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Soal Khusus Paket Q-1 1 Perbaikilah ragam kalimat tidak baku berikut!

Permintaan para langganan belum ada yang dipenuhi karena persediaannya sudah habis. Jawaban : Permintaan para pelanngan belum ada yang dipenuhi karena persediaan barang sudah habis. 2 Town Contaminated Moscow (JP) A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence at another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town. elena is the !irst journalist to speak to people who witnessed the e"plosion o! a nuclear su#marine at the naval #ase o! Shkotovo$%% near &ladivostock. 'he accident, which occurred 13 months #e!ore the (herno#)l disaster, spread radio active !all$out over the #ase and near#) town, #ut was covered up #) o!!icials o! the then Soviet *nion. Residents were told the e"plosion in the reactor o! the &ictor$class su#marine durin+ a re!it had #een a ,thermaland not nuclear e"plosion. And those involved in the clean$up operation to remove more than .// tons o! contaminated material were sworn to secrec). A #oard o! investi+ators was later to descri#e it as the worst accident in the histor) o! the Soviet 0av). 1uestion Answer 3 2 3ow man) sailors were killed in the accident4 2 10 sailors.

(2x 10

1 (2x 10 12

Jawaban :


% Jika sebuah peman&ar radi' berdaya 1000 (att memna&arkan )'t'n tiap detiknya sebanyak ! x 10 20 buah *maka energi satu )'t'nya adalah+ .,'ule. Jawab: 2 x10 -18 ! gunawan /elakukan elektr'lisis larutan NaNO3 . Reaksi yang terjadi di anoda adalah .... a. Na H2 b. Na

Na+ + e +e Na H2

d. 2 H2O + 2e e. 2 H2O 4H+ + 4e + O2

2 OH - + 4H+ + 4e + O2

c. 2H ++ 2e Jawab : e. 2 H2O

". Pada saat kita membengk'kkan tangan* 't't yang relaksasi adalah.... Jawab : Trisep Soal Lemparan Paket Q-1 0 Jawaban : Perbaikilah kalimat berikut! 1irgahayu 234 5- 678"3 ir!aha"u #$ %&T #$ Ke-'2

9 Me+awati-s and udo)ono-s !amil) #ack+rounds show similarities and di!!erences. Me+awati is accustomed to livin+ in state palace, her !ather was the !ormer 5ndonesian president. She has alwa)s had ever)thin+ done !or her. She hardl) knows how to stru++le !or earnin+ a livin+. She once entered a universit) #ut she didn-t !inish it !or certain reasons. She is not talkative and seems to hardl) concern to others. udo)ono is accustomed to livin+ in a strict discipline manner, his !ather was an arm). 3e is a lo)alist. 3e has alwa)s worked hard to achieve what he wanted. *nlike Me+awati, udo)ono could !inish his universit) education even until doctorate de+ree, instead o! his militar) educational #ack+round. udo)ono was a socia#le person. 6oth o! these noti!ied !i+ures used to served as hi+h rank +overnment o!!icials in this countr). Me+awati and udo)ono have a +reat contri#ution to this nation 1uestion Answer : 2 7hat !or was the te"t written4 : To compare between two notified figures./ To show similarities and differences between 4itik stasi'ner dari )ung;s )(x <x 3 (x 8% # ! adalah ... Jawaban : (0*! dan (3* 8 22 10 =ebuah kawat yang pan,angnya 20 &m berada tegak lurus di dalam medan magmet . Jika rapat )luks magnetiknya 0*1 tesla dan arus yang mengalir pada kawat 30 amper. /aka gaya yang dialami kawat itu adalah +. Jawab 0(' ) 11 Jika kalor pe bentukan !3H"#g$% !O2#g$% dan H2O#g$ berturut-turut adalah a &J% b &J% dan c &J % aka kalor pe bakaran !3H"#g$ adalah '&J (. a + b + c ). a + 2b + c ,. *a + 3b + 4c Jawab : E. a + 3b + 4c !. a * 3b * 4c +. *a - 3b + 4c

12. >engan men,auh dari badan disebabkan )ungsi akti)itas 't't.... Jawab : *kstensor + otot bahu ,

