Collocations Awl

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Collocations and Recurrent Phrases in the Academic Word List Pat Byrd TESOL March 23, 2 ! "# O$er$ie% o& the Academic Word List 'AWL( 2# Current )ro*ect and its im)lications &or %ritin+ teachers and materials used in teachin+ %ritin+ 3# E,am)les o& -ata &rom the )ro*ect. a# required '&rom su/list "( /# persistent '&rom su/list 0(

2 re1uire. 3230 uses o& the &amily in the AWL cor)us required '"323( re1uires '232( re1uirements '02 ( re1uire '002( re1uirement '30"( re1uirin+ '"23( Cate+ory "# Ma*or Collocations and Recurrent Phrases -ata and E,am)les required to '2 03#23( required for '2 "#40( required the '40!#40( required by '322# 2( required a '22"#50( Analysis and Comments The hi+hest collocates usin+ lo+6 li7elihood in Wordsmith Tools 4# # The num/er is )arenthesis is the lo+ li7elihood# See cha)ter 8888 &or a discussion o& statistical measures o& collocational relationshi)s# These are not necessarily set )hrases /ut are collocational relationshi)s and thus other %ords mi+ht /e inserted as in employees are also required# Additional collocational )airs %ith hi+h lo+6li7elihood scores# The si, most &re1uent three6%ord clusters# These set )hrases demonstrate that the most characteristic use o& required is as the )ast )artici)le in a )assi$e $er/ )hrase# :otice also the characteristic use o& the in&initi$e com)lement ':ote. &irst num/er in )arenthesis is the ra% count and the 2nd is normed )er million %ords#( Required is also &re1uent in )artici)le clauses# Required sometimes a))ears in an acti$e $oice $er/ )hrase /ut this use is not as &re1uent as the use in )assi$e $oice $er/ )hrase or a )artici)le clause#

is required '"235#5 ( are required '!22#5!( the required '023#54( be required '3 4# 0( was required '240#43( required information
'2 "#53(

not required '"23#32( is required to '" 3925( are required to '" 925( be required to '2 9"!( required to be '0"9"0( required by the (429"2( is required for '329" (

They are unlikely to satisfy the test required by the main argument would have required all educational providers to the tools of telecommunications have required the development of skills and conventions

3 2# Other Patterns

they are required to seek approval although they are not required to label them differently This in itself has required more covert intellectual processes In one school selected, it is required that each administrator, except for the head, teach at least one class the consumer would be required to notify the seller of the lack of conformity within one month some degree of a priori judgement will always be required, no matter which procedure is used

While required has three )ossi/le com)lement )atterns, the most characteristic is %ith an in&initi$e as sho%n %ith the hi+h lo+ li7elihood score +i$en a/o$e &or the collocational relationshi) /et%een required and to# The use o& an :P com)lement as direct o/*ect occurs in the acti$e $oice )attern# While that clauses are &ound in the data, they are e,tremely rare#

A))ro,imately !; '559"323( o& the uses o& required also in$ol$ed a modal au,iliary $er/# The most &re1uent and stron+est relationshi) is %ith would#

Collocational Relationshi)s. would required '"3!#2( will required '05#!( may required '02#32( <se as an attri/uti$e ad*ecti$e is we aren!t bound by the also rare# required state curriculum O& the !25 uses o& required in =nstitutional a+ents. by sentences %ith )assi$e $er/ the workplace, by the )hrases, only 52 included a by6 better colleges, by )hrase# :one o& these by6)hrases authority, by the "ct, by in$ol$e a human a+ent# ?o%e$er, shareholders by does collocate %ith required, a relationshi) that indicates the Methodolo+ical and re1uirements o& a))roaches im)ortance o& )assi$e $oice uses %ith this $er/# to lo+ical ar+umentation. by correlation#based methods, by the main argument, by the theorem, by the first property, by the second property

>eneric human +rou)s. by an elderly person, by the trainee, by those who do not accept required by law required by statute

Some )hrases are not o&ten attested in the concordance /ut seem li7ely to /e more numerous

Required$ %repare a five#year Required Reading

in )articular disci)linary su/6sets# <sed in headin+s &or )ro/lems and lists in te,t/oo7s

