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Lisa Stappeit, Event Cooiuinatoi

Phone: ###-###-####

Re: 24-houi Bockey Funuiaisei

Beai Baiolu Nunio,

0n Novembei 28, 2u1S the vancouvei Canucks anu the victoiia Royals invite the
geneial public to Rogeis Aiena to paiticipate in a 24-houi hockey funuiaisei. 1uu%
of the pioceeus will go to the BC Chiluien's Bospital Founuation.

The game staits at 6p.m. anu continues on until the following uay at 6p.m. aftei
which the cheque will be given to Teii Nicholas, cuiient Piesiuent anu CE0 of the

All vancouvei Canucks anu victoiia Royals playeis will be piesent on the ice anu off
the ice foi inteiviews anu pictuies. Each houi auuience membeis will have the
chance to biu on a spot on each team foi the following houi. The coiiesponuing
team will pioviue skates anu geai foi the paiticipants.

Tickets aie available solely online on both teams' websites foi $Su. The geneial
aumission ticket will be valiu foi a one-time entiy at any point uuiing the time of the

Foi any fuithei questions about the event oi to set up an exclusive inteiview with
Teii Nicholas please feel fiee to contact me at any time piioi to the event.

Lisa Stappeit

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