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Analyze the Guiding Principles and the Five Developmental Domains Related to the WI Early Learning Standards (WMELS)

Every child develops differently, but everyone still develops at similar stages. For example around the age of one an infant starts walking, that doesnt mean that every child at one is going to walk, but the majority does and that is why the say children should start walking at one and that is okay if your child does not start walking until after one. There are ways you can help them start to develop their walking skills. WMELS reflects expectations for a typicallydeveloping child; adapting and individualizing learning experiences accommodations optimal development for all the children. There are 9 guiding principles in the WMELS book, all children are capable and competent, early relationships matter, a childs early learning and development is multidimensional, expectations for children must be guided by knowledge of child growth and development, children are individuals who develop at various rates, children are members of cultural groups that share developmental patterns, children exhibit a range of skills and competencies within any domain of development, Children learn through play and the active exploration of their environment, and parents are childrens primary and most important caregivers and educators. Some may think WMELS is to say that this child is struggling with phonic so he needs to do this to do better. Yes WMELS is to help with a child that needs to get to the next level and has different steps children are at, but the guiding principles helps explain that children learn at different speeds, some children are more developed in an area and might lack in another area. The 9 guiding principles help reflect the knowledge base in scientific research, our values, and our commitment to young children and families. There are five different developmental domains: health and physical development, social and emotional development, language development and communication, approaches to learning and, cognition and general knowledge. Within those developmental domains there are 3 sub-domains, performance standards, in those performance standards are developmental continuum, sample behaviors of children and sample strategies for adults. The domains help integrated knowledge and skills, the domains are interconnected; the development of skills in one area is related to and influences development in other areas. The sub-domains helps break down the domains into areas of development and the performance standards also help break the sub-domains down into more development areas. The developmental continuum and sample behaviors help show the skills and knowledge demonstrated at very early ages provide the foundation for more complex skills at a later age. And it is a general guide to help early care and education professionals and parents to observe a continuum development recognizing that children are different and unique and develop at different rates. WMELS once you understand what is used for and how to use it, it becomes a very helpful tool for working with children. Not only is it useful after you observe children, but it also can help create a curriculum, lesson plans, etc.

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