Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (129 SCRA 689)

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Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (129 SCRA 689)

2. !. (. '. ((!) 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 . 11. 12. 1!. 1(. !8) 1'. 16.

Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (178 SCRA 7 8) "#$C% vs. &% (2 SCRA ''() Repu)lic v. *.A.+. %roperties "nc. (''' SCRA (77) Sun)ea, Convenience -oods v. Court of Appeals (181 SCRA Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (1!! SCRA 7 1) Repu)lic v. Court of Appeals (1'( SCRA (76) Repu)lic v. Court of Appeals (1!' SCRA 1'6) +atividad Sta. Ana $ictoria v. Repu)lic of t.e %.ilippines &nion Leaf *o)acco Corporation v. Repu)lic of t.e %.ilippines Repu)lic v. /acus (176 SCRA !76) Repu)lic Ce,ent Corporation v. Court of Appeals (198 SCRA 7!() Director of Lands v. Re0es (68 SCRA 177) Director of Lands v. "nter,ediate Appellate Court (19' SCRA %ri,e #oldin1s v. 2ada0a1 Repu)lic of t.e %.ilippines v. Candido $er1el De Dios

Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (129 SCRA 689)


-acts3 In Ma/ ,0, ,-'&, Antonio Va1eriano et a1., 2ereina3ter re3erred to as t2e respondents, 3i1ed t2eir app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 a par4e1 o3 1and, 4onne4ted to a river and 62i42 t2e/ 2ave 4onverted into 3is2ponds, in t2e CFI o3 !*1a4an. T2e Rep*71i4 o3 t2e P2i1ippines, represented 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 t2e !*rea* o3 Forest Deve1op8ent opposed t2e app1i4ation on t2e prin4ipa1 5ro*nd t2at t2e 1and app1ied 3or is 6it2in t2e *n41assi3ied re5ion o3 O7ando, !*1a4an and t2at areas 6it2in t2e *n41assi3ied re5ion are deno8inated as 3orest 1ands and do not 3or8 part o3 t2e disposa71e and a1iena71e portion o3 t2e p*71i4 do8ain. A3ter t2e 2earin5, t2e CFI ordered t2e re5istration o3 t2e s*79e4t 1and in 3avor o3 t2e app1i4ants :respondents;, 62i42 t2e CA a33ir8ed 7asin5 3ro8 t2e eviden4e t2at t2e app1i4ants< prede4essors#in# interest 2ave 7een in open, p*71i4, 4ontin*o*s, pea4e3*1, and adverse possession o3 t2e par4e1 o3 1and 3or 8ore t2an =0 /ears. T2e CA 3*rt2er opined t2at sin4e t2e s*79e4t propert/ is entire1/ devoted to 3is2pond p*rposes, it 4annot not 7e 4ate5ori>ed as part o3 3orest1ands, t2*s t2is 4ase. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e Co*rts 4an re41assi3/ p*71i4 1ands. Rulin13 No. In its de4ision, t2e SC 4o88ented t2at t2e CFI and CA<s approva1 3or t2e re5istration o3 t2e s*79e4t 1and in e33e4t re1eased s*42 propert/ 3ro8 t2e *n41assi3ied 4ate5or/, 62i42 is 7e/ond t2e 4o8peten4e and 9*risdi4tion o3 t2e )*di4iar/. T2e Co*rt 3*rt2er e8p2asi>ed t2e r*1e statin5 t2at 41assi3i4ation or re41assi3i4ation o3 p*71i4 1ands is an e@41*sive ri52t vested to t2e E@e4*tive Depart8ent o3 t2e overn8ent and not to t2e )*di4iar/ and in t2e a7sen4e o3 s*42 41assi3i4ation, t2e 1and re8ains as *n41assi3ied 1and *nti1 it is re1eased t2ere3ro8 and rendered open to disposition.

Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (178 SCRA 7 8)

DIRECTOR OF LANDS, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, I!ARRA !ISNAR and AMELIA !ISNAR, respondents. .R. No. %=&0-( O4to7er +&, ,-%-

