(GCS2013) - Project - : Computers For Young Children

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(GCS2013) - PROJECT STATUS MARKS : GROUP : 100 MARKS 10% 10% 10%

: Education Courseware : Testing and Evaluation : Reports

QUESTIONS: 1. By using Power Point as authoring, you are required to develop an Education Courseware or !indergarten children or learning language"science"#athe#atics. $ll the #ulti#edia ele#ents should %e included &te't, graphic, ani#ation, sound, video and navigation(. )ou should include the ollowing ite#s: a( %( c( *ain page + #odules o learning Credit &100 #ar!s( ,. -rite a report and your report should ollow the develop#ent phases listed %elow: i. Background of the Project . This section %rie ly introduces the pro/ect the#e and concept that is underta!en. ii. Objectives . iii. Learning Outcomes . )ou need to outline what the students will learn at the end o the lesson. iv. Screen captured This section cover all the screen captured inter aces. &100 #ar!s( +. $ ter you have co#pleted the courseware, you need to test the application to at least , !indergarten children. )ou need to do as ollows: &a( 0%serve children %ehavior when using the courseware &%ody language and acial e'pression( &%( 1nterview the children a ter they have inished using the courseware. &c( Ti#ed the testing. &d( Record the o%servation &e( 2roduce a report &100 #ar!s(

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGEMENT & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY (MSU)

The report should %e produce according to or#at: ORMAT: 1. ,. +. $rial, 11 " Ti#es 3ew Ro#an,1, . 4usti y, 1.5 spacing Binding Cover &purple( a. 6ession : No! "011 %. 6u%/ect Code, 6u%/ect 3a#e, $ssign#ent7s Title c. 6tudent7s 3a#e, 1d 3o d. 2rogra# e. 8ecturer7s 3a#e Ta%le o Contents, 2age 3u#%er, Re erences


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGEMENT & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY (MSU)

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