Curriculum Vitae (CV)

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Curriculum Vitae Name: Kenan Dogruer Address: 31 Wetherne Link, LU4 9PE, Luton, Bed ord!

hire Telephone No: "#1$%&' $#339# Mobile No: #(4&((9)3)9 Nationality: Engli!h, *urki!h Education and training: Lealand! +igh ,chool Qualifications and expected grades Subject Le el Expected grade -athematic! B Engli!h B ,cience B Citi/en!hi0 C 12* 5 .ra0hic! 56 .C,E .C,E .C,E .C,E 3C4 .C,E

5rt 5 Bu!ine!! ,tudie! 5 P2E ,hort Cour!e C

.C,E 3C4 .C,E

Employment !"or# experience: & Week! 7ork e80erience in an e!tate agenc9 : ;1n!tant Letting!< !orting out older! and making !ure ile! ha=e >een documented in the correct ile2 5l!o 1 hel0ed cu!tomer! 7ith 7hat the9 7ere looking or2 $nterests and hobbies: 1 like to de!ign and 0roduce gra0hic! 0roduct! !uch a! CD co=er! and 1 de!ign in m9 !0are time to im0ro=e m9 a>ilit9 in de!igning2 1 al!o like dra7ing in m9 !0are time to im0ro=e the ?ualit9 o m9 dra7ing and al!o @u!t or un2 1 en@o9 0la9ing !0ort acti=itie! !uch a! oot>all, tenni! and e=en ta>le tenni! a! 1 like to !ta9 it and health9 and al!o the !ociali!e 7ith m9 riend! and

amil92 1 0la9 or a ,unda9 league team and re?uire 1 hour o training 0er 7eek and a match e=er9 ,unda92 %ersonal &ualities ! s#ills ! achie ements: 1 7ould !a9 that 1 am a>le to 0la9 oot>all at a good !tandard and al!o ha=e 0la9ed or ,unda9 league team! and ha=e tro0hie! and medal! or m9 0artici0ation or the clu> and achie=ement!2 1 al!o ha=e the a>ilit9 to dra7 rom o>!er=ation and al!o reeAhand2 1 ha=e good communication !kill! a! 1 can !0eak to other 0eo0le 0olitel9 and luentl92 1 can >e =er9 hel0 ul and 0olite and can gi=e a!!i!tance to tho!e 7ho re?uire it2 1 like to think that 1 7ork hard and 1 like to get the @o> done and 1Bd !a9 1 am a hard 7orking 0er!on2 'eferences: -r ,2 Ward De0ut9 +eadteacher Lealand! +igh ,chool ,undon Park Luton LU3 35L

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