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conflict between clinical care and a seminar

LOK !L "

T#tor $ dr% &i'a Ratih enin( Ati Oleh $ Kelom)o* +




The case of doctor0sho))in( that res#lted in disco'er5 of a mali(nant t#mo#r

Ph5sician $ Sometimes, patients who are being seen by another consultant, would like to come over and seek your opinion as well. I want to discourage doctor-shopping by all means. But if the patient is in trouble, or in case they really push me hard,then I have to give in,but this is against the ethics. I am not very sure wether it is good or bad for patient. ike yesterday, there was a !"-year-old lady who was seen by another doctor in the last eight months. But the patient was not feeling better. She had pain in her back and the doctor had tried all kinds of pain killers. She came over to me and said she really wanted to see me because she was not getting any better. Initially, I said no,but she insisted, and I relented. Itold the other physician that I was going to see her. It turned out that her #-ray showed a secondary deposit in the -! vertebra, which was a cancer, $ust perhaps missed being detected. %he diagnosis has still to be confirmed. ooking at the chances of having a secondary, if it has arrived in the bone, we also have to look for a primary. &nd in case from a primary site there is a seconday deposit in the bone then the prognosis is not very good.

A% Klarifi*asi Istilah 'ada skenario( artikel tidak didapatkan istilah yang sulit dimengerti, namun harus diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia. % atasan -asalah

6% Pembahasan 7#estion ). *escribe the ethical dilemma in this case. *iscuss how you think physicians should deal with the phenomenon of doctor-shopping in the conte+t of abusy hospital department *ilema etik a. 'asien dtg dgn skit ngotot rahmat b. permasalahan dokter ) dan ke , ga enak rahmat kodeki pasal )- ambil alih winda rahma . ). langgar hak pasien, cara ngomong ke pasien dan dokter yg menangani 'ertanyaan rahma . cara ngomong di$awab oleh rahmat dan winda solusi . semua anak// ,. *iscuss some cases like this in your community Bunga 6orrectin( a collea(#e8s e9cessi'e medication of a )atient Ph5sician $ Sometimes you see patients who have been seen by other doctors. &nd they come with the prescriptions. Sometimes a prescription which has been given to the patient contains many drugs, which may not be needed. & mother came with her child who had been prescribed a lot of unnecessary drugs. 0ow,the 1uestion arises . should I tell the mother that 2*ont give the medicines, it will harm your child 2 Because if you tell that, then your personal relationship with your colleague might be strained. But you know that so many drugs not good for the child and therefore should not be used. It is a difficult situation. I told the mother that 2probably these medicines were prescribed when your physician saw the child for the first

time. But I dont think these medicines should be taken any more. So,you can stop all medicines and give only these drugs3 erdasar*an *as#s 3 ). *iscuss the problem of e+cessive, unnecessary and potentially harmful overprescription of drugs. Identify factors that may contribute to this problem. ist all the ethical issues involved and discuss how the individual physician should deal with the problem. mas radit . masalah bnyak obat dilema etik . cara membertithu ke pasien, agr tdk menyalahkan dokter bunga,rahmat dan winda masalahnya berkaitan dengan 4 kaidah dasar moral masalah etik . pemberian obat yg terllu bnyak cara penympaian ke dokter & obt yg trlalu bnyak pelnggaran benficence n nonmalficence rahmat solusi . semua anak ,. Is the physician correct in protecting his colleague in this way5*iscussthe conflict of professional ethics versus the obligation to serve the patients interests in cases like this. 6ahmat polifarmasi agar untung lindungi dokter5 mas radit $aga rahasia,nama baik dokter gesa dan winda sesuai dengan sangsi dan hukum yg berlaku !. *iscuss some cases like this in your community Irma dosis tinggi

sabrina menanggapi

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