British CV Example

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A British Curriculum Vitae CURRICULUM VITAE Name Address !ele"hone E'mail Date o( )irth Nationalit, -e.

Marital status Johanneke Marie VAN DALE (Janneke) Breestraat 21 2311 AB LE DEN the Netherlands #31 $1 %12&%11 $ March 1*++ Dutch /emale -in0le

Education/Qualifications 211&'2111 Leiden 2ni3ersit,4 M5A5 in En0lish Lan0ua0e and Literature o)tained in 211*5 2111'211& -tedeli6k L,ceum Arnhem4 Di"loma Gymnasium-A (0i3es entr, to uni3ersit,) in the su)6ects7 Dutch4 Latin4 /rench4 8erman4 En0lish4 9istor,4 -ocial -tudies and Music5 Employment to Date/Wor E!perience 211$'"resent Employment Agency Randfiguur4 Leiden4 the Netherlands5 :ost7 Translator5 211&'"resent /reelance translator5 211* !ranslation A0enc, -noe" en 9onne"on4 Amsterdam4 the Netherlands5 :ost7 Trainee. "t#er E!perience/Acti$ities 211&'211* Mem)er o( the nternational -tudents; Association <A -LE<5 211* Mem)er o( the E.chan0e Committee o( A -LE4 Leiden5 :ost7 Assessor Acti3ities5 =es"onsi)ilities7 Liaisonin0 >ith Euro"ean associate clu)s? or0anisin0 social e3ents5 Lan%ua%es "t#er & ills Interests 'u(lications 211+ References Dutch7 nati3e s"eaker? En0lish7 near nati3e s"eaker? /rench7 0ood? 8erman7 (air? talian7 0ood "assi3e skills? =ussian7 )asic5 Com"uter literate7 @indo>s a""lications5 Clean Dri3in0 Licence5 !ra3ellin04 international a((airs4 Euro"ean histor,4 meetin0 (riends5 (<As Lon0 as he Catches =ats7 a Li(e o( Den0 Aiao :in0<)4 in International Student Weekly4 224 +1B'235 :ro(essor 85 :hil),4 :ro(essor o( !ranslation -tudies4 De"artment o( En0lish4 Leiden 2ni3ersit,4 LE DEN5 Ms J5 !>eehuiCen4 9ead o( the En0lish -ection o( !ranslation A0enc, -noe" en 9onne"on4 AM-!E=DAM5

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