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MUSIC ____________________________________________

Let There Be Peace on Earth Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as Creator, family all are we. Let us walk with each other, in perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me; let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my oyous vow! "o take each moment and live each moment, in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me#
Licensed Practitioners are available by appointment for treatment work$%&'$and private, confidential counseling$%(). Licensed practitioner recommended fees$single, %&'; one week of spiritual mind treatment work, %*)); one month of spiritual mind treatment work, %+'). ,o one will be denied spiritual mind treatment because of the temporary inability to pay. - treatment for the consciousness of prosperity will be included.

Center for Spiritual Living Pittsburgh South

Rev. Nancy Hobbie-Lowe Rev. Davi !. Lowe Me"i##a B"evin#$ RScP Chri#ty Se%&"e$ RScP Intern Practitioner Cyn i Conner-Be## Boar o' Tr(#tee# 4ev. 5avid -. Lowe, 6resident 4ev. ,ancy C. 7obbie2Lowe, 8.6. 9 "reasurer Christy :emple ;*', :ecretary <elissa =levins ;*( 4ebecca 7armon ;*( 4ick :emple, >? @fficio Boo)tab"e A Christy :emple, Coordinator Creative Corner A Socia" Me ia Coor inator A 4ebecca 7armon Mai"in* ! re## '+) :ycamore 4oad, :ewickley, 6- *'*.& +eb#ite, +eb%a#ter A Colleen 7igbee E%ai" ! re## A gtcrs*

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Sunday, December 8, 2013 10:30 a.m.

Rev. Nancy C. Hobbie-Lowe Rev. David A. Lowe Co-Pastors

A Spiritual Community teachin ! practicin ! and "sin the Principles o# the Science o# $ind %hrou h lovin support.

The Center 'or S&irit(a" Livin*C Pitt#b(r*h So(th +e"co%e# YOU+e"co%e 4ev. ,ancy C. 7obbie2Lowe

5eeply grateful for the blessed life I live, I release this word to the Law of <ind, knowing it is as I declare. -nd :o It Is. .(i e Me itation !''ir%ation in Son*
<y eyes are open, now I see, Jullness of "ruth revealed through me. <y mind now holds the wonderful key, that opens the door and sets me free. Koyously now Love works through me, letting the Light shine forth from me. <y eyes are open, now I see, :pirit as me.

4ev. ,ancy C. 7obbie2Lowe

D6eace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid. I have left the gate open and thou art welcome in my home. "here is room in my house for all. Eou will find comfort and rest within. "he table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee. >at of the fruit and drink the wine. -ll, all is yours, and you are welcome.F

Tithin* !''ir%ation
<y tithe is my acceptance of God as the :ource of my supply and symboliGes my faith in the abundant flow of this supply through me. <y tithe blesses and multiples all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive. -nd :o It Is.

Mornin* Son* Creative !''ir%ation DI Choose the GoodF

White Christmas <onica 4uth, 4:c6

!nno(nce%ent# Creative Corner Le##on on Tr(th Colleen 7igbee 4ev. 5avid -. Lowe

With my mind focused on "ruth, I recogniGe all of life is the self2e?pression of :pirit. God is the @ne :ource of all creation. "his @ne Life is my life now. "oday I consciously align my thinking with Infinite Intelligence. I look beyond appearances to see the glory of God present in every person, situation, and circumstance in my life. Hnowing Iniversal Law automatically responds to my dominant thinking, I choose responsibly to focus only on uplifting and life2affirming thoughts of peace, love, and harmony. 5welling in my highest good, I cease to give my time or energy to ideas which do not serve me well. I claim vibrant health, abundant wealth, loving and harmonious relationships, and fulfilling creative e?pression as the spiritual 4eality of my life here and now. I direct my attention to the outpicturing of this "ruth in magnificent new ways.

DImages of Christmas 6astF

C"o#in* Son* We Wish Eou a <erry Christmas

"he purpose of :cience of <ind of 6ittsburgh is to teach, practice, and use the 6rinciples of :cience of <ind. >veryone who knows and uses this spiritual philosophy of life is free to e?press the Infinite 6otential Within. "he possibilities for Good are limitless# "he Center for :piritual LivingC 6ittsburgh :outh welcomes you into this spiritual consciousness and community. "he Center for :piritual LivingC 6ittsburgh :outh gives a 7ealing <editation at 1!.' a.m. on the first :unday of every month. 6lease oin us with your reLuests for spiritual mind treatment and this inspirational and profound way to begin the week.

If you want news regarding upcoming classes and events, please fill out the name and address information on the back of the "reatment 4eLuest Jorm and give it to the =ooktable Coordinator.

+hite Chri#t%a# "he sun is shining, the grass is green. "he orange and palm trees sway. "here;s never been such a day In =everly 7ills, L.-. =ut it;s 5ecember the, -nd I;m longing to be up ,orth$ I;m dreaming of a white Christmas, Kust like the ones I used to know. Where the tree tops glisten -nd children listen "o hear sleigh bells in the snow. I;m dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write. <ay your days be merry and bright. -nd may all your Christmases be white. +e +i#h /o( a Merry Chri#t%a#
We wish you a <erry Christmas. We wish you a <erry Christmas. We wish you a <erry Christmas and a 7appy ,ew Eear. Good tidings we bring to you and your kin. Good tidings for Christmas and a 7appy ,ew Eear. @h, bring us a figgy pudding. @h, bring us a figgy pudding. @h, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer. We won;t go until we get some. We won;t go until we get some. We won;t go until we get some, so bring some out here. We wish you a <erry Christmas. We wish you a <erry Christmas. We wish you a <erry Christmas and a 7appy ,ew Eear.

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