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Stage 1 - Prepare the Artichokes: Prepare 3 medium artichokes, trimming the tough outer leaves, halving to remove the

choke and then cutting each half into three or four depending on the size. In a saucepan, prepare a cooking liquid using 2 1/2 cups of water, 1/ cup olive oil, 1/2 cup white wine, the !uice of two lemons, 1 ta"lespoon of white wine vinegar, 2 garlic cloves #unpeeled "ut smashed with a knife$, a couple of sprigs of th%me, one "a% leaf, salt and pepper. &rop the prepped artichokes into the liquid, cover loosel% and "ring to the "oil. 'ower the heat to a simmer and cook for 1( minutes until the artichokes are tender. &rain, removing the her"s and garlic and then toss the vegeta"les with ta"lespoon of olive oil, 1 medium garlic clove, minced, the zest of a small lemon plus salt and pepper to taste. For the Panzanella Artichoke Salad: 1 da%)old loaf rustic white "read 1/2 cup *live *il, plus more for "read 2 t"sp red wine vinegar 2 t"sp sherr% vinegar 1 cup cured green olives, pitted 1/2 l" arugula salad 2 oz manchego cheese, grated salt and pepper Preheat the oven to 3+(, -emove crusts from the "read and cut into cu"es. In a large "owl, toss the "read with enough olive oil to soak into the cu"es and season with salt and pepper. .rrange the cu"es on a large "aking tra% and pop in the oven for a"out 1( minutes until the% are crisp and golden. /i0 the vinegars in a "owl with salt and pepper. 1hisk in 1/2 cup of olive oil slowl%, until the dressing "lends and emulsifies. In a large "owl toss together the artichokes, "read, olives and the vinaigrette and leave to marinate for 1( minutes. Immediatel% prior to serving toss in the arugula leaves and the grated /anchego cheese. 2ample the salad and then ad!ust salt and pepper to taste. 2erve, en!o%3

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