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Marxism was a type of communism that was basically dreamed up by a guy by the name of Karl Marx.

He believed that the public (working, poor class) should rise up and over throw the bourgeoisie (rich, business owners) so everyone can become equal. It is very similar to what we refer to as Socialism: everyone is equal. On paper and isnt a bad idea. Until you think of the logistics of it: everyone is equal, yes...but it is no longer a free market; capitalism does not exist. Meaning that no one has the opportunity to get rich...everyone is equal AND everyone is poor. To think about it on the political is a mind thought that is VERY left. Forget liberal....

Scientific approach
Scientific politics was a late 19 -century political theory based on the positivist philosophy. Followers of scientific politics encouraged a society and political system that was to be organized in unity with the laws of nature. Scientific politics was considered to be a sort of broadmindedness, more specifically conservative liberalism. Followers of scientific politics want revolution with evolution. They rejected classical liberal notions like individual rights, natural law and constitutionalism as metaphysical and disruptive to social and political evolution.

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