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Lesson Topic: The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Length of lesson: 90+ minutes

Grade level: 9th-12th Prepared by: Amy Jindra

Stage 1 Desired Results Content Standard s!: etermine a !entral idea o" a te#t and analy$e its de%elo&ment o%er the !ourse o" the te#t in!ludin' how it emer'es and is sha&ed and re"ined (y s&e!i"i! details) &ro%ide an o(*e!ti%e summary o" the te#t. "nderstanding s!#goals $ssential %uestion s!: +tudents will understand, What makes us as readers like or +tudents will understand that the dislike a story/ way that in"ormation is &resented to What does !on"li!t add to the story/ us (y the author !an stru!ture our oes this !on"li!t make the story thou'hts and o&inions. (etter or worse/ +tudents will understand the a&&li!ation o" stories to -real. li"e situations) rele%an!e. Student ob&ectives outco'es!: +tudents will (e a(le to, 0e!o'ni$e authors ta!ti!s in en'a'in' the readers Or'ani$e and identi"y main &oints o" a short story to !onstru!t a 'eneral summary 1ite s&e!i"i! te#tual e%iden!e when statin' &arti!ular o&inions or statements Stage ( )ssess'ent $vidence Perfor'ance Tas* s!: +ther $vidence: 1om&rehensi%e Assessment to (e Journal entry to (e handed in "or !ondu!ted at the end o" the unit &arti!i&ation &oints Stage , Learning Plan Learning )ctivities: 0esour!es 2arkers3 !rayons3 &a&er 4a&to&56ro*e!tor 1om(o 4inks "or What Would 7ou o/ 4ost 1hild, htt&s,55www.youtu(e.!om5wat!h/%8Jk$1*!9:n#0 +tolen ;ike, htt&s,55www.youtu(e.!om5wat!h/%8<=2>-J+?aw2 1lassroom +et o" -Those who Walk away "rom Omelas. +te& (y +te& 6ro!edure @10 minA :a%e students !reate name ta's that !an (e &ro&&ed in "ront o" them. :a%e them in!lude their "irst name alon' with a drawin' o" somethin' that re&resents them. +tart the !lass (y sayin' that throu'hout todays lesson you all will (e e#&lorin' the =uestion -What would you/. All e%erythin' done in !lass will (e !onne!ted to this im&ortant =uestion.

@5 minA Ask the !lass what they would you do i" they saw someone stealin' a (ike or a !hild who a&&ears to (e lost 1.A Allow some time "or (rie" dis!ussion 2.A Tell them that they are a(out to see some %ideo !li&s where these situations ha&&en B.A Ask them to take notes and to &ay &arti!ular attention to the &eo&le who are the -%i!tim. and those standin' (y @20 minA 6lay %ideo stolen (ike C lost !hild %ideo !li&s 1.A Ask "or im&ressions and thou'hts 2.A Allow some time "or (rie" dis!ussion B.A 6ay &arti!ular attention to the students who do not ty&i!ally s&eak u& in !lass3 %ideo !li&s o""er many o&&ortunities to %oi!e o&inions @5 minADntrodu!e -The Ones who Walk Away "rom the Omelas. 1.A Dn"orm them that the =uestion o" -What would you do/. will !ome u& durin' the readin' 2.A 4et them know that you will read the "irst hal" o" the story out loud to'ether %ia &o&!orn then they will ha%e some time to read the rest o" the story on their own B.A The instru!tors !o&y o" the short story will (e marked as to where to transition into solo readin' time. @B0 minA 0ead the story @10 minA As you noti!e students start to "inish the story3 interru&t and handout the res&onse sheet. 1.A The res&onse !an (e (ased on the %ideo !li&s3 dis!ussion3 or rea!tions to the endin' o" the short story 2.A Also let them know that this will (e handed in "or &arti!i&ation &oints so ha%e them &ut their names at the to&. @20 2inA With the rest o" the !lass time ha%e a dis!ussion3 there are the =uestions listed (elow to hel& 'uide 1.A What was this story a(out/ 2.A What did you think o" the endin'/ B.A id you like the story o%erall/ Why or why not/ 9.A What do you think the last &ara'ra&h o" the te#t meant/ 5.A o you think the way that the author stru!tured the short story made it more interestin'/ i.e. the des!ri&tion o" the so!iety then the reasons why it was not so desira(le. <.A o you (lame the &eo&le who stay in Omela/ Ds their 'uilt enou'h/ E.A Would you (e a(le to walk away "rom Omela/ Why or why not/ What Would you do/

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