Soal Khusus Paket Q-2 1 Perbaikilah kalimat tidak baku berikut! 6ita perlu pemikiran8pemikiran untuk meme&ahkan masalah8masalah yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pengembangan k'ta. Jawaban : 6ita memerlukan pemikiran untuk meme&ahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pengembangan k'ta. 2 2 Mention the 8eneric Structures 9! A 0ews 5tem 'e"t4 3ead :ine ( 'itle) 6) :ine(0ews worth) events) 6ack +round o! events ( ela#oration) Sources( comments #) participants, e"perts, witnesses, and authorities who involved in the event)

2 1uestion Answer

2x ( x 2 # 1

% 1 2 ( x + 1) - . %

Jawaban :

% Jika k'nstanta Plan&k h < "*" x 10 83% Js dan la,u &ahaya 3 x 109 m?s* maka energi sinar gamma dengan pan,ang gel'mbang 10 8% nm adalah +. Jawab : 1(/8 x 10-12 0oule ! . ,lektrolisis gara dapur '. a. .oga Na dan gas !l2 gas H2% dan /as !l2 elalui proses +o-n akan b. .oga enghasilkan c..

Na% NaOH dan /as !l2

d.. H2% NaOH dan !l2 e. H2 dan !l2 Jawab : a. Logam Na dan gas Cl2 ( Na dan Cl2) ". /'lekul penerima $@2 )'t'sintesis adalah.... Jawab : #u1P atau #u P +2 #ibulosa 1ipos3at 4 #ibulosa ipos3at , Soal Lemparan Paket Q-2 0 6akiku terin0ak di bis k'ta. /akna imbuhan ter- pada kata terin0ak adalah +. Jawaban : Ti5ak 5isen!a0a 9 udo)ono is accustomed to livin+ in a strict discipline manner, his !ather was an arm). 3e is a lo)alist. 3e has alwa)s worked hard to achieve what he wanted. *nlike Me+awati, udo)ono could !inish his universit) education even until doctorate de+ree, instead o! his militar) educational #ack+round. udo)ono was a socia#le person. 6oth o! these noti!ied !i+ures used to served as hi+h rank +overnment o!!icials in this countr). /egawati and Aud'y'n' ha.e a great &'ntributi'n t' this nati'n Questi'n : (hat degree ') edu&ati'n did Aud'y'n' graduateB Answer : !octorate degree.

: 4itik stasi'ner dari )ung;s )(x < 2x 2 8 !x # 2 adalah... Jawaban : +

! : (, % 9

10 =ep't'ng kawat pan,angnya 10 &m digerakan dengan ke&epatan 20 m?s dalam medan magnet yang membentuk sudut 30 ' dengan kawat.Jika besar induksi magnetnya 2 tesla* maka CC> u,ung8u,ung kawat adalah +. Jawab : 2 .'lt 11 ,lektrolisis gara dapur elalui proses /ibbs akan enghasilkan '. a. .oga Na dan gas !l2 c.. gas H2% dan /as !l2 d.. H2% NaOH dan !l2 b. .oga Na% NaOH dan /as !l2

e. H2 dan !l2

Jawab : a. Logam Na dan gas Cl2 12. 4eknik penyisipan )ragmen materi genetik sel pulau langerhans ke dalam materi genetik bakteri disebut teknik..... Jawab : Plasmi5

Soal Khusus Paket Q-6 1 Jawaban : Perbaikilah ragam kalimat tidak baku berikut! Derhubung itu* mengemukakannya pula minat ba&a kaum rema,a semakin menurun. =ehubungan dengan itu* dikemukakannya pula bahwa minat ba&a kaum rema,a semakin menurun.

2 (on!lict within an or+ani;ation is not alwa)s viewed as undesir$a#le. 5n !act, various mana+ers have diver+ent ideas on the value that con!lict can have. Accordin+ to the traditional view o! con!lict, con!lict is harm!ul to an or+ani;ation. Mana+ers with this traditional view o! con!lict see it as their role in an or+ani$;ation to rid the or+ani;ation o! an) possi#le source o! con!lict. 'he interactionist view o! con!lict, on the other hand, holds that con!lict can serve an important !unction in an or+ani;ation #) reducin+ com$placenc) amon+ workers and causin+ positive chan+es to occur. Mana+ers who hold an interactionist view o! con!lict ma) actuall) take steps to stimulate con!llict within the or+ani;ation. 1uestion Answer 3 2 : 7hat t)pe o! the te"t was the para+raph written4 !iscussion

2x 2 dx 3 x + !

