U4 Lab 1 Moles Molecules and Grams

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Name: Justin, Calvin, Chris Period 1

T h e M o l e C o n c e p t U n i t 4

Moles, Molecules, and Grams Lab

As weve already discussed in class, its easy to make conversions between moles, molecules/formula units, and rams! "or e#ample, if we want to o from moles to rams, we use the molar mass to make this conversion! $f we want to o from moles to molecules, we use Avo adros number, or %!&' # (&')! "inally, if we want to o from rams to molecules/formula units, we *ust use a two step process where we first convert from rams to moles, and then from moles to molecules/"!U! +isually, it looks like this, Molar mass -rams Units %!&' # (&') Moles Molecules/"ormula

$n this lab, we will be wei hin out five different substances then findin out how many moles and molecules/"!U! of each one we have! Prelab, $f you measure out '.!& rams of /a01 in this lab, how many moles of /a01 would you have2 1ow many formula units2 ''!334(%4( 5 )3!33 6'./)3!337 # %!&'#(&') 5 )!8% # (&')

Lab, $n this lab, there are five different balances set up, each of which has a labeled substance in a little *ar ne#t to it! 9our *ob is to find out how many moles and how many molecules of each substance are in the canister! :ome Make information you mi ht find useful, '!.% :and 4!&4 bakin soda 6/a1C0)7 )!.& chalk 6CaC0)7 (!;% table salt 6/aCl7 '!'4 su ar, sucrose 6C('1''0((7 (!.4 sure that your lab has a data table that contains the followin , The name of each of these substances The formula for each of these substances The molar mass of each of these substances The mass in rams of each of these substances!

<hen you are done wei hin each material, calculate the number of moles of each material, and the number of molecules of each one, and put them in the ri ht space! All calculations must be shown on lined paper with all conversion factors and unit cancellin !

Compound :and 6:$0'7 Chalk 6CaC0)7 :alt 6/aCl7 >akin :oda 6/a1C0)7 :u ar 6C('1''0((7 Data Table: The Tray itself ei!hs "#$% !rams

Mass 4!&4 (!;% '!'4 )!.& (!.4

6 rams7 rams rams rams rams rams

Calculations, Usin your data, find the followin values! Make sure to show all work and write all numbers with the correct si nificant fi ures! &'u( ) 'ormula *nits in short form (a! /umber of moles of sand, &!&'(' mole 4!&4 ================================ 5 &!&'(' moles )'!&8 /mol 4 ('%!3 /mol 4 (%#' /mol

b! /umber of molecules of sand, (!';#(&'' 6"u7 &!&'(' # %!&'#(&') 5 (!';#(&''

'a! /umber of moles of bakin soda, &!&4(' mole )!.&6 7 ======================================== 5 &!&4(' mole ''!33 /mol 4 (#' /mol 4 (' /mol 4 (%#) /mol b! /umber of formula units of bakin soda, '!4;#(&') 6"u7

&!&4('mol # %!&'#(&') 5 '!4;#(&') 6"u7

)! /umber of formula units of chalk, (!(' #

(&') 6"u7 1int, :trin two conversions to ether

(!;% =================================== 5 &!&(;% mol 4&!& /mol 4 ('!& /mol 4 (%#) /mol &!&(;%mol # %!&'#(&') 5 (!('#(&'' 6"u7

4! /umber of formula units of salt, '!)(#(&'' 6"u7 '!'4 =============================== 5 &!&);) mol ''!33 /mol 4 ).!4. /mol &!&);) # %!&'#(&') 5'!)(#(&'' .! /umber of molecules of su ar, )!.(#(&'& 6"u7 (!.4 ================================ 5 &!&&&.;) mol ('#(' /mol 4 (#'' /mol 4 %#(( /mol &!&&&.;)mol # %!&'#(&') 5 )!.(#(&'' 6"u7

Post Lab +uestions: (! <hich of the materials we worked with had the lar est number of molecules/formula units2 <as this the material that had the lar est wei ht2 <hy2

The material that had the lar est number of molecules/formula units was the bakin soda, and this material did not have the lar est wei ht! >ut the data showed that the substance itself would wei h more!

'! <ater has a molecular formula of 1'0! $f $ have .&!& water do $ have2 1ow many molecules2 .& ===============================5'!8; /mol '#( /mol 4(% /mol '!8;mol # %!&' # (&') 5 (!%8 # (&') 6"u7

of water, how many moles of

)! >utane has a molecular formula of C41(&! $f $ have .&!& rams of butane, how many moles of natural as do $ have2 1ow many molecules2 .& =============================5'!8; /mol (' # 4 /mol 4 (#(&mol &!;%' # %!&'#(&') 5 .!(3#(&') 6"u7

4! $ had the same wei ht of water and butane in problems ) and 4! <hy didnt the answer come out the same2 ?#plain! @ >ecause the chemical and physical composition of each molecules contained amount of atoms! Therefore the answers didnAt come out the same! different

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