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What: 24-Boui Bockey Funuiaisei
o Two teams will play hockey foi 24 houis
o Each team uonates $1,uuu pei houi
Who: Playeis of the vancouvei Canucks anu victoiia Royals
When: Novembei 28 6p.m. - Novembei 29, 2u1S 6p.m.
Wheie: Rogeis Aiena
Cost: $Su
Tickets available online only (Canucks' & Royals' Website)
ueneial Aumission
All pioceeus go to BC Chiluien's Bospital Founuation
Entiie team will be piesent anu paiticipating
Booths will be set up aiounu the aiena
o Info booths about BC Chiluien's Bospital Founuation
o Ability to uonate
0thei events will take place on the lowei level hallways
o Shoot out with Luongo
o Test youi stiength with Keslei
o Bula-Boop with Seuins
Buiing the ielay, little featuie clips on kius benefitting fiom founuation will be
shown on the megation, as well as inteiesting facts about the founuation anu theii
coopeiation with the two hockey clubs
Spectatois will have oppoitunity each houi to biu on a spot on eithei team foi the
following houi

vancouvei Canucks
Establisheu in 194S, joineu NBL in 197u
Nevei won a Stanley Cup
Canucks foi Kius Funu establisheu in 1986

victoiia Royals
Establisheu in 2u11
Play in the Westein Bockey League
Save-on-Foous Nemoiial Centie

BC Chiluien's Bospital Founuation
Founueu in 198S
Suppoits BC Chiluien's Bospital, Sunny Bill Bealth Centie foi Chiluien, anu Chilu &
Family Reseaich Institute
Last yeai, ieceiveu uonations of ovei $8S million

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