Science Unit Lesson 5

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Teacher Candidate: __Julia Arcidiacono_______________________________ Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________ ________________ Group i!e: _19________________ Allotted Ti"e: ___#$%&$ "ins.______ u)*ect or Topic: _The 3 +,s % +educe- +euse- +ec.cle______________ Date: __3/19/14______________ Coop. Initials: Grade 'e(el: _4th_____________ ection: ___$/$________________

TA0DA+D: 12A Co""on Core3: 4.#.4.D. Descri)e a waste stream. 4 Identi5. sources o5 6aste deri(ed 5ro" the use o5 natura res!ur"es. 4 Identi5. those ite"s that can )e re"#" ed and those that cannot. 4 Descri)e ho6 e(er.da. acti(ities "a. a55ect the en$%r!nment.
I. 2er5or"ance 7)*ecti(es 1'earning 7utco"es3 The 5ourth grade students 6ill identi5. and e8plore the three +,s 1reduce- reuse- rec.cle3. The 5ourth grade students 6ill dra5t and create a ne6 product that can )e "ade out o5 rec.cla)le "aterials. II. Instructional 9aterials :arious clean- trash ite"s that can )e rec.cled or reused Co"puter/;rainpop 1http://666.)"/science/our5ragileen(iron"ent/rec.cling/3 Three +,s pre!i 1http://pre!"/g!s3c8dl!lc*/<ut"_ca"paign=share>ut"_"ediu"=cop.3 Three +,s notes sheets 2re%"ade rec.cled cra5ts 1planter "ade 5ro" plastic )ottle- )oo? co(er "ade 5ro" paper )ag- etc.3 2aper :arious cra5t "aterials 1scissors- glue- etc.3 @nit test stud. guides III. u)*ect 9atter/ Content 1prereAuisite s?ills- ?e. (oca)ular.- )ig idea3 A. 2rereAuisite s?ills: 1. Bno6ledge 5ro" past lesson 1en(iron"ental issues- our e55ects on the en(iron"ent- etc.3 /. A)ilit. to dra6 a dra5t and create 6hat the. dra6 3. A)ilit. to 5ollo6 directions 4. A)ilit. to 6or? cooperati(el. in a group ;. Be. (oca)ular.: 1. +educe: To use less o5 so"ething /. +euse: To use so"ething o(er again 3. +ec.cle: To "a?e a ne6 product 5ro" old "aterials C. ;ig idea: 1. Ce can help the en(iron"ent ). reducing the resources 6e use- reusing "aterials 6hen possi)leand rec.cling "aterials. I:. I"ple"entation A. Introduction D 1. The teacher 6ill )egin ). EFere I ha(e a )unch o5 things that people 6ould usuall. consider to *ust )e trash. ;ut so"e o5 these things can )e reused or rec.cled. Does ?no6 6hat it "eans to rec.cle<E The teacher 6ill 5ield responses and e8plain that to rec.cle so"ething "eans to ta?e an old- used "aterial and use it to "a?e so"ething ne6. /. The teacher 6ill sa.- ECe,re going to 6atch a )rainpop (ideo that 6ill tell us "ore a)out rec.clingE and then pla. the (ideo. 3. The teacher 6ill then sort through the ite"s and identi5. 6hat can )e rec.cled and 6hat can


)e reused and ho6. The teacher 6ill e8plain that rec.cling- reusing- and reducing the a"ount o5 resources 6e use can help the en(iron"ent.

;. De(elop"ent D 1. The teacher 6ill )ring up the pre!i that e8plains the three +,s and pass out the notes sheets. The teacher 6ill discuss the in5or"ation and as?s Auestions to guide understanding and connections. /. The teacher 6ill e8plain- E o one eas. 6a. 5or all o5 us to help the en(iron"ent is to rec.cle "aterials li?e plastic- glass and paper. ;ut a lot o5 the ti"e- .ou can use "aterials that can )e rec.cled to create so"ething ne6 all on .our o6n. Fere a couple e8a"ples.E The teacher 6ill then share the rec.cled cra5ts that the. ha(e "ade. 3. The teacher 6ill then sho6 and e8plain that the. ha(e a )unch o5 "aterials that can )e used to create so"ething ne6 and that the students are going to )e the designers. The teacher 6ill e8plain that the students 6ill 6or? in their groups to 5irst dra6 up a dra5t o5 6hat the. 6ill "a?e and then use the gi(en "aterials to create it. 4. The teacher 6ill "a?e sure that all the students ?no6 6hat "aterials are a(aila)le. The. 6ill then pass out paper 5or the dra5ts and ha(e the students )egin the inAuir.. #. The teacher 6ill roa" the roo" to ans6er Auestions and guide the inAuir.. &. A5ter su55icient ti"e has passed- the teacher 6ill allo6 the groups to share 6hat the. ha(e "ade. The cra5ts and dra6ings 6ill then )e displa.ed in the roo". C. Closure D 1. The teacher 6ill re(ie6 ). as?ing- EChat are the three things 6e learned a)out toda.<E and ECh. are these i"portant.E The teacher 6ill 5ield and discuss responses. /. The teacher 6ill then e8plain- E o 6e ha(e no6 learned a lot a)out the en(iron"ent and ho6 our actions a55ect it. To "a?e sure .ou all no6 en(iron"ental e8perts- I 6ant .ou to 5ill out this stud. guide 5or ho"e6or? and 6e 6ill go o(er it to"orro6.E The teacher 6ill then hand out the stud. guides. D. Acco""odations / Di55erentiation % Gor Tre(or: a3 2re5erred seating 6ill )e i"ple"ented 6ithin the group "e")ers and classroo" )3 @se o5 cooperati(e learning/partner sharing c3 2rint out o5 the pre!i H. Assess"ent/H(aluation plan 1. Gor"ati(e a3 +ec.cling inAuir. )3 Three +,s note sheets c3 7)ser(ations /. u""ati(e a3 tud. guides :. +e5lecti(e +esponse A. +eport o5 tudentsI 2er5or"ance in Ter"s o5 tates 7)*ecti(es 1+e5lection on students per5or"ance 6ritten
a5ter lesson is taught- includes re"ediation 5or students 6ho 5ailed to "eet accepta)le le(el o5 achie(e"ent3 +e"ediation plan

;. 2ersonal +e5lection 1Juestions 6ritten )e5ore lesson is taught.31+e5lecti(e ans6ers to

Auestions recorded a5ter lesson is taught.3 Did students ha(e )ac?ground ?no6ledge on rec.cling< Did students see" interested in the ideas o5 helping the en(iron"ent< Cere there enough "aterials to co"plete the inAuir.<

2lease note:

Do not tr. to 5it .our lesson plan into the spaces on this 5or"at sheet. can this 5or" or it. Ad*ust the spacing to "atch the needs o5 .our indi(idual lessons. A5ter the cooperating teacher has appro(ed and initialed the plan- an. reco""endations or re(isions should re"ain on the plan.

:I. +esources 1/$113. Science: A closer look. 1p. 3$$3. Colu")us- 7F: 9ac"illan/9cGra6%Fill.

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