Part C Instructional Materialsdoc

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Instructional Materials

Lesson 1 Instructional Materials:

Textbook: Pearson Prentice Hall: American History of Our Nation, New York Edition ( !!"# $nits %&' (()a*ters +&,'# -)iteboard .ouisiana Purc)ase /nowled0e 1a* Handout 2corin0 rubric (wit) descri*tion# 3ndex cards

Lesson 2 Instructional Materials:

Pre4i $5.: )tt*:66*re4i7com68*o'x9yr'd*&6:utm;cam*ai0n<s)are=utm;medium<co*y Texas Annexation /nowled0e 1a* Handout 2corin0 rubric (wit) descri*tion# 3ndex cards

Lesson 3 Instructional Materials:

>ra*)ic or0ani4er (student notes# Textbook: Pearson Prentice Hall: American History of Our Nation, New York Edition ( !!"# $nits %&' (()a*ters +&,'# -)iteboard 1exican&American -ar /nowled0e 1a* Handout 2corin0 rubric (wit) descri*tion# 3ndex cards

Lesson 4 Instructional Materials:

>ra*)ic or0ani4er (student notes# Textbook: Pearson Prentice Hall: American History of Our Nation, New York Edition ( !!"# $nits %&' (()a*ters +&,'# -)iteboard '?t) Parallel /nowled0e 1a* Handout 2corin0 rubric (wit) descri*tion# 3ndex cards

Lesson 5 Instructional Materials:

-)iteboard Textbook: Pearson Prentice Hall: American History of Our Nation, New York Edition ( !!"# $nits %&' (()a*ters +&,'# .ined *a*er (summati@e assessment# 2corin0 rubric (wit) descri*tion#

Lesson Plan 1 Assessment:
2tudents )ere will com*lete t)is knowled0e ma* on t)e .ouisiana Purc)ase as a formati@e assessment7 T)is assessment ask " key Auestions t)at were discussed t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)e Bw)o, w)at, w)en, w)y and )ow:# T)is formati@e assessment is key for students to com*lete t)e summati@e assessment at t)e end of t)e unit (lesson C"#7

Lesson Plan 2 Assessment:

2tudents )ere will com*lete t)is knowled0e ma* on t)e Annexation of Texas as a formati@e assessment7 T)is assessment ask " key Auestions t)at were discussed t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)e Bw)o, w)at, w)en, w)y and )ow:# T)is formati@e assessment is key for students to com*lete t)e summati@e assessment at t)e end of t)e unit (lesson C"#7

Lesson Plan 3 Assessment:

2tudents will use t)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er to 0at)er notes and data on t)e 1exican&American -ar7 T)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er is key for an indi@idualDs learnin0 because it com*artmentali4es t)e information from t)e lesson into an easier way of note&takin0 and com*re)ension of facts and details t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)is will )el* students to 0ain useful and im*ortant knowled0e on t)e lesson7

2tudents )ere will com*lete t)is knowled0e ma* on t)e 1exican&American -ar as a formati@e assessment7 T)is assessment ask " key Auestions t)at were discussed t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)e Bw)o, w)at, w)en, w)y and )ow:# T)is formati@e assessment is key for students to com*lete t)e summati@e assessment at t)e end of t)e unit (lesson C"#7

Lesson Plan 4 Assessment:

2tudents will use t)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er to 0at)er notes and data on t)e '?t) Parallel7 T)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er is key for an indi@idualDs learnin0 because it com*artmentali4es t)e information from t)e lesson into an easier way of note&takin0 and com*re)ension of facts and details t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)is will )el* students to 0ain useful and im*ortant knowled0e on t)e lesson7

2tudents )ere will com*lete t)is knowled0e ma* on t)e '?t) Parallel as a formati@e assessment7 T)is assessment ask " key Auestions t)at were discussed t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)e Bw)o, w)at, w)en, w)y and )ow:# T)is formati@e assessment is key for students to com*lete t)e summati@e assessment at t)e end of t)e unit (lesson C"#7

Lesson Plan 5 Assessment:

2tudents will use t)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er to 0at)er notes and data on 1anifest Eestiny7 T)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er is key for an indi@idualDs learnin0 because it com*artmentali4es t)e information from t)e lesson into an easier way of note&takin0 and com*re)ension of facts and details t)rou0)out t)e lesson7 T)is will )el* students to 0ain useful and im*ortant knowled0e on t)e lesson7

3n t)is *articular use of t)e 0ra*)ic or0ani4er7 2tudents must fill out t)e 1ain 3dea (1anifest Eestiny# and eac) Fact6Eetail box as subto*ic of t)e main idea (.ouisiana Purc)ase, Texas Annexation, 1exican&American -ar and t)e '?t) Parallel#7 T)is will )el* students to or0ani4e t)eir t)ou0)ts and t)e key conce*ts t)at will )el* t)em wit) t)e summati@e assessment7

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