0 )ersist )ersisted )ersistence persistent: 35 uses )ersistently )ersistin+ )ersists Cate+ory "# Ma*or Collocations and Recurrent Phrases -ata and E,am)les persistent interaction '43#5"( persistent http '3 #"2( persistent puckers '2!#24( persistent endo '20# 3( persistent sodium '20# 3( Analysis and Comments The hi+hest collocates usin+ lo+6 li7elihood in Wordsmith Tools 4# # The num/er is )arenthesis is the lo+ li7elihood# See cha)ter 8888 &or a discussion o& statistical measures o& collocational relationshi)s# These are not necessarily set )hrases /ut are collocational relationshi)s and thus other %ords mi+ht /e inserted as in

and persistent '32#"3( conformations persistent


a persistent '2!#25( frequent persistent '20#22( more persistent '23#2"( persistent http persistent puckers persistent endo

conformations persistent persistent interaction

Some o& the noun )hrases %ith persistent seem to /e ed+in+ to%ard technical lan+ua+e %ith set )hrases that are li7ely to /e o& more restricted use than %ords in the hi+her &re1uencies that e,hi/it %ider ran+es o& use# @or e,am)le, persistent#connection http or persistent &' endo puckers# While the data on collocations and )hrases is limited /ecause the use o& persistent is so rare, the data do su++est relationshi)s that could /e su++esti$e &or analysis in other sources# @or e,am)le, the stron+ )ull /et%een conformations and persistent is sho%n /y the 042, uses o& the t%o %ords near each other in %e/6/ased materials on +oo+le# The %ords )ersistent and interaction %ere used in the same en$ironment on +oo+le 2,3! , times# Thus, other sources mi+ht /e used to con&irm the im)ortance o& )articular collocations and )hrases and9or to con&irm their limitation to )articular discourses# '>oo+le

2 search on March "2, 2 !#(

and persistent '2( a persistent '2( the persistent '2( persistent interaction '2( some persistent '2( of persistent '2( the repeated and persistent attempts of most modern judicial systems less#specific, close, and persistent interaction of sodium ions a single#minded and persistent obsession with knowledge persistent interaction persistent sodium

The si, most &re1uent clusters# Because o& the limited use o& this %ord, no three6%ord clusters occur in the cor)us# T%o6%ord set )hrases are +i$en here# The num/er in )arenthesis is the ra% &re1uency count.# The )attern tool in Wordsmith Tools 4# sho%ed a len+thy &rame around persistent# :ote that such &rames do not o&ten use all o& the )ossi/le %ords# Also, the t%o6%ord )hrase and persistent is a com)onent o& this &rame# The (word) and persistent (word) of

2# Other Patterns

more frequent and more persistent than was observed conformations that are persistent for longer than the oldest, most persistent, and most cohesive forms

Ty)ical use is as an attri/uti$e ad*ecti$e '3" o& 30 uses(# One use is %ith offenders /ut other nouns re&er to non6animate a/stractions li7e expansion, optimism, expansion, marginali*ation, increase+ used in com)arisons one &ormed %ith than /ut in other )atterns, too

3# Additional =n&ormation

persistent interaction

"3 o& the 30 uses are in AscienceA. The use in the sciences is neutral and means Aon+oin+A %ithout any su++estion that the continuation is a )ro/lem# The ma*or trend in the other disci)linary areas is to associate the %ord %ith ne+ati$e meanin+s# Three uses o&&er in the Ala%A su/cor)usB all are ne+ati$e in tone or

persistent offenders

despite the repeated and persistent attempts some persistent administrative problems# the problems of persistent labor surplus areas a persistent public perception that the ,mployment &ontracts "ct is unfair


@i$e uses are in AcommerceCB three o& those uses seem ne+ati$e in tone#

significant and persistent failure# )ersistent mutual anta+onism :ine uses in the artsB si, used in clearly ne+ati$e settin+s# )ersistent do%n%ard re$ision a sin+le6minded and )ersistent o/session )ersistent economic di&&iculties chronically )ersistent shorta+e o& mental health man)o%er the )ersistent mar+inalisation and im)o$erishment#A persistent problems adolescent self# consciousness is probably quite persistent# he!s so persistent and so strong and so invincible, that, maybe at the end, he!s presented as a contrast#

