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Legislative Archives Service

Legislative Information Resources Management Department

House of Representatives Congress of the Philippines Quezon City

Privilege Speeches/ Questions of Privilege

14th CRP (July 2 !" June 2 1 #

Legislative Archives Service

Legislative Information Resources Management Department

$%&AR%' () PA*&+L+*A* Deputy Secretary General ,A) ,AR&AR+-A -) SA*-'S"R'A Exec. Director %+.+*A S) ,$%+*A Service Director/OIC

Cenon D. Fresnoza, Chief, Acquisition and Services Section (Services) Guardiaquivil, Henrico J. Lambino, Arlina M. rta!e", Geor#ina $. (Acquisition) %alolon#, &ichard '. 'ela Cru", (ilma C. Hinda), La*rence '. Sacramed, Susan S. Moscosa, Sarah $. Fernando E. Ampatin
Chief, Conservation + ,rocessin# Section

Maria Perpetua S.C. Barrera Chief, Museum Section

'elos &e-es, .dilberto C. Maballo, /reneo M. Manuel, Alvin %. 0uero, /rma A. &elosa, Albert S.

Cru", Al)honse C. /// ,anado, Ariel M. ,are1a, Marivic M.

%aldado, .dilberto %. Jr. 2 Staff, ffice of the 'SG %aldeo, &enee .. 3 Staff, ffice of the 'irector

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