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Emma Post Classroom Management Plan September 22, 2013 Classroom Management Philosophy: I am committed to creating a safe community

within my classroom that inspires my students to learn the curriculum while getting to know them on a one-on-one level. I believe it is important to understand the needs of each individual student and meet them as best as I can. I want my students to feel comfortable with their classmates as well as me during each aspect of the school day, allowing them to voice their opinions, concerns and ideas without hesitation. Preventative Measures: I find that the perfect way to prevent something from happening is through education and knowledge, by this I mean I cannot expect to prevent actions if the students dont first know what is expected of them and which actions are not permitted in the classroom. I am a firm believer in spending copious amounts of time setting and reviewing my expectations of every student whether its our hallway walking procedure, bathroom procedure or disciplinary procedures. Along with setting these expectations comes the practice time that is required for each new procedure to become an everyday routine.

Classroom Rules: The rules that I will introduce in my classroom are: 1. respect others 2. respect the school 3. respect yourself I believe that it is important to have the students invest a little bit of themselves into the room from the very first day of school and that is where the social contract comes into play. This social contract is an agreement among each of the members of my classroom which defines the actions of each of their fellow classmates, themselves included. This social contract is completely designed around the suggestions of the students and only a little bit of idea focusing from me, the teacher. This, along with the other rules stated above, will be the foundation to our classroom community and will be referenced frequently during the year. Consequences: I think that in the area of consequences, it is important to point out that I believe in the idea that each student starts each day with a clean slate, no matter how out of control they were the day before. I also dont believe in the Principals office as a punishment for students, I believe that student should spend the least amount of time possible outside of the classroom; I also find that students who are frequently sent to the Principals office are more likely to question the teachers authority. The only exception to this rule would be when I have students that are behaving violently. When students become a danger to their classmates and create an unsafe environment for others, it is time that they are removed and

given the opportunity to decompress in an environment meant for just that which most times tends to be the principals office. For common every day disruptions, I plan on using a Clip Up and Clip Down Board as my primary visual behavioral monitor, this allows the children to not only see when they are having an off day but also when they are behaving well. The consequence spectrum is quite simple and goes as follows: First offense: A verbal reminder will be issued. *Insert Name* is that your job right now? What is your job? If the student is unsure of their job at that time, Id give them a reminder of their job and my expectations. Second offense: For the second offense, I will ask the student to move his or her clip down and thenif their behavior is distracting or destructive to othersI would tell them to sit in a chair in the back of the room in teacher control. From this point, the student would sit in the teacher control chair for a minute per year of age. Third offense: The student will be asked to move their clip again and will be pulled to the back of the room with the teacher to complete a behavior modification plan. This plan will pose the questions: What was I doing to be removed to the back of the class? and How will I change my behavior? Once this sheet is filled out, it will be sent home with the student for their parent to sign and return to school the next day. Fourth offense: After going through all these steps, the student will be asked to move their clip down to Red. Moving their clip down to Red will require that the student call their parent from the classroom phone and explain to them the situation that they are in and how they are going about changing their behavior. I find that students calling their parents can be a very effective method for behavior change.

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