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International Seminar on Sports Science 2012

Educating Sport Professionals: Conserving Local Wisdom and Progressing Future Semarang! "t# $cto%er 2012 &o: 0'0(pre)oc)ismina2012 2*t# Septem%er 2012 +arsi,em Lecturer Sri-i.a,a /niversit, 0ear +s +arsi,em! $n %e#alf of t#e organi1ing committee for t#e International Seminar on Sport Science 2012 Educating Sport Professionals: Conserving Local Wisdom and Progressing Future ( We t#erefore e2tend a formal invitation to ,ou to participate as a paper presenter and ,ou are invited to su%mit full paper for oral presentation at t#e: International Seminar on Sport Science 2012
Educating Sport Professionals: Conserving Local Wisdom and Progressing Future

!martapura "allroom #rand Candi $otel Semarang Indonesia %t& 'cto(er 2012 Please register for t#is seminar( 3indl, email us ,our direct de%it aut#ori1ation form or a scanned cop, of ,our pa,ment slip %efore or latest %, 1St $ct 2012! after -#ic# -e -ill assume t#at ,ou are no longer interested and ,our a%stract)full paper -ill %e -it#dra-n( S#ould ,ou need an, furt#er information! please do not #esitate to email us at ismina20124gmail(com We loo5 for-ard to seeing ,ou at t#e seminar( 6ours fait#full,

Secretariat IS+I&7 2012

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