o 0ccompanied by appropriate citations+ )# 0re the graphics o 0ppropriate and clear+ o /ocated near their corresponding te1t+ o 0ccompanied by descriptive captions+ o 0ccompanied by appropriate citations+

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4# *oes the conclusion o Include any necessary follow5up advice+ o Include, if appropriate, a troubleshooting guide+ 6# Is the manual designed effectively, with ade7uate white space+

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*0ssessment Sheet, adapted from Markel8s page 49)

Assessment Overview (hint: start with a positivewhats working here?):

5 :ood layout 5 !asy to follow words 5 !ffective pictures 5 Include authors on first page 5 !nsure all page numbers are present ;page (# 5 If wanted, put in a section for follow up advice

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