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CHARACTER ANALYSIS CHART ASSESSMENT Names of students: Ellie, Cynthia Character analyzed: Character #2 1 Students will identify factual

aspects of characters life (age, income, etc.) Student will identify character traits and feelings Students will support all listed qualities with evidence from the text and illustrations 2 3 Two factual qualities identified Teacher: Summer Beckley Date: November 19, 2013 4 Three or more factual qualities identified

No factual One factual quality identified quality identified

No quality of personality identified

One quality of personality identified Qualities supported mostly by evidence from illustrations with little textual support

Two qualities of personality identified Qualities adequately supported by a combination of textual and pictorial evidence

Three or more qualities of personality Detailed evidence from both the illustrations and the text used to support chose qualities

Little to no support offered from either text or illustrations

Teacher comments: - Both girls got very silly and giggly during partner activity - Spent a lot of time re-creating illustration that they were using as pictorial evidence (I should have clarified with group that they just needed to note the illustration, not re-draw it) - Good back-and-forth between the two girls, each contributing and responding to the others ideas - Great attention to detail Ellie recognized The Scream picture on the front of the newspaper. Earlier, Cynthia had pointed out the Mona Lisa painting. I underestimated them definitely could have gone further with the art references and symbolism that Browne includes. - Could have gone further and done more if theyd had more time.

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