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A great while ago, when the world was full of wonders and dreams, there was a little boys

named Walt Disney. He moved to the mystical land of Kansas City, Missouri at the young age of 10. Since his father was ill Walt was forced to get up at 3 in the morning to help deliver newspapers. During this time, Walt fell in love with vaudevilles (popular theater music type of entertainment that consisted of a variety of singing, dancing, and comic acts) and movies. Many people still say this is where he developed his passion for the arts. As Walt grew older, many things changed but one thing did not, his love for art and theatre continued. At the age of 16, instead of learning to drive a car, Walt spent his time drawing pictures for the high school that he attended. But Walts art future was put on hold while he joined the American Ambulance Corps to fight against France at the end of World War I. This was a tough time for Walt but he made it through by drawing war-related cartoons, showing his interest in the war. As time passed the war ended and Walt was sent back to Kansas City, where he finds a job at Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Studio for $50. A year later Walt meets his new business partner Iwerks. They created their very own commercial company, Iwerks-Disney Commercials. Together they discovered animation. Although there was some success with the company, it soon went bankrupt. Thats when Walt decided to move to Hollywood to become a director and at the same time Walt and his brother establishes the Disney Brothers Studio, which was later named Walt Disney Studios. Soon after the brothers land a contract for Alice Comedies. And from that time forward Walt and the Walt Disney Studios become famous for many things. Such as Mickey Mouse, which was created in 1928. To this day, although Walt is no longer alive, the company accomplishes many things.

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