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Name: ______________________

Division by Chunking Now see if you can do these, in your books. 1) 8 ! #) 1%( ! 8 ") # ! $ %) 81 ! & $) %% ! $ ') &% ! % ) &8 !' 8) 1"% ! &

)e carefu*, some of these ne+t ,rob*ems have remainders. &) 1#" ! % 1$) "#$ ! # 1() 1%" ! $ 1 ) &1 ! $ 11) 1& ! ' 1#) 8& ! % 1") "1' ! & 1%) 18" ! 8

1') -here are 1"( chi*dren in .erdiswe** .rimary /choo* and # c*asses. 0ow many chi*dren in each c*ass1 18) -he kitchen buys 1(" fish fingers and each chi*d gets $ for their *unch. 0ow many chi*dren can have fish fingers1 1&) -he *ibrary had 21( to s,end on books. 3ach book cost 2 . 0ow many books cou*d they buy1 "() 4rs Carr has &" co*ouring ,enci*s and wants to divide them e5ua**y between her # tab*es. 0ow many ,enci*s wi** each tab*e get1

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