Jawaban :

% 1 % 3 #$ < (x 3 # ! 3 2 3

1 2

dx <

% 3

x3 + !


% Egar mendapatkan inti karb'n ditembak dengan berkas +. Jawab : alpa+ , 2 !

% 2

12 "

C dan

1 0

: n maka keping berilium ( % Be perlu


,lektrolisis .arutan gara enghasilkan '. a. .oga Na dan gas !l2 c..gas H2% dan /as !l2 d.. H2% NaOH dan gas !l2



elalui akan Na% NaOH dan /as !l2

b. .oga

e. H2 dan !l2

Jawab : a. H2, NaOH dan gas Cl2

". 3ntuk menghasilkan antib'di m'n'kl'nal dilakukan rekayasa genetika dengan teknik.... Jawab : %ibri5oma

Soal Lemparan Paket Q-6 Perhatikanlah puisi berikut! Eku -ngin 4anya =iapakah yang paling banyak d'sa +. Car'ng* 6'rupt'r* 6au Etau akuB Puisi tersebut bertema + Jawaban : Protes sosial atau kritik sosial7

95 personall) think that <n+lish is the world-s most important lan+ua+e. 7h) do 5 sa) that4 =irstl), <n+lish is an international lan+ua+e. 5t is spoken #) man) people all over the world, either as a !irst or second lan+ua+e. Secondl), <n+lish is also the ke) to opens doors to scienti!ic and technical knowled+e which is needed !or the economic and politics development o! man) countries in the world. 'hirdl), <n+lish is a top re>uirement o! those seekin+ jo#s. Applicants who master either active or passive <n+lish are more !avora#le than those who don-t.=rom the !acts a#ove, it is o#vious that ever)#od) needs to learn <n+lish to +reet the +lo#al era. 1uestion 2 Accordin+ to the te"t wh) does the writer sa) that <n+lish is the world most important lan+ua+e in the world4 8nswer : : Firstly* 7nglish is an internati'nal language 4itik stasi'ner dari )ung;s )(x < x % 8 %x 3 adalah...

Jawaban : ( 0*0 dan ( 3* 8 20 10 =ebuah r'da berputar dari 20 rad?s men,di "0 rad?s karena mendapat m'men gaya tetap. Jika m'men kelembaman % kg m2 * maka m'men gaya tersebut setelah 100 rad adalah +..Gm. Jawab 9 ': 11 Jika kalor pe bentukan !4H01#g$% !O2#g$% dan H2O#g$ berturutturut adalah a &J% b &J% dan c &J % aka kalor pe bakaran !4H01#g$ adalah '&J (. a + b + c ). a + 2b + c ,. *a - 4b - 2c Jawab : D. a + 4b + c !. a * 3b * 4c +. *a + 4b + 2c

12.Pada peristiwa p'limeri* perbandingan F2 yang dihasilkan adalah.... Jawab : 1; : 1

Soal #ebutan Q 1 Perhatikanlah kutipan puisi berikut! 4uhan* 6ita begitu dekat =eperti angin dan arahnya Dait puisi tersebut men&eritakan + Jawaban : 6edekatan umat ?sese'rang dengan 4uhan.

2 5! an atom o! chrome has the atom num#er %?, then the amount o! unpaired electron it has is @ Answer : ". 3 Persamanaan kur.a yang melalui titik ( 1*! * ( 2* 9 dan ( 81*! adalah .... Jawaban : " 2 x 2 - : % =ebuah mesin pesawat menimbulkan menimbulkan gaya d'r'ng sebesar 12000 G pada ke&epatan 200 m?s * /aka daya yang ditimbulkan mesin adalah +../ega(att Jawab: 2: +iketahui reaksi #belu setara$ 3 &oe4isien

!uO#s$ + NH3 #g$ !u#s$ + N2 #g$ + H2O#l$. reaksinya bila setara adalah .... a. 0%2%3%2%3 Jawab : d. 3,2,3,!,3

b. 0%3%2%3%3 c. 2%3%0%3%2 d. 3%2%3%0%3 e. 3%3%2%0%2

".3ntuk membuat biakan bakteri E&et'ba&ter xylinum diperlukan medium dengan &ampuran gula* air kelapa dan .... Jawab : 8mpas )enas

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