Guy's Hospital Prognostic Score Allen's Prognostic Score For Stroke

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Guys Hospital Score for haemorrhage Variable Apoplectic onset Loss of consciousness Two or more = + 21.

.9 Headache within 2 hours Vomiting Neck stiffness Alert Drowsy Unconscious Plantar responses Diastolic blood pressure (24 hours post-onset) Atheroma markers angina, claudication, history of diabetes Both flexor/single extensor Both extensor BP in mm of mercury None One or more Not present Present Previous event (stroke or TIA) Heart disease None Any number None Aortic/mitral murmur Cardiac failure Cardiomyopathy Atrial fibrillation Cardiomegaly (chest X-ray) Myocardial infarct within 6 months Constant Total Interpretation of score: 30 to 0 = 95 per cent probability of being infarct 25 to 50 = 95 per cent probability of being haemorrhage See original paper for a more accurate graph References Allen (1983); Sandercock et al. (1985) Comment = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 + 7.3 = + 14.6 0 = + 7.1 + (BP*0.17) 0 3.7 0 4.1 0 6.7 0 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 12.6 _____ Clinical feature One or none of these = Score 0

Level of consciousness (24 hours after onset)

History of hypertension

This clinical score was developed on one population and has been tested on a second sample. The clinical distinction, though reasonably accurate, is insufficiently reliable for making clinical decisions, for example about anticoagulation. (The most accurate method is to assume that every stroke is an infarctthis will be correct for 89 cases in every hundred.)

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