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Glittering sundown Ceremonial phenomenon Of light and darkness When tinted, red lips of timid sky dome Slowly

extended into the massive vastness Dreadful moments of sinking glory In the roaring water of rigorous sea Prevailing lams Created !y the ma"esti sunset #are, shimmering and glomming view $xulted spell of night and day $ndlessly follow one another in a ra%y skew& Prismati , golden, silver and yellow s ars 'ppeared suddenly on the !lue fa e of melting sky (he sunset was ama%ingly !eautiful )ike a saintly !ride of some unknown world& *earless from revengeful, !elligerent winds +ept amusing the impatient dreamworld& ,ut the winds !lotted, glorious lips of marvelous sunset With a !rutal kiss, su ked the gloaming, fas inating hue Phenomenon of sinking !eauty O!serving last sunset of autumn in a woeful !awled& (o-night eternity alone is near. (he sea, the sunset, and the darkening !lue/ Within their shelter is no spa e for fear, Only the wonder that su h things are true& (he thought of you is like the dusk at sea -Spa e and wide freedom and old shores left far, (he shelter of a lone immensity Sealed !y the sunset and the evening star&

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