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"Phoenix Shawl

by Heidrun Liegmann (

(The wonderful Phoenix painting was made by artist ana Helmig (,, and is presented by her friendly courtesy.)

Material: !itron "ilisilk (#$% &erino 'xtrafine( )$ % *ilk( +$$ g , -$$ m) color )$+- (anthracite)( )$$+ (apricot)( )$$. (orange)( )$$) (light red)( )$$/ (cherry red) 0 +$$ g each . long circular knitting needles si1e )(2 mm3 4* / +$ safety pins as markers + stitch marker + crochet hook si1e )(2 mm 3 4* ' / for casting off

Phoenix Shawl Composition of the Phoenix Shawl: Shawl The Phoenix *hawl is worked in different knitting directions.

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Knitting Instructions: Step 1 the left triangle The left triangle is knitted in garter stitch with anthracite. 5n the inward (right) edge you increase + stitch e6ery first row of the garter stitch double row by putting the yarn that7s between the second and third stitch onto your knitting needle and knit into the back loop. 5n the outward (left) edge you increase + stitch e6ery first row by knitting the last stitch twice( into the front and back of the stitch. '6ery second back row you increase another stitch by knitting the first stitch first into the front( then hen into the back loop. Tip: I mark the garter stitch double row with the 2 increases with a safety pin so I can easily see which type of increase comes next.

The right edge of the step + triangle is worked as an ;add-on edge<= >n the first row you purl the first stitch( in the back row you knit the last stitch into the back loop. 8ast on ) stitches and knit the back row. The next row (,front side row) you start with the increases. 9fter 22 double rows you ha6e +): stitches on your y needle.

Phoenix Shawl

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Step Color "loc#s ?ith the second circular you pick up stitches out of the right edge of your triangle. Take anthracite and pick up +/ stitches e6ery +$ garter stitch ridges (, ## stitches)( picking up an extra stitch alternating e6ery . and ) ridges. Put the stitch marker into the top corner. @ow knit the stitches of the first circular. 5n the left edge( go on making alternating + and . increases. Purl the back row o6er all stitches 0 this is the optical border between the color blocks. The colour blocks are worked in garter stitch( the borders inbetween in stockinette stitch. Please remember two tasks= 5n the left edge( increase + and . stitches alternating. >n the top corner 3 middle make further increases 0 to the right and to the left of the marker in ) double rows you increase . stitches each. >ncrease before 3 right to the marker= Pick up the yarn between the next-to-last and the last stitch. Anit through the back loop.

>ncrease after 3 left to the marker= Pick up the yarn between the first and the second stitch and turn it half when putting it onto the knitting needle. Anit through the back loop.

Phoenix Shawl Tip:

page |$ I remember the type of increases by fixing safety pins into the top corner: two sil er safety pins for the increase rows! one black safety pin for the double row without increases. This way I can easily see what I"ll ha e to do in the next row.

#e$uence of color blocks: 2 double rows garter stitch in cherry red + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite / double rows garter stitch in light red + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite ) double rows garter stitch in orange + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite / double rows garter stitch in apricot + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite ) double rows garter stitch in orange + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite / double rows garter stitch in light red + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite 2 double rows garter stitch in cherry red + double row stockinette stitch in anthracite 0 in the back row (purl) you decrease again= purl together alternating e6ery .nd 3)rd and )rd 3 /th stitch. This way you make +$ out of +/ stitches and ha6e the correct amount of stitches for the diagonal Boining of step ).

Phoenix Shawl Step ! the right triangle

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@ow we add the right triangle in anthracite( directly Boining it to the existing part. This triangle is like the first one but mirror-in6erted. ?e now increase + stitch e6ery front row on the inner (left) edge by picking up the yarn between the second-to-last and the last stitch and knit it through the back loop. 5n the outward (right) edge we alternatingly increase + and . stitches by knitting the first stitch first into the front and then into the back loop. >n e6ery second back row we make another stitch by knitting the last stitch first into the front then into the back loop. 9t the same time we Boin the new part to the already knitted triangle by knitting the last stitch of this new part together with the first stitch of the color blocks triangle. >n the back row we knit the first stitch. Cepeat until all stitches of the color blocks triangle are Boined.

