Content 60 Percent: Individual Assignment: Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release

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Individual Assignment: Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Content 60 Percent All key elements of the

e assignment are covered in a substantive way. o ifferent roles and people in the audience Potential needs of the families of the miners in receiving a message about this incident Potential needs of the company!s employees when receiving a message about this incident o "he actions you must take before and after the message is delivered to ensure that it was received as intended. #or the communications: o $dentified the most appropriate communication channel o Created two communications% one to the families of the trapped miners and one as an internal news release to company employees. Points Available 2 Points Available 6 Points Additional Comments: Earned X/6


(ice )ob. (o ma)or issues.

Organization / Development 20 Percent "he paper is *++ to ,%+-+ words in length and there are two communications. Paragraph transitions are present% logical% and maintain the flow throughout the paper. "he tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. .entences are complete% clear% and concise. .entences are well constructed% strong% and varied. .entence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. "one and content of all three are appropriate for the intended audience.

Points Additional Comments: Earned X/2


(o ma)or issues.

Mechanics 20 Percent "he paper0including tables and graphs% headings% title page% and reference page0is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course1level re2uirements. $ntellectual property is recogni3ed with in1te4t citations and a reference page. Rules of grammar% usage% and punctuation are followed. .pelling is correct.

Points Available 2

Points Additional Comments: Earned X/2


(o in te4t citations or reference page. "his is a ma)or problem% particularly this far into the course.

Total Available ,+

Total Earned * You earned an 5% but there was a , point deduction for turning your paper in late.

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