Character Profile - Bully

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Character Profile - Bully N.

The bully is a 16-year-old heterosexual teenager who comes from a lower middle class family. His family have a history of drug abuse along with a history of crime, crime being in the environment of friends and likewise family. His father has a strict religious Conservative grounding through the local Catholic Church having a very conservative stand point regarding sexuality and actively preaching against it. Therefore the bullies have been heavily influenced by the teachings of the Church and similarly their parents who have propagated an anti-sexuality gender to their children. Has little self -control against ideas that dont fit his scope of acceptance, and often responds with threats and violence. Mentally he/she is quite unstable and uses a lot of foul language and lacks respect for the beliefs of others and their way of life. Is quite domineering and likes to have control over others and their activities. The bully also has a lack of remorse for his actions and doesnt take into consideration others when carrying out his violence and threats.

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