Step $ the last part @ow knit on with anthracite in garter stitch. 9t both ends alternatingly make + and . increases. 9t the top corner (stitch marker) you will do increases following a new rhythm= ) times + increase to the right and to the left of the stitch marker( once a double increase to the right and to the left of the stitch marker. This double increase you make as follows= Pick up the yarn between the third and second stitch before the marker and knit it through the back loop( then knit one stitch( then pick up the yarn between the second-to-last and the last stitch before the marker and knit it through the back loop. Anit the last stitch( slip the stitch marker and knit the first stitch. Then pick up the yarn between the first and the second stitch und turn it halfways when putting it onto your knitting needle. Anit it through the back loop and knit the next stich. @ow pick up the yarn between the second and the third stitch after the marker und turn it halfways when putting it onto your knitting needle( knit it through the back loop.

Phoenix Shawl Tip:

page |& I remember the type of increases by fixing safety pins into the top corner: three sil er safety pins for the single increase rows! one golden safety pin for the double increase row. This way I can easily see what I"ll ha e to do in the next row.

9fter about +: double rows the anthracite yarn is nearly used up 0 so we cast off with the next front row. ?hen you work with lace yarn( it7s better to cast off using a crochet hook and making loose slip stitches. &ake an additional chain stitch alternatingly e6ery . and ) stitches. This way the edge will get the necessary width and won7t pucker.

'ast (ut not least @ow you can wea6e in the yarn ends if you didn7t wea6e them in on the go. The shawl looks Duite bumpy( so we7ll ha6e to block it. %locking does not mean to stretch the wool until it7s deadE Food blocking only stretches the yarn as far as it is needed to open the stitches( make them look e6en and smoothen bumps. The yarn will keep it7s elasticity and li6ing attributes. "or blocking you need= 9 foamed material underlay 9 spraying de6ice with fresh water Lots of fixing pins made of stainless steel "irst you spread the shawl onto the underlay( then spray the bottom edge( lay it straight and fix it with pins in mean distances.

Phoenix Shawl @ow spray the complete left triangle and fix it in mean distances.

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@ow spray the color blocks( flatten them into shape and fix them with pins. >f your underlay isn7t wide enough (like my guest mattrass) you can block on around the corner and an the back side.

@ow spray the top corner and flatten it the way the increasing lines run straight( then fix it.

Phoenix Shawl

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@ext spray the left edge( flatten it and fix it.

Please take care always to block a complete stitch so you won7t pull out a single strand. @ow you can fill in the distances pin by pin until you ha6e a straight edge without any peaks. *pray again if the work gets too dry. Take care you get straight lines 0 some pins you7ll ha6e to mo6e se6eral times until it looks right. Then you can spray the left triangle( flatten it and fix it roughly.

Phoenix Shawl

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@ext you reduce the distances between the pins until you get a straight edge.

Phoenix Shawl

p a g e | 1, Gou may ha6e to reposition some single pins or whole groups of pins to get the shape you want.

To block the side corners( you may ha6e to turn part of the mattress. Please take care of the shape of your shawl7s ends and pay attention not to remo6e or catch already fixed pins.

Phoenix Shawl

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9t last( control the complete shape and correct it where needed. Ceposition pins that stretch the fabric too much or too little. "ix more pins where the fabric shows peaks. Then spray the complete shawl again and let it dry completely.

@ow you can remo6e the pins( > counted ):+ pins - ">@>*H' EEEE

The shawl will keep its shape now 0 you7ll only ha6e to block it again should you wash it.

Phoenix Shawl

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This is the Phoenix *hawl done in *wing-Anitting 0 instead of stripes you7ll get harmoniously intertwining color fields .

The ;*wingy Phoenix; pattern will be coming soon on Ca6elry 0 look for &agische&aschen designs.
The basic knowledge of Swing-Knitting Workshops 1 to 3 is required to understand this Workshop.

This design and pattern are only for pri6ate use. Pattern may not be reproduced or distributed in written or electronic form without written permission from the author. Huestions( comments( other stuffI 8ontact me at

KHeidrun Liegmann( .$++

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