Power of Guidance Chapters 8-10

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Power of Guidance Chapters 8,9,10 I Learned

Chapter 8: I learned about building an encouraging classroom for boys. Another thing that I learned from the chapter is girls engage in a more verbal aggression and boys engage in more physical aggression. And when I think about the question that they first asked that group in this chapter it made me think about the classroom I work in. We are a one room center, so in the morning I work with the 3-5 year olds and afternoon I work with the school age children. The most challenging behavior are the boys but the girls also have challenging behaviors. I agree with what the chapter said about girls have a verbal aggression and boys having a physical aggression. Both girls and boys have challenging behaviors but it can be harder to deal with physical behavior but the verbal behavior can just be as challenging on how the person that got that verbal aggression felt and how they dealt with it. I learned how to make the environment encouraging, I also learned that many boys are not only in need of more physical activities but they also are developmentally younger than girls. I learned about opportunities that can modified in the classroom for boys, indoor and outdoor large motor and whole body experiences, sensory exploration and experimentation, building and constructing experiences and novel dramatic play experiences, games of strategy and a variety of literacy materials. I also learned about changing intervention strategies. Some strategies teachers do when boys show mistaken behaviors are: defuse the situation, use humor (but carefully), calm everyone down, diagnose the conflict as best you can, talk in a private manner, stay away from threats, follow through, and use conflict mediation. I really liked this list not only for boys but I think it would work well for girls also. I also liked the list because it gave new strategies that I did not know about and it also had strategies that I have used. This chapter helped me learned about strategies that help boys that have challenging behaviors. Chapter 9: I learned about the effects of violence in the classroom, behavior for any individual is the complex product of development, personality, past experiences and perceptions of present circumstances. In todays society there is violence even in shows that young children watch. If they have older siblings that may be violence toward them or show violence. I also learned from some of the children in the center I work in is that some of the show their parents let them watch are more intended for older children in middle school, and even in high school. But instead they are watching them at 5, 6 years old. Children may have difficulty in managing emotions, avoidance of intimacy, provocative behavior, disturbance in the attachment process and effects on cognition and learning. There are many factors on why children are violent. I learned assessing the effects of violence, by the levels. Level one: experimentation mistaken behavior, level two: socially influenced mistaken behavior, and level three: strong-needs mistaken behavior. I learned that children in chronic stress becomes over sensitized to a need for defensive reactions. There are different types of bullying and adult condone bullying when they fail to recognize it or deny the importance of intervention when they do recognize it. In order for bullies to stop, you need to help the victims, believe in themselves and have a selfesteem. There are three-pronged approach to prevention, the class, with the child, with the staff and with parents. I also learned about liberation teaching, it shows itself both in the

teachers immediate response to conflicts, and in the overall guidance strategy the teacher uses with these children. Coaching children toward resiliency, the heart of liberation teaching, can turn around a childs life. Chapter 10: I learned that in the encouraging classroom teachers work hard to prevent conflicts that their daily teaching practices may actually cause through: unrealistic judgment expectations, negative judgments about childrens characters, stereotyped cultural expectations, overreliance on large groups, inappropriate academic expectations, and unreliable program structure and daily scheduling. There is always going to be conflicts in the classroom, but there are ways that you can manage them, some of the crisis management techniques are: be direct, commanding a choice, calming techniques, and physical restraint. I also learned how to cope with our own feeling: develop a buddy system with other adults, have less stressful fallback activities and intentionally laying off children and situations that may be flashpoints. Build relations with child and family prior to crises, use guidance management techniques, obtain additional information, use additional information, hold the individual guidance plan meeting, implement the guidance plan, and monitor guidance plan. There is always going to be a crisis in the classroom it will just depend on how you has the teacher handle the situation on how server it could be. There are going to be days there are no problems and there are days there may be problems all day but it will just depend the situation and how you use the guidance techniques.

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