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One Second After Report

The summer reading book, One Second After, exposes our vulnerabilities to living life without a viable government in place After the electromagnetic pulse hit and the electricit! went out in the "nited States, ever!one was waiting to hear what the officials

had to sa! After the citi#ens found out that the president had died in a plane crash, the! went into a chaotic ruckus $eople started to forget their morals and do things that the! would have never done before Some people even eventuall! resorted to cannibalism and eating their own pets %t makes us, in the world right now, re&think what would happen if we did not have leaders %f there were no leaders, ever!one would take care of themselves, but there would be no team work As human beings, we all need to stick together 'iving in the "nited States toda! without electronics, would completel! turn all of our lives upside down $eople have become ver! dependent not onl! on electronics, but on other people besides themselves Toda!, people go cra#! if the! can(t have their phone for a da! $eople, especiall! in the "nited States, have become so la#! and dependent on ever!thing around them that without electricit!, a good population of the people we now know, would probabl! die out Those who are capable of sta!ing alive would probabl! have a hard time getting b! The "nited States needs to take a lot of steps to prepare for an attack like the one in this book )or one, each individual person needs to know survival skills and how to use those skills To ensure that most of our countr! survives, we will need to be able to live like the people in the older da!s The "nites States needs some underground bunkers and stashes of food in several places around the countr! The "nited States of America also needs to create some indestructible devices so that communities and towns will still have a wa! of communication with other cities and high in rank officials *ommunities need to know what is happening in the rest of the world if the! want to be of an! help +e also reall! need to be prepared and read! for an!thing

This disaster does give rise to other countries invading us due to our lack of preparedness ,an! people toda! do not reali#e what could happen at an! moment To other countries, the "nites States is a ver! eas! target to hit because the! know that man! Americans aren(t as bright as it seems when it comes to life skills Other countries also know the la#! wa!s of most Americans, and the! know if the! were to attack us, most of our population would die out Our countr! would not be able to survive without medicine or food because we don(t know how to make medicine naturall! and hunt for our own game %n conclusion, all people in the "nited States need to be prepared for an!thing and have individual famil! plans read! for an attack %gnorance can, and might destro! our countr! eventuall! Our countr!, as a whole, needs to make ourselves a ver! hard target to hit

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