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Branding India Consortium 2007 Professor Kevin Lane Keller Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College

Brand India

Countries are brands just like products, services, organizations

Have associations and images Set expectations Affect perceptions and behavior

Building Brand India

Every contact point direct and indirect affects the brand image of India

What people read, hear, see, experience etc.

Often the image of country can be influenced by a strong brand that achieves global leadership & prominence

Business top company brand

Finland Nokia Korea Samsung Australia Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee)


Tourism famous person brand

Brand Indias Position

Brand positioning is about how people

Can easily apply to countries

think about a brand with respect to other brands

4 key components to a superior brand positioning

Competitive frame of reference Points-of-parity Points-of-difference Brand mantra


India Brand Positioning Components

Competitive frame of reference

Developing countries Asian countries China Talented, abundant work force Infrastructure



Power, roads, distribution, retailing


Brand mantra

India Brand Positioning & Tourism

Can apply positioning concepts to India tourism

PODs in unique scenery, people & experiences POPs in luxury hotels & efficient travel infrastructure

Tourism can help to build awareness & image of India as business destination

Spain post Barcelona Olympics


Building Brand India: Summary

Bottom-up approach

Adopting best marketing practices will ensure that strong brands are built

Building strong brands takes patience and hard work

But the results are enormous

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