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Biology Essentials- Natural Selection Guided Viewing 1: Who was Charles Darwin? What is he famous for?

He was a naturalist and an evolutionist, believed that people were descendants from apes. Famous for his book that explained his theories of evolution. 2: What is evolution? Process which organism develop diversity, is a change in gene pool. 3: What is the gene pool? What are alleles? Combination of gene in a population. One or more different form of Gene. 3: What is natural selection? What does it mean to have high fitness? When you live or die depend on the appearances that you have. That you able to survive pass your gene on. 4: How do we get new characteristics in organisms? By mutation. 5: How else do we get genetic variability (variety) in organisms? By reproduction. 6: Explain the story of the Peppered Moth. How is this an example of natural selection? Light and dark characteristic, and ex/ of natural selection bc light moths can camouage. In some areas light moth havee have more tness. In areas where the dark moth are able to camouage they have more. 7: What is the equation for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? p2+2pq+q^2= 1 or DD + Dd + dd 8: What are adaptations? Process thats selected for. 9: What is the best definition of natural selection? (explain.) Differential reproductive success. Differential, because everyone is different. Reproductive: allows us to survived with our genes. And success: adaptation which helps us survived.

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