Infant/Toddler Practicum Planning Form For Art, Science/Math, Discovery Table, Sensorimotor, Dramatic Play, and Other

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Student Name: Emily Anthony Dates of Activity WHEN: eek 5

Theme of the Week: Bubbles Days of Activity WHEN: A!!

Activity: ART !ocation"#lass$oom WHERE: % #lass$oom

Infant/Toddler Practicum Planning form for Art, Science/Math, Discovery table, Sensorimotor, Dramatic Play, and Other Activities Students a$e encou$a&ed to use this fo$m fo$ activity 'lannin&( This fo$m should be used to discuss activities ith the lead teache$ and '$acticum su'e$viso$( Students a$e $es'onsible fo$ $eco$din& thei$ activities on the cu$$iculum 'lan each eek( )dentify the develo'mental ob*ective( +What do you )dentify the )N foundations: ant child$en to e,'e$ience"lea$n in this activity2(3(45 6se ob*ects as tools Which child$en a$e you ta$&etin&-. WH/"WH%: ) ant 7A(4(89 6se a va$iety of mate$ials toddle$s to feel the diffe$ent te,tu$e of shavin& c$eam +e(&(: c$ayons: 'aint: clay: ma$ke$s. ith &lue( )ts sticky and can be molded into diffe$ent to c$eate o$i&inal o$k sha'es( ) ant them to be c$eative hen buildin& SE(;(<9 !ea$n to en*oy and $es'ect thei$ scul'tu$es( !aye$in& and evolvin& the activity by the a$t o$k of othe$s addin& 'aint to thei$ scul'tu$e is the &oal( This is B(4(45 6se diffe$ent colo$s: sha'es: somethin& e don0t see eve$y day at the a$t table and te,tu$es to c$eate fo$m and and ) think it0s &oin& to be e,citin& and ne fo$ most meanin& of them1 The ci$cle stam'e$s a$e &oin& to hel' ith fine moto$ and havin& the ability to di' and 'aint ith b$ushes( Bein& able to st$en&then thei$ fin&e$s to hold the b$ushes is im'o$tant( ) ant them to feel diffe$ent ty'es of fab$ic as ell as see diffe$ent colo$s hile addin& it to the contact 'a'e$( Desc$ibe the activity( +What is the activity- )nclude sketches as needed(. Does it evolve ove$ seve$al days- Ho - WHAT: =onday e a$e &oin& to make shavin& c$eam scul'tu$e by usin& ou$ hands( ) am &oin& to take shavin& c$eam and &lue: mi, it to&ethe$ and let them d$y( Tuesday e a$e usin& ci$cle stam'e$s and 'aint( They a$e &oin& to di' thei$ stam'e$s in the 'aint and onto the ci$cle const$uction 'a'e$ to mimic bubbles( Wednesday e a$e &oin& to have a 'iece of contact 'a'e$ in the sha'e of a bubble on ou$ table( The$e a$e &oin& to be 'ieces of fab$ic the child$en can use to stick on it( %nce the 'a'e$ is full: e ill han& the a$t in the class$oom1 Thu$sday e a$e usin& blue and silve$ ate$ colo$ 'aints to deco$ate coffee filte$s to mimic bubbles( Afte$ the coffee filte$ is d$y: it ill be hun& in the class$oom1 And finally: 7$iday e a$e &oin& to 'aint ith ate$ colo$s on the d$ied scul'tu$e f$om =ondays a$t( The te,tu$e of the shavin& c$eam and the ate$ colo$ 'aint to&ethe$ ill c$eate a ve$y uni>ue a$t 'iece1 Desc$ibe '$io$ '$e'a$ation and set?u': im'lementation and clean u'( H%W: =onday: Shavin& c$eam: 'late ith mini cu' attached to it to build scul'tu$e onto: mess mat: smocks fo$ the child$en Tuesday: ci$cle stam'e$s: 'aint: const$uction 'a'e$: mess mat Wednesday: contact 'a'e$: fab$ic Thu$sday: coffee filte$s: 'aint b$ushes: 'aint: mess mat 7$iday: =ondays a$t: 'aint: 'aint b$ushes: mess mat =ate$ials and Su''lies Sou$ce o$ Su''lie$ of Amount Needed of Each )tem: Needed: These )tems: Shavin& c$eam: 'lates: #S# Enou&h fo$ ou$ 5 toddles cu's: 'aint: stam'e$s: const$uction 'a'e$: fab$ic: contact 'a'e$: coffee filte$s: 'aint b$ushes
Outline Art DT Sc SM DP August 16, 2012 (465 Practicum, Practicum Outlines)

7ollo u'( +labelin& and dis'layin& '$o*ects: c$eatin& ne folde$s.: !abel the a$t names: hen d$ied 'ut u' in class$oom: take home hen a$t is taken do n #omments"Edits

ith thei$

Outline Art DT Sc SM DP August 16, 2012 (465 Practicum, Practicum Outlines)

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