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Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

Annotated bibliography Veronique, . "Word Press." . The Twenty Ten Theme, 22 5 2011. Web. 11 Nov 2013. This article was a neutral point of view it showed that there are benefits and risks in both sides of the issue. For example they talked about how the animals are treated poorly but then again we have to look at it just like we do with food they are bred for a certain purpose and that we need to have something to test these things on before we test them on humans. However she also pointed out that in some cases we do not have to do the experimenting on the animals one of the other ways we can do it is by getting humans to offer to have it done to them. This could help with the cosmetic side of the animal testing. She also brought up how we are able to use things such as insects and bacteria for some of the experimenting. The other thing that she mentioned was that the animals are by law not allowed to be hurt. If the treatment is going to be painful by law they are required to give painkillers to the animals. She also talks about how the tests that are done on the animals are required to be okd so to speak they have to be approved in other words they cant just pull an animal limb from limb to see how much force it takes to pull them apart. I would say that this was a very good source because it seemed that she went into the research with just a little biased trying to find out the facts rather than all of the negatives. I really liked how she backed up her opinions with actual concrete evidence. I think that I am going to use this source in my essay just for the fact that most all of her evidence and points had a source behind them as well so I think she is a very credible source of information that is not too biased. One of the other things I liked was that she pointed out the opposite side and then showed why it was wrong by a law or some other piece of evidence.

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

In my opinion I really enjoyed this article because of the way it put my original worries/bias about the topic to rest for example I once saw a video on the way animals were treated and thought that it was unacceptable but she lied that worry to rest because I realized that those practices were illegal so you cannot really include them in the topic because no matter what there will always be people doing illegal things but as a wise teacher of mine once said you cannot punish the majority for the minority. Not Available, "Zoom Share.. Digital Works. Web. 11 Nov 2013. This article talks about both sides of the issue and does a good job at portraying both sides even though he had some bias. On the side that is against animal testing the point that 70 million animals are maimed, blinded, scalded force fed chemicals and genetically manipulated and hurt and killed in the name of science. He also points out that other tests have proven more reliable and less expensive than animal testings some of these include using corneas from eye banks rather than live rabbits. A couple more are chemical assay tests, Tissue culture systems cell and organ cultures, human skin patches and computer models. The other side of this is for animal testing and there are several good arguments the first being for the testing for surgical procedures such as on hearts and when people are born without certain things in their hearts and that knowledge learned from doing the surgery can be used on the human subjects making them more successful. Another good point is that research for aids and HIV could not be done without animals. Its not like we can just give humans those diseases and tries to treat them and if we are unsuccessful well then its just a human that died. The other good point in that these associations do not just go after the animals for anything the America heart association is specific to where they must show that they have looked at alternative methods to using animals and that their

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

research cannot be successfully conducted without the use of animals and their experiments are designed to produce needed results and info. I really think this is a good article to use. Now I realize that I could not find and author but everything that the used good credible sources and the fact that he wasnt biased with his information makes me think that it would be really good to use I also thing that It is good because he had a separated thing just for the statistics too. I personally really enjoyed this article because of the way it was able to show me that there really are two sides to everything and one of the biggest things it showed me was that there is a lot of fear mongering going on with this topic. Goli, Roberta. "Suite101.. Suite, 04 11 2013. Web. 11 Nov 2013. This article talks about a new view of the subject. It has a lot of the same inform as far as the people for the testing but it brings up the ethical side of it in the against side of it. They argue that it is not right for animals to experience any kind of pain regardless of the human consequences which are the loss of research that is saving lives all the time. She also hits on the idea that it is not a very black and white argument and in fact it is quite opposite because the majority of people find some parts of the experimenting ok while other parts not ok. I also learned that there is no current worldwide treaty governing the protection of animal welfare. However I found out that there are animal ethics comities to monitor and enforce laws associated with using animals in research. She also pointed out that there is an association in Australia that defines animals as a fish amphibian bird reptile, crustacean or mammal apart from humans. They also have it so that the code applies to teachers scientists, the ace, institutions, and anyone involved in the care of use of animals for scientific purposes.

