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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Griff Sims Lesson # __4____ Subject/Grade: U.S. History/11th Date and Time of Lesson: 11/25/13 Learning Objective: When given a presentation of a PowerPoint students will be able to list four things they learned about the 1920s. The students will learn specifically about the Red Scare, the role of women, the KKK, immigration, prohibition, the scopes trial, and sports during this lesson. Alignment with Standards: Standard USHC-6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the conflict between traditionalism and progressivism in the 1920s and the economic collapse and the political response to the economic crisis in the 1930s. USHC-6.2 Explain the causes and effects of the social change and conflict between traditional and modern culture that took place during the 1920s, including the role of women, the Red Scare, the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, immigration quotas, Prohibition, and the Scopes trial. NCSS- 2- Time, Continuity, and Change. The 1920s was a time period in U.S. History that was totally different from other eras previous to it. The 1920s was a time of revolution in America. Major events such as the Red Scare, the resurgence of the KKK, and Prohibition all occurred during the 1920s and greatly affected Americans lives. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.2- Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Safe School Climate Act- Students will be asked to turn to a partner and share what they wrote on their K-W-L chart. Students will be reminded to respect, and listen to each other s opinions. The teacher will monitor the students to make sure all the students are participating by sharing and listening to their partners ideas. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: Similar to English class students will answer questions after examining a primary source. The particular primary sources going to be analyzed in this lesson include political cartoons concerning Prohibition. Assessment(s) of the Objectives: Pre assessment: Students will take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete the K and W sections of their K-WL chart. During assessment: The students will be monitored as they take notes on an outline that will be provided for them. They will also be encouraged to participate by answering and asking questions. Post assessment: The students will fill out an exit ticket at the end of class. (The exit ticket is the L section of their K-W-L chart.) Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Use of Formative Objective(s) Assessment When given a presentation of a PowerPoint students will be able to list four things they learned about the 1920s. The students will learn specifically about the Red Scare, the role of women, the KKK, immigration, prohibition, the scopes trial, and sports during this lesson. At the end of class students will fill out the L section of their K-W-L chart. The students will be expected to list a minimum of four things they learned from the lesson. The data from this assessment will help me determine if the lesson made since to the students. It will also help me to determine if the assessments and activities I used helped the students learn the material.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Accommodations: (should use of TWS 1 data) This lesson uses a number of different learning strategies and methods. It includes examining primary sources. The lecture will aid audio learners, the video will aid visual learners and the outline will aid the students in taking efficient notes on the lesson. The exit ticket will help the teacher determine if the students understand the lesson. If students require more time to complete the assessments extra time will be allowed. Materials: Materials needed for the lesson are a K-W-L chart, a PowerPoint, and three short videos. The students will need pencils or pens, and a notebook. Procedures: 1. The teacher will pass out the students K-W-L charts and an outline, for student note taking, at the beginning of class. 2. The teacher will tell the students to, List what they know and what they want to know about the 1920s. It should take approximately 5 minutes to complete this activity. 3. Once the students have had time to fill out these sections they will be asked to turn to a person close to them and share what they wrote down. (SSCA)- This activity supports the SSCA because the teacher will remind the students to respect others opinions and to let each person have an equal time to share and express their ideas. 4. The teacher will bring the classes attention back to him, and ask the students to share what they wrote and discussed with each other. 5. Next, the teacher will begin the presentation of the PP. Throughout the PP the teacher will ask the students question such as: i. What was the Red Scare? ii. Does anybody know who the Presidents were during the 1920s? iii. Can anybody describe these? iv. What was the role of women during WWI? v. What effect of Prohibition does this cartoon illustrate? vi. According to the cartoon, what led to the growth of organized crime during Prohibition? vii. In the cartoonists view, was Prohibition helpful or harmful? 6. The PP utilizes political cartoons, images, and videos to keep students interests. 7. When the presentation is over students will be asked to list four things they learned from the lesson in the L section of their K-W-L chart. 8. The teacher will take up their K-W-L charts and outlines. 9. Then the teacher will review the lesson with the students to sum up the material and assess their understanding of the lesson. Activity Analysis: (must show use of TWS 1 data) 1. The PP presentation will be used to present information to the students about the 1920s. The PP utilizes primary sources, questions, and pictures to aid learners and keep their interests. The presentation addresses all kinds of learning styles especially visual and audio learners by utilizing videos, and images. The PP will help students gain an understanding of the 1920s by giving them the major details of that period. 2. The outline will help the teacher analyze how well students paid attention and followed the PP presentation. It will also help students follow along throughout the lesson and take effective notes on the material. Students can use their outlines to help them fill out the L section of their chart at the end of class for the post assessment. References:

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

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