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Created by Amy Jindra

On the Road Again - Unit Plan


Quick View Introduction: Unit based on Paper Towns by John Green where students are provided a chance to self-reflect and plan for their future in an academic setting. Grade Level: 12th Grade Essential Questions: What is a journey? Is there such a thing as fate? Is there a right path for everyone? Assessment: Combination of Formative and Summative with a Culminating unit project Grading/Activities: Complete grading chart along with MN State Standards: Two Reading and Two Writing, One Tech (11th & 12th Grade) Resources Provided: Complete Unit Plan, Handouts, Articles, lesson plans Needed Resources: Classroom set of Paper Towns by John Green, Computers In-depth Description Introduction: The end of high school is the close to over a decade of education for seniors. This unit will explore the concept of paths, destinies, and options that confront students as they move on to the next portion of their lives. The focus of the unit will be centered on who you are currently, and how you go about getting to who you want to be. Paper Towns by John Green looks at characters that deal with post grad decisions and find out along the way who they are and the security in rightly made decisions. By allowing the students time to introspect through this unit it provides a whole new element of LEARNING to the potential end of their education.

Class Specification: This unit is geared towards 12th grade seniors at the beginning of their final year. It would be best if this is one of the first units of the academic year since it really captures where they are currently in life and adds a nice sense of relevance. Students may use this unit to confirm or question decisions they have made for their post graduate life. What they experience will vary greatly since it is so focused on the individual. In addition, this unit could easily be modified for 9th grade students as well. They have just entered High School and this unit would really get them thinking about the future and all of the possibilities that they will have if they put their mind to it. For the most part the material is suited for them as well. It would take some adjustments towards different standards and the amount of scaffolding for them to reach the higher level thinking that the 12th graders are being asked to do.

Significant Assumptions (Underlying Teaching Philosophy): The basis of this unit is formed on the scientifically proven ideas of recognized Educational Psychologists. For example, this whole unit is centered on the introspect of individual students. Based on the research of Immordino -Yang & Faeth along with John Medina, it has become apparent that emotions guide cognitive learning. The students will be having discussions, reading a variety of texts, and researching a subject area that is directly related to where they are at currently in their life. Without an emotional connection to what they are learning the overall process is impaired. If students dont feel a connection to the material they are learning then the retention, interest, and motivation in tasks greatly diminishes.

Created by Amy Jindra Minnesota State Standards:

On the Road Again - Unit Plan

11/07/13 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. (This standard will be worked on throughout the unit mainly during discussions. Students will be asked to use direct lines from the text to support their ideas and make clarifications on portions of the text where a particular plot line or character trait becomes confusion or if there is a difference in opinions between students.) Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text. (This standard will be worked on throughout the unit when the students are working on the themes of emotional and physical journeys. They will be asked to not only find where these themes come up in the story line but they must also make connections between multiple texts. Application to their own lives is going to greatly assist them in see how the themes are interconnected and built upon one another.) Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. (This standard will be referenced throughout the unit in relation to the non-fiction articles, online aptitude tests, and guest speakers. They will be using all of these different sources of information to help them find the solution to post graduate plans.) Use a writing process to develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 13 up to and including grades 1112 on page 75.) (This standard will be focused on mainly towards the end of the unit where students will be showing their growth in understanding the main themes from the texts covered throughout the weeks. Not only will they have the chance to show what they have learned, it will also be an opportunity for me to teach key writing skills that they may be lacking or need to strengthen.) Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (This standard will be worked on throughout the unit when the students are trying to figure out what option would best suit them for post-graduation. They will start at the beginning of the unit collectively looking at non-fiction article of all the possible options. From here they will branch out into more individual options to make sure that they are really looking at something they are interested in. As the unit progresses so does their development in ideas and options for themselves.)

Created by Amy Jindra Essential Questions:

On the Road Again - Unit Plan


These three questions are meant to be very broad. There it time for a full lesson in the course calendar devoted to really exploring what these question mean in a variety of situations. Throughout the unit we will move from one question to the next while progressing through the novel. In order for these broad questions to work within the unit it is important to reference previous questions even though a new one has been introduced. The students initial thoughts will be recorded in regards to each question and then they will track their opinions and thoughts as we explore the context of these questions in connection to Paper Towns by John Green. With these questions they will be able to easier time applying these big picture questions to their lives. 1.) What is a journey? 2.) Is there such a thing as fate? 3.) Is there a right path for everyone? Enduring Understandings: Understanding that duality is a concept that opens a door to a whole new understanding of a theme within a text allows for a different more critical reading of a particular novel. Understanding how a character develops over the course of a novel allows the reader to therefore have a better foundation of why a character makes choices, actions, and thoughts that allows for an interesting storyline progression. Understanding that there are always multiple options to every situation, and that it just takes time, information, and an inner knowledge of yourself to choose the best option for you. Understanding that multiple perspectives allows the reader a chance to see a story that is sometimes never shared or thought about within a critical lens, can create a deeper connection with a variety of characters.