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

I really think this was a good article to use because of the way it was biased while also being fair. He was defending the side that is most harshly criticized while only using facts that caused there to be ethical things in their as well. However I find myself at a kind of usure standing because I cannot find anything that states where he got all of this information from although it seems credible by the way he states specific organizations I cannot be sure if this is just something that he came up with or is based on actual concreted evidence from credible sources. I think that this kind of iffy source because of that reason. I really enjoyed this essay because of the way he brought up the ethical side of the issue. I really enjoyed that there was a kind of ease that she gave me by the way she showed that there are indeed things in place to protect animals and that it is not just this madhouse of torture. I really found it interesting that it seems that people assume the things they see that are brutal are legal. Shrinivas, Kanade. "Buzzle." . Buzzle, 17 10 2011. Web. 11 Nov 2013. This article approached it from a slightly different angle than the rest of them in the way that it did pros and cons and the facts. Some of the pros it mentions are how it helps make products safe before being introduced into the hum an marked for human consumption. It decreases the number of human deaths due to cardiovascular diseases. The animals are used in research only when they are indispensable. It helps preserve the environment. And during the research the animals are supposed to be being treated humanely. Some of the cons that she mentions are that most of the time they are used in eh research of diseases that are not found in them naturally such as different types of cancers and HIV. Some of the statistics that were interesting are. Only 6 percent of the animals that are experimented on actually experience pain

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

61 percent suffer no pain while the other 31 percent are relieved of the pain the euthanasia it also points out how the cosmetic side is the more heated and 50 percent of the animals used there die 2-3 weeks after experimenting. The UK banned cosmetic testing in 1990 and France is one of the most passionate against the ban. The thing that releaved me the most was when they said that .5 percent of research animals are non-human primates. Only 17-22 million animals are tested on whereas 5 billion animals are killed for consumption. Also 90 percent of the animals that are researched on are rodents such as mice or rats. I find that this is a very good article seeing as though it does not have very much bias in it. The only thing is that it just so happens that most of the evidence points away from the fact that they are treated badly. It is really good in the way it gives actual statistics while also thronging in a little bit of the ethical side of things. I really enjoyed this article because as I have said before I was leaning to the side that was against because of some radical things that I had seen and heard about the animal testing however I have now come to realize with this article and others that most of those unethical things are illegal and unusual and rare to see. Hofer, Thomas, Ingred Gerner, and Ursula Remy . Animal testing and alternative approaches for the human health risk assessment under the proposed new European chemicals regulation. Edition 10. Unknow: Springer-Verlag, 2004. 549-564. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. During the past 20 years the EU legislation for the notification of chemicals has focused on new chemicals and at the same time failed to cover the evaluation of existing chemicals in Europe. Therefore, in new EU chemicals the European Commission proposes to evaluate 30,000 chemicals within a period of 15 years. We are providing estimates of the testing requirements

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

based on our personal experiences during the past 20 years. A realistic scenario based on an indepth discussion of potential toxicological developments and an optimized tailor-made testing strategy shows that to meet the goals of the REACH policy, animal numbers may be significantly reduced below 10 million if industry would use in-house data from toxicity testing, which are confidential, if non-animal tests would be used, and if information from quantitative structure activity relationships would be applied in substance-tailored testing schemes. The procedures for evaluating the reproductive toxicity of chemicals have the strongest impact on the total number of animals bred for testing under REACH. We are assuming both an active collaboration with our colleagues in industry and substantial funding of the development and validation of advanced non-animal methods by the EU Commission, specifically in reproductive and developmental toxicity. I think that this is a really credible source because it is a Google scholar source that I checked out the authors for and they are all part of a German research team. I also liked it and am going to use it because it had lots of new info. I really enjoyed the way it was able to portray its inform in a very formal way.

