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Emma Post

4190 Castle Dr SE Grand Rapids, Michigan 4954 CELL ! 1 " #95$ %0% E-MAIL post1er&alma'ed( )*+EC,-.E ,o o/tain a position that is challenging, re0arding, and 0ill pro1ide me the opport(nit2 3or /oth personal and pro3essional gro0th' Alma College 5nticipated Grad(ation Date7 Decem/er #018 Degree7 *achelors o3 5rts C(m(lati1e GP57 8'# Infant Through Sixth Grade Emphasis7 :ang(age 5rts, Mathematics and Earl2 Childhood De1elopment Fall 2013 !e"t Elementar# Mrs' *ridgette *illo, Second Grade Plan and implement a ser1ice learning pro>ect St(died, planned and implemented speci3ic lessons 3or a str(ggling reader Spent time 0or?ing and de1eloping classroom management s?ills' S$ring 2013 %orth &ar' Elementar# Mrs' @ath2 =ree0ind, PreschoolA@indergarten Plan and implemented a n(trition (nit :earned to present lessons in a Montessori$/ased 3ashion Created 0or?s 3or a Montessori$/ased classroom B5 St(dent ,eaching 46-<4E 2010-2013 (olunteer and &rogram Su$er)i"or ECPER-E6CES Re$Mem/er , Pine Ridge -ndian Reser1ation Dor?ed to impro1e reser1ation li3e thro(gh 3orming relationships 0ith the :a?ota people' Gained a deeper (nderstanding o3 generational po1ert2 and its e33ects on e1er2da2 li3e and the tri/al mem/ersEespeciall2 the children' Created an (nderstanding o3 ho0 c(lt(re a33ects mannerisms, tho(ght processes and 1al(es' *une 2012 + Augu"t 2012 Life Aide Spidell Residence, Mrs' *ar/ Spidell Dor?ed 0ith *radle2 Spidell, a 2o(ng ad(lt 0ith special needs G(ided *radle2 in creating a health2 li3est2le thro(gh eFercise, planning and coo?ing dinner, reminding to ta?e prescri/ed medication and attending sched(led doctorGs appointments' Planned, mar?eted and hosted a /loc? part2 to /ene3it *radle2Gs /(siness ED4C5,-)6

9-G9:; <45:-=-ED S,4DE6, ,E5C9-6G


!inter 2012 -thaca So(th Elementar2, =irst Grade, Mrs' .alerie Melo0 Fall 2011 EightCap 5lma College 9ead Start, Preschool , Ms' Carrie ,o1ar Fall 2011 -thaca 6orth Elementar2, =o(rth Grade, Mrs' +enni3er Dor?man !inter 2011 St' Mar2 Catholic School, @indergarten, Mrs' +en :(F Fall 2010 :(ce Road Elementar2 =irst Grade, Mrs' *onnie SimcoF 200, +200- ,hornapple Elementar2, Second Grade, Mrs' Christine =e(tH Cond(cted pri1ate accelerated math lessons' S(per1ised reading gro(ps to 3oc(s on shared and g(ided reading' Enco(raged the (se o3 modeled 0riting in the classroom' Cond(cted a complete case st(d2 on an indi1id(al child' Created inI(ir2 stations 0ith 0hich st(dents co(ld learn on their o0n' Enco(raged the st(dents to incorporate proper n(trition into their diet and promoted health2 ha/its 3or li1ing !teeth /r(shing, pott2 training, ect"'


Fall 2011 + S$ring 2013 &re".hool Tea.her Aide 5lma College 9ead Start, Mrs' Carrie ,o1ar E33ecti1el2 monitored an acti1e preschool classroom 9elp pro1ided a sa3e, health2, and organiHed en1ironment 3or children Created long$lasting relationships 0ith st(dents and their 3amilies !ater Safet# In"tru.tor and Lifeguard /Summer 2000 + &re"ent1 =orest 9ills P(/lic Schools, @ell2 S0ieter Recorded and maintained reI(ired records and reports' Responsi/le 3or handled I(estions and concerns 3rom patrons' )1erseen li3eg(ards, s0im instr(ctors, and opening and closing o3 the /(ilding'

C)MM46-,; .):46,EER D)R@ S@-::S

5lma College 5lternati1e *rea? Re$Mem/er .ol(nteer Comm(nit2 Ca3J :(dington 4nited Methodist Ch(rch C&2 !Rene0ed 1#A#01#" Fir"t Aid !Rene0ed 5A#011"

,ie *lan?ets 3or ,oddlers Rela2 3or :i3e 595 9eart Dal? @D: Cascade *ranch :i/rar2 AE3 !Rene0ed 1#A#01#" 4x#gen !Rene0ed 5A#011"

4190 Castle Dr SE Grand Rapids, Michigan 4954 CELL ! 1 " #95$ %0% E-MAIL post1er&alma'ed(

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