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Rubric for Lit Circle Essay CRITERIA Exemplary

9 points

' points Content is ell! researc"e#$ accurate$ an# t"orou%"& ' points -ate an# name of topic are clear but not le%ible from a #istance&

Partially Proficient
( points Content is accurate but lac)in% a fe important #etails&

* points Content is inaccurate&

POINTS +++,9


Content is ell! researc"e#$ accurate$ an# t"orou%"& 9 points

( points -ate an# name of topic are lost in content an# not le%ible from a #istance&

* points -ate an# name of topic are lost in content an# not le%ible from a #istance&


Presentatio -ate an# name of n

topic are clear an# le%ible from a #istance& Poster is neat an# .isually appealin%$ inclu#in% at least one .isual& ' points

Poster is mostly neat an# .isually Poster is mostly neat$ Poster is sloppy an# appealin%$ inclu#in% inclu#in% at least one #oes not inclu#e at at least one .isual& .isual& least one .isual& 2 points T"e text "as a fe errors in %rammar$ capitali1ation$ punctuation$ an# spellin% re3uirin% minor e#itin% an# re.ision& 4 points T"e text "as errors in %rammar$ capitali1ation$ punctuation$ an# spellin% re3uirin% e#itin% an# re.ision& 56 or more errors7 * points T"e text "as many errors in %rammar$ capitali1ation$ punctuation$ an# spellin% re3uirin% ma8or e#itin% an# re.ision& 5more t"an 9 errors7 * points No resources are cite#&


/ritin% 0ec"anics

T"e text "as no errors in %rammar$ capitali1ation$ punctuation$ an# spellin%&

' points

2 points 0ost resources are cite# usin% proper APA citation&

4 points Some resources are cite# usin% proper APA citation&


/or)s Cite#

All resources are cite# usin% proper APA citation&

+++,(* TOTAL POINTS A#apte# from Uni.ersity of /isconsin: "ttps:,, 4&u stout&e#u,content,prof#e.,rubrics, ebpa%erubric&"tml

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