Ceaira Wilson Resume 2013

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Ceaira Wilson

6263 Brookline Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 Home: 317-525-9471 - Cell: 317-9 7-7149 : emonee!ilson"#a$oo%&om

'alen(ed )di(or versed in deliverin* (op-no(&$ pro*rams, promos and &ommer&ials% )+perien&e !i($ ,inal C-( .ro and .remier% )+(remel# de(ail-orien(ed and &ommi((ed (o &rea(in* a $i*$-/-ali(# 0inis$ed prod-&(% 1(ron* sense o0 vis-al aes($e(i&s% De(ail-orien(ed 2edia 3ssis(an( a&&omplis$ed in do&-men( prod-&(ion and (elevision, as !ell as m-l(imedia 4o-rnalism% )+&els a( rela(ions$ip-5-ildin*, or*ani6a(ion and makin* so-nd 4-d*men(s -nder press-re and !i($in (i*$( deadlines%

1e&ondar# ed-&a(ion &lasses in 2edia .rod-&(ion 78)9 9 %3 :;or($ Cen(ral Hi*$ 1&$ool< radio personali(# =ol-n(eered 0or B)' d-rin* B)' Colle*e 'o-r s$oo( a( 8a&kson 1(a(e >niversi(# ,ilm and prod-&(ion &re! 0or Indiana Bla&k )+po Cele5ra(ion 2009 - 2012 .ar(i&ipan( o0 Indiana Bla&k )+po ?=I pro*ram 200 ($ro-*$ 2012 ,a&ili(a(ed in &lass room si(-a(ions !i($ ine+perien&ed par(i&ipan(s a( Indiana Bla&k )+po ?=I and 360%

Media Production Jackson State University:@.3 3%75< A 8a&kson, 2ississippi High School Diploma 2012 !orth Central High School A Indianapolis, Indiana, >13

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