Russel, WMS, and RL Burch . The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique. Unknown. Baltimore: John Hopkins University, 2013. All. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. At Birmingham, in the University Department of Pharmacology and the Ethology Laboratory, Uffculme Clinic, Grant and Mackintosh continue to work for UFAW under Chance's direction. Their program includes three linked studies: the social behavior of the commoner experimental animals, the control of the drama type, and the perfection of a sensitive toxicity test

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

performed on mice under general anesthesia. Progress has been made with all three studies, and the first behavioral result has already been published--a method of establishing, without experimental interference, the social rank order in a caged group of rats, and a study of the conditions under which stable rank orders can develop UFAW is now planning to establish an Experimental Unit for Humane and Refined Technique. This and other recent findings including Chances have been discussed in an excellent review of the variance control problems. The authors state as a general principle that variance reduction must be achieved not by uniform conditions as such but by the right specific conditions. They apply this principle to the genotype, the developmental environment, and the proximate environment. The paper provides tabulated summaries of all the available experiments on naturally cross-breeding animals in which inbreeds, crossbreds and random-breeds have been compared in respect of variability. Two other results may be mentioned Ovariectomized mice were classified into subgroups based on the response of the vagina to locally applied stone. The relative dramatic uniformity of these subgroups persisted for ten weeks, but was specific for this particular treatment. I really think this is a good essay because of the way it is able to use credible information and I feel I am going to use it because of the intelligence of the information I think this is due to the fact that it is a Google scholar I really enjoyed the article because it had some really interesting ideas on how to make new tests. Miller, Joanna. "GOP Activist Faces Dilemma on Animal Tests." L.A. Times [Los Angelos] 12 11 1989, n. pag. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

An Oxnard woman who helped organize an animal rights demonstration at the Procter & Gamble Co. plant this week finds herself in a politically touchy position today.As newly installed president of Oxnard Republican Women, Beverly McGrath says she will be in charge of a campaign to reelect Assemblyman Tom McClintock, the Thousand Oaks Republican who supports animal testing and opposes an Assembly bill that bans the use of animals for cosmetic and household product testing. The protest at the Oxnard plant, where only paper goods and orange juice are produced, was one of 13 such demonstrations planned at company plants around the country.Oxnard's protest may have been among the largest, Procter & Gamble spokeswoman Linda Ulrey said. Ulrey said McGrath and other protesters had targeted the wrong company. This is a direct quote because I cannot think of a way to really summarize it. I think this was an ok article however its time was a long time ago and I do not think that its information is up to date and I feel like it is not that good of a scholarly source the previous sources were much better worded in my opinion. I really liked it however as I said based on the knowledge I have learned in the previous sources I do not feel like this is very credible information. Guierrini, Anita. Experimenting with humans and animals. Baltimoore: John Hopkins University, 2003. eBook. This article was a neutral point of view as well as my first one it showed that there are benefits and risks in both sides of the issue. For example they talked about how the animals are treated poorly but then again we have to look at it just like we do with food they are bred for a certain purpose and that we need to have something to test these things on before we test them on humans. However she also pointed out that in some cases we do not have to do the

Daniel Park English 1010 Annotated bibliography

experimenting on the animals one of the other ways we can do it is by getting humans to offer to have it done to them. This could help with the cosmetic side of the animal testing. She also brought up how we are able to use things such as insects and bacteria for some of the experimenting. The other thing that she mentioned was that the animals are by law not allowed to be hurt. If the treatment is going to be painful by law they are required to give painkillers to the animals. She also talks about how the tests that are done on the animals are required to be okd so to speak they have to be approved in other words they cant just pull an animal limb from limb to see how much force it takes to pull them apart. I think I will use it because of its scholarly information and where it came from and how it has coincided in with all of my other sources. I really like this for many of the same reasons that I like the other ones and this is because I really like it when information really correlates.

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