Other Outcomes: Students will have a good procedural knowledge of how to complete a step by step research project that solves a posed question. Through several different opportunities students will have a chance to practice, draft, revise, and edit multiple written pieces. Students will have developed a deeper understanding of who they are and who they want to become based on the opportunity for self-reflection and goal planning within this unit. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to create thought provoking questions that help them to answer a question. Students will know how to create obtainable goals with the action steps to be able to get there. Students will understand the historical context of the cause and effect decision making by talking with previous graduates from the same high school


Created by Amy Jindra -

On the Road Again - Unit Plan


Students will know the procedure and steps to take when someone they know might be a risk to themselves. - Students will learn the state laws and safety procedures for underage drinking. Assessment/Assignments: I believe that all assignments should be given with a distinct purpose. Therefore it just makes more sense to combine the activities and assessments together since every assignment will be used as a way to assess where the students are at during any particular point during the unit. Summative Assessments - Journals x3 These journals are meant to be a chance for me to see how the students are doing in regards to understanding the themes. Also it gives them a chance to see how their thoughts and opinions might change as we progress through the unit. - SMART Goal w/ Reflection As a way to see their personal growth as well as steps towards reaching a goal, creating a SMART product and reflecting on progress connects to the main points of the unit. - Discussion Observation (Active Participation) Making sure the student know the significance of their contributions throughout the unit is key to developing important ideas and thoughts. Since all students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences there may be potential avenues of discussion lost with a students silence. - Small Group Interviews This time working in a group will help them gain collaborative skills while trying to achieve a similar goal with their peers. Also gives me the chance to see how they are progressing and any changes that need to be made to make sure they get there. Formative Assessments - Quiz These quizzes are a chance for me to see how the students are progressing with their reading assignments. Based on the results I will not only be able to see who did the reading and who didnt, but I can also see where there might be comprehension issues. These quizzes will be in a variety of assessment formats such as selective and constructive response. - Where are they now article The purpose of this assessment is to provide the students with real world skills with a task that directly relates to what they are currently going through. By seeking out the alumni who were in their shoes five, ten, or even fifteen years earlier show them the potential and the results of certain choices. Crafting genuine inquisitive questions that help them get right to the point is a skill that will also be applied in their final essay as well. - Final Essay More information in the cumulating assessment portion of the unit Grading Breakdown: All students will have the opportunity to re-submit any work that receives less than 100% of available points. All students have the capability and intelligence to receive full credit, for some it just may take another attempt.

Created by Amy Jindra

On the Road Again - Unit Plan


Additionally, some assignments will have a flat point value (marked with an FR), meaning that if they turn it in they will automatically receive credit. The purpose of these assignments is for me as the instructor and assessor to see how each individual student is progressing through the unit. From here, if any changes or accommodations need to be made, I am able to do so, to ensure the successful learning of all my students. Assignments - In Order of Occurrence Journal #1 Webquest Participation Vocab Application Writing Interest Inventory Reflection Pop Quiz Where are they now Interview Questions Journal #2 Pop Quiz Where are they Now? Article SMART Goal Topic Proposal Journal#3/Webquest Reflection Final Paper Words of Wisdom Contribution Discussion/Work Time Participation Total Point Value 3 3 4 6 4 3 3 4 6 3 5 3 25 3 25 100

Culminating Assessment: As a close to the unit, students will be completing a final paper that will provide me with the necessary information to see if they thoroughly understand the big picture ideas. They will be choosing a novel to read from a list of optional texts and reading it with the same themes we have been discussing throughout the unit. By applying what they have learned in the same sort of context, but a different story line, it shows their growth as higher level thinkers. From here they will be writing a paper that outlines the parallels between texts, character analysis, and applicable way it connects to their own lives. Hook/Lesson Introduction: Students will begin this unit through a series of activities, such as a Webquest and an online interest survey, that help them to discover where they are and where they are at in their own personal journey. By having them explore themselves before diving into the content it helps create a sense of relevance as well as something for me to refer to when trying to pull connections together in the text that helps them find a deeper understanding in general. Discussions: A large part of this unit will be discussion based. Since it comes at the beginning of the year it will take some time to structure discussions in a manner that seems really pushes them further and makes them responsible for their own learning. Before we dive into content related to the unit I will be having the students practice different important discussion techniques. A few include referring to their peers when making a statement, referring to the text when offering and idea or opinion, and

Created by Amy Jindra

On the Road Again - Unit Plan


probably the most important is active participation from ALL students. This is not a necessary part of all classrooms but is it a necessary part of mine. By being clear with my expectations, letting them know what it takes to have a good discussion, and practicing, will lead to a more productive time chatting rather than surface level questions and returned blank stares. Materials Needed: - Class room set of Paper Towns by John Green - Classroom set of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman - Access to a computer lab with internet access - Recording Devices Supporting Resources: Exploring Fate: Non-Fiction Articles 1.) Mirels, Herbert L. Dimensions of Internal versus external Control. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 34(2), Apr 1970, 226-228. December 8th, 2013. 2.) Lewis, Michael. Altering Fate: Why the Past Does Not Predict the Future. Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory. Volume 9, Issue 2, 1998. December 8th, 2013. Non Fiction Articles College (Positive and Negative Aspects) 1.) Job Picture Looks Bleak for 2013 College Grads (Negative) 2.) Student Loan Borrowers Leaving Lots of Money on the Table (Negative) 3.) Seniors Guide for College Planning (Positive) 4.) The Importance of a College Education (Positive) Military 1.) Website devoted to information for those thinking about the military Non-College Option 1.) Next steps after High School 2.) Top Ten alternatives to college Free Online Interest Inventories -

Created by Amy Jindra

On the Road Again - Unit Plan


- - - Unit Layout: Additional Document Two Lesson Plans: Additional Documents 1.) SMART Goal Introduction Lesson a. Discussion What is a Goal? b. Modeling c. Steps to create their own d. Having them create their own 2.) Career Speakers Daily Layout Plan a. Creating questions b. Taking notes c. Applying information d. What makes a good audience Handouts: Additional Documents - Journal Prompts - Directions/Checklist/Rubric - Final Paper Guidelines

*** I hope the information within the unit has proved helpful! For any questions or clarifications on any portion of the unit feel free to contact me via email at


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