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Bridging the students with ferrocement..

DEPARTMENT OF CIVI EN!INEERIN!" !OVERNMENT CO E!E OF EN!INEERIN!" #A EM$%% CE EBRATE# FERROCEMENT DA& New Technology and self construction by students it all happened on Ferrocement Day. The event was celebrated as Ferrocement Day in Government College of Engineering !alem Tamil Nadu as suggested by the Ferrocement !ociety of "ndia #une. The function was organised by Dr. D. !hoba $a%&umar 'ssociate professor in Civil Engineering. The students of (.E. !tructural Engineering and final year ).E. those undergoing pro%ect wor& in ferrocement attended the function. 'bout *+ participants actively attended the event. Dr. D. !hoba $a%&umar delivered a speech on the ferrocement construction marvels li&e floating ferrocement structures and other innovative structures. !tudents were e,plained about the advantages of being a student member of the Ferrocement society. The students felt energised due to gaining practical &nowledge about ferrocement technology

The second session was the actual construction of -prefabricated ferrocement arch garden bridge.. The students actively participated in the construction activity. The students were very much inspired on observing and self constructing the ferrocement structure. The construction wor& of the garden bridge was initiated on the ferrocement day. The wor& will be continued and students will remember many years their involvement in constructing the bridge.

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