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ne is !ou and the other is this !oung man"Tesla s#ent the ne$t %& !

ears of his #roducti'e life li'ing in New York" (e started

B! Brenna E'erdale

)! im#ro'ing Edison line of Young Nikola Tesla came to the United States in 1884 with an introduction letter from Charles Batchelor to Thomas Edison: know two great men wrote Batchelor d!namos while working in Edison la) in New *erse!" Tesla was a trail)la+er in man! fields" The Tesla coil which he in'ented in 18&1 is

widel! used toda! in radio and tele'ision sets and other electronic e,ui#ment" That same !ear Tesla also gained United States citi+enshi#" (is

alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest disco'eries of all time" -mong his disco'eries are the fluorescent light laser )eam wireless communications wireless transmission of electrical energ! remote control ro)otics Tesla tur)ines and 'ertical take off aircraft" Tesla is the father of the radio and the modern electrical transmissions s!stems" (e registered o'er .// #atents worldwide"

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