%ersistent is &ound only 3 times in M=CASE s)o7en academic En+lish '"#2 uses )er million %ords in M=CASE $s# " uses )er million %ords in the AWL cor)us(# T%o o& the uses in M=CASE ha$e a clearly ne+ati$e tone. The e$en more limited use o& persistent in s)o7en academic En+lish )oints to di&&erences /et%een academic %ritin+ and s)ea7in+ e,)lored /y Bi/er '2 2(, Carter and McCarthy '2 2(, and Pic7erin+ and Byrd '&orthcomin+( # :ote that only one o& these uses is as an attri/uti$e ad*ecti$e in contrast to the use in AWL# All three o& these uses are in

3 the social sciences or arts rather than in the sciences, commerce, or la%# The ne+ati$e tone &its the +eneral )attern o& meanin+ &ound in the AWL cor)us &or non6science uses o& persistent# Medical uses such as persistent cough are not included in AWL cor)us# :ote contrast %ith the con$ersational Dcou+h that *ust %onEt +o a%ay#C On March 0, 2 !, >oo+le sho%ed 40," , uses o& persistent# %ersistent cough %as 52 , o& theseB persistent headache %as counted ", 2 , timesB persistent pain %as &ound ", 42 , times# As a result o& numerous ne%s)a)er articles a/out a %oman in the State o& @lorida in the <#S#, the term persistent vegetative state+

persistent cough persistent pain persistent vegetative state

5 Selected Bibliography of Publications on AWL Co,head, A# '2 Co,head, A# '2 2(# ,ssentials of teaching academic vocabulary# Boston. ?ou+hton Mi&&lin# (# A ne% academic %ord list# T,-./ 0uarterly, '1'2(, 2"36233#

Co,head, A#, F Byrd, P# '@orthcomin+(# Pre)arin+ %ritin+ teachers to teach the $oca/ulary and +rammar o& academic )rose# 2ournal of -econd /anguage 3riting# Co,head, A#, Buntin+, G#, Byrd, P#, F Moran, H# '&orthcomin+(# The "cademic 3ord /ist$ &ollocations and recurrent phrases# Ann Ar/or. <ni$ersity o& Michi+an Press# Pic7erin+, L#, F Byrd, P# '@orthcomin+(# =n$esti+atin+ connections /et%een s)o7en and %ritten academic En+lish. Le,ical /undles in the AWL and in M=CASE# =n -# Belcher F A# ?ir$ela 'Eds#(, The .ral4/iterate &onnection$ %erspectives on /5 -peaking, 3riting and .ther 6edia Interactions+ # Ann Ar/or. <ni$ersity o& Michi+an Press# Selected Bibliography of Web-based Resources A$eril Co,headEs We/site at Massey <ni$ersity has lin7s to the Academic Word List site %ith the %ord &amilies and head%ords +i$en in di&&erent )rinta/le lists# Also, the site lists her )u/lications. htt).99lan+ua+e#massey#ac#nI9sta&&9ac#shtml Co)ies o& the materials used in this TESOL )resentation are a$aila/le on Pat ByrdEs %e/site at htt).99%%%2#+su#edu9Jeslh)/9PatByrd9 Corpus-based Reference Resources for Writing eachers ! "aterials #e$elopers Bi/er, -#, Conrad, S#, F Leech, ># '2 2(# /ongman student grammar of spoken and written ,nglish# ?arlo%, En+land. Pearson Education# Bi/er, -#, Gohansson, S#, Leech, >#, Conrad, S#, F @ine+an, E# '"555(# /ongman grammar of spoken and written ,nglish# ?arlo%, En+land. Pearson Education Limited# Carter, R#, F McCarthy, M# '2 2(# &ambridge grammar of ,nglish$ " comprehensive guide+ -poken and written ,nglish grammar and usage+ Cam/rid+e. Cam/rid+e <ni$ersity Press# 6acmillan ,nglish dictionary for advanced learners of "merican ,nglish#'2 Macmillan Education# 2(# O,&ord.

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