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Marcos Gomez 9/14/2013 Professor Ogbara English 100

Comparison of Intellectuals
In the article ritical !hin"ing# b$ %ell &oo" he 'efines that (e as h)mans are born to be s)ch great thin"ers from the moment (e are born* &e belie+es that as time goes b$ o)r )n'erstan'ing of an$thing a'+ances to a great significant le+el onl$ to be re,resse' b$ a life fille' (ith r)les* &oo" thoro)ghl$ 'escribes ho( o)r critical thin"ing s"ills are hol' bac" ,)r,osel$ as chil'ren as it is not a correct# s"ill to be )se' at a $o)ng age* -efen'ing these s"ills &oo" brings ), .or all as,iring intellect)als/ tho)ghts are the laborator$ (here one goes to ,ose 0)estions an' fin' ans(ers#* &oo" is tr$ing to sa$ that o)r tho)ghts are ho( (e sol+e the most basic of ans(ers to the most 'iffic)lt it1s ho( (e co,e (ith life* &e also s)ggests that (e let o)r chil'ren1s critical thin"ing s"ills 'e+elo, more greatl$ an' not s),,ress (hat is theirs* 2nother article that ha' ca)ght m$ attention name' &i''en intellect)als# (as (ritten b$ Geral' Graff a ,rofessor in hicago* &e (rites abo)t ho( aca'emics is to ,lain an' ho( it is affecting the min's of $o)ng st)'ents* &e solel$ foc)ses on ho( societ$ has no( labele' t(o t$,es of ,eo,le (hich are street smart an' aca'emicall$ smart/ street smart being that one can li+e hanging (ith frien's# an' s)r+i+e that en+ironment* Graff#s ,a,er also 'escribes ho( he too (as a st)'ent that 'i' ,oorl$ in school an' (as intereste' mainl$ on s,orts b)t then he realize' that aca'emic an' street smart are 3)st ali"e one another* Graff s)ggest Gi+e me the st)'ent (ho (rites a shar,l$ arg)ment on sociologicall$ ac)te anal$sis4than a st)'ent that (rites a lifeless e5,lication on &amlet#* &e means to sa$ that a ,erson (ho is act)all$ intereste'

in (hat he (rites abo)t brings abo)t better res)lts than a st)'ent that 3)st (rites beca)se he is tol' to 'o so* 2mazingl$ bet(een both of these articles the$ s)ggest that ,eo,le in general no matter (hat bac"gro)n' ha+e a talent of theirs that the$ can1t ,)t to )se as m)ch as the$ co)l'* !he$ both ha+e (itness or e5,erience' ho( st)'ents can )se (hat the$ learn in life to 0)estion it or 3)st ha+e a great interest in it* om,aring both of them comes the realization that $es the$ both ha+e 'ifferent facts/ stories or e5,eriences b)t in the en' it comes 'o(n to ho( the$ sa( ,eo,le a'a,t to changes*

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