Lesson Plan 2

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LESSON PLAN 2 Essential Question(s) NCSS Theme VA SOL

How do people use maps and globes to study the earth? III. People, Places, and Environments Social Studies 2.5 The student will develop map skills by a) locating the equator, the seven continents, and the five oceans on maps and globes; b) locating selected rivers (James River, Mississippi River, Rio Grande, Huang He, and Nile River), mountain ranges (Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains), and lakes (Great Lakes) in the United States and other countries. The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. b) Use words that reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge. c) Clarify and explain words and ideas orally. d) Identify and use synonyms and antonyms. e) Use vocabulary from other content areas.

English 2.2

Visual Arts 2.4 2.9 Multiple Intelligences The student will create works of art inspired by a variety of concepts, themes, and literary sources. The student will create works of art from observation. Visual-Spatial Verbal-Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Body-Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal The student will be able to use a compass rose to identify the primary directions (N, E, S, W). The student will be able to write a short story using cardinal directions.




Pull down map Compass The Way to Captain Yankee's by Anne Rockwell Ball 4 signs labeled North, South, East, West Paper slips labeled North, South, East, and West with arrows (enough for students to get 1 of each) - Small paper plates (1 for each student) - Markers Introduction (5 minutes) Throw a ball up in the air and ask the class, "What direction did the ball go when I threw it?" Allow the students to give a few answers. They will more than likely choose "up". Ask, "Does anyone know another name for the direction up as it is used on a map?" Explain to the class that in this lesson we will learn some new words for different directions.

Instructional Strategies (30 mins) Have you ever been lost? Pause for show of hands. How were you able to find your way? Take a few answers from students. Yesterday we started learning about maps and globes and their purposes. Today we are going to learn about one of the parts of a map, the compass rose and the directions labeled on it. These directions are called cardinal directions. Now, I want to read you a story about someone who got lost and how she found her way. I want you to pay close attention to how the main character finds her way. Read The Way to Captain Yankee's. Ask How, in the story, did Miss Calico use a map and directions to find her way to her friend's house? Allow the students to share their responses. As we read in the story, Miss Calico had to use a compass rose on the map to find help her find her way. Hold up the compass. This is a compass. A

compass is just like a compass rose except you can hold it in your hand, and the arrow is always pointing North. I am going to pass the compass around for everyone to look at. As you are checking out the compass, I will be passing out four strips of paper (1 marked North, 1 marked South, 1 marked East, 1 marked West). Once you have seen the compass, I want you to predict where North, South, East and West are located in the classroom, and label those directions with the pieces of paper I will pass out. Walk around the room observing. Once the class has finished, make notes if they got the right or wrong answer (a checklist: check if they got correct, write N, S, E, or W for whichever they got wrong, or write and X if they got all 4 wrong). OK students, I need everyone to come to the board. Give students time to come to the front. If we are giving some directions on how to get to school, for example, what are some words we might use?" o Examples: straight, turn left, turn right, up, down, forward, backward On the SMART Board, show the picture of the neighborhood map. Ask the students to Please give directions on how to get to the school from Davids house on the map. o The students will use terms such as up, down, left, right. Pull down the classroom map. This is what a compass rose looks like on a map (point to the compass rose on the map). A compass rose is used to show the directions on a map. N is for North, W is for West, S is for South, and E is for East. These are called cardinal directions. On the whiteboard, draw a compass rose marking north, south, east, and west. Next to it, draw another one using up, down, left, and right. Point to the direction on each of the cardinal rose and recite the name of each and have the students repeat. State North is another word for up, South is another word for down, East is another word for right, and

West is another word for left. Now, lets go back to our seats. Give them time to return to their seats. OK, lets use the compass to find out where North, South, East and West are in relation to our classroom. Choose 4 students to one at a time post the direction signs to the appropriate side of the classroom, starting with North. Have the students check their desks, and fix the directions if any are wrong. Explain that I need one student to volunteer to stand up in the middle of the room. Once a student is chosen tell him/her, I will give you a place to go in the classroom, but you are going to pick a classmate to give you directions to this location. Each classmate can only give you one direction, and then you must choose a new classmate for each new direction. You can only use compass rose direction North, South, East, West. o Give directions to things such as pencil sharpener, teachers desk, door, filing cabinet, SMART Board, etc. Do this for about 5 volunteers. Have students create a paper plate compass and mark the cardinal directions to keep.

Summary (5 minutes) Reiterate to students that the cardinal directions North, South, East, and West are used to help people find their way. We need to use these terms to make sure everyone is going the right way when we give them directions. North is always North, but up or down isnt always the same for everyone.

NOTE: Throughout the 2 weeks, continue to emphasize these terms and encourage the students to do the same. Assessment Anecdotal notes during class independent work (predicting cardinal directions and creating paper plate compass rose) and observations during class instruction. Special Needs students are supported by having the students work individually and by the teacher

Differentiatio n

walking around during instruction and assessment. Visual learners are supported through the use of maps, globes, and visual activities. Kinesthetic learners are supported through the use of hands on activities. Auditory learners are supported with classroom discussion. ESOL students: there will be arrows on the signs marked as follows: LEFT/WEST, RIGHT/EAST, UP/NORTH, and DOWN/SOUTH. Based on readiness: o Students with greater understanding will be encouraged to work with a partner during down time, to use directions to find other places on the neighborhood map.




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