-acts3 On )*1/ +0,,-'&, I7arra and A8e1ia !isnar 3i1ed t2eir 9oint app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 t6o par4e1s o3 1and, 1o4ated in t2e provin4e o3 Capi>, in t2e CFI o3 Capi>. T2e/ 41ai8ed t2at t2e/ in2erited t2ose par4e1s o3 1and. T2e Dire4tor o3 Lands and Dire4tor o3 t2e !*rea* o3 Forest Deve1op8ent opposed t2e app1i4ation on t2e 5ro*nd t2at said par4e1s o3 1and 6ere part o3 a ti87er1and, a p*71i4 do8inion, so it 4annot 7e t2e s*79e4t o3 t2e re5istration pro4eedin5s. A3ter t2e 2earin5, t2e CFI ordered t2e re5istration o3 t2e tit1e o3 t2e 1ots in t2e na8es o3 t2e app1i4ants, 2erein private respondents a3ter 3indin5 t2at t2e app1i4ants and t2eir prede4essors# in#interest 2ave 7een in open, p*71i4, 4ontin*o*s, pea4e3*1 and adverse possession o3 t2e s*79e4t par4e1s o3 1and *nder 7ona 3ide 41ai8s o3 o6ners2ip 3or 8ore t2an %0 /ears. T2e CA a33ir8ed t2e CFI<s de4ision, 2o1din5 t2at t2e 41assi3i4ation o3 t2e 1ots as ti87er1and 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Forestr/ 4annot prevai1 in t2e a7sen4e o3 proo3 t2at t2e said 1ots are indeed 8ore va1*a71e as 3orest 1and t2an as a5ri4*1t*ra1 1and, 4itin5 as a*t2orit/ t2e 4ase o3 AnAron vs. overn8ent o3 t2e P2i1ippine Is1ands :.0 P2i1. ,0;. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e possession o3 3orest1ands or ti87er1ands 3or %0 /ears 4an ripen to private o6ners2ip. Rulin13 No. T2e Co*rt r*1ed t2at possession o3 3orest1ands, 2o6ever 1on5, 4annot ripen into private o6ners2ip. It e8p2asi>ed t2at a positive a4t o3 t2e 5overn8ent, parti4*1ar1/ t2e E@e4*tive Depart8ent is needed to de41assi3/ 1and, 62i42 is 41assi3ied as 3orest, and to 4onvert it into a1iena71e or disposa71e 1and 3or a5ri4*1t*ra1 or ot2er p*rposes 7e3ore re5istration o3 62i42 8a/ pro4eed. T2e Co*rt, 4itin5 vario*s 4ases, stated t2at a par4e1 o3 3orest1and is 6it2in t2e e@41*sive 9*risdi4tion o3 t2e !*rea* o3 Forestr/, an o33i4e *nder t2e E@e4*tive Depart8ent, and 7e/ond t2e po6er and 9*risdi4tion o3 t2e 4adastra1 4o*rt to re5ister *nder t2e Torrens S/ste8.

In t2e present 4ase, t2e t6o par4e1s o3 1and 6ere not de41ared 7/ t2e E@e4*tive Depart8ent to 7e a1iena71e and disposa71e, t2*s it 4annot 7e re5istered *nder private o6ners2ip.

"#$C% v. &% (2

SCRA ''()

INTERNATIONAL HARD?OOD AND VENEER COMPANB OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner# appe11ee, vs. UNIVERSITB OF THE PHILIPPINES and )OSE C. CAMPOS, )R., respondents#appe11ants. .R. No. L#$+$,% (A*5*st ,=, ,--,

-acts3 IHVCP is a 4o8pan/ en5a5ed in t2e 8an*3a4t*re, pro4essin5 and e@portation o3 p1/6ood. It rene6ed its ti87er 1i4ense, 62i42 6as 5ranted 7/ t2e 5overn8ent and s2a11 7e va1id 3or +$ /ears, in ear1/ ,-&0. Said 1i4ense a*t2ori>es t2e 4o8pan/ to 4*t, 4o11e4t and re8ove ti87er 3ro8 t2e portion o3 ti87er 1and 1o4ated in 4ertain 8*ni4ipa1ities o3 La5*na, in41*din5 Paete. In ,-&., t2e Con5ress ena4ted R.A. =--0, an A4t esta71is2in5 an e@peri8ent station 3or UP. T2e said e@peri8ent station 4overs a portion o3 t2e ti87er1and in Paete, o44*pied 7/ IHVCP so UP, 62o 41ai8s o6ners2ip o3 said portion o3 ti87er1and, de8anded t2e 1atter to pa/ t2e 3orest 42ar5es to it, instead o3 t2e !IR. IHVCP re9e4ted t2e de8and and it 3i1ed a s*it a5ainst UP, 41ai8in5 t2at R.A. =--0 does not e8po6er UP to s4a1e, 8eas*re and sea1 t2e ti87er 4*t 7/ it 6it2in t2e tra4t o3 1and re3erred to in said A4t, and 4o11e4t t2e 4orrespondin5 3orest 42ar5es pres4ri7ed 7/ t2e !IR. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not UP is t2e o6ner o3 t2e portion o3 ti87er1and in Paete. Rulin13 Bes. T2e Co*rt r*1ed t2at R.A. =--0 4eded and trans3erred in 3*11 o6ners2ip to UP t2e area, 62i42 8eans t2at t2e Rep*71i4 o3 t2e P2i1ippines 4o8p1ete1/ re8oved it 3ro8 t2e p*71i4 do8ain. In respe4t to t2e areas 4overed 7/ t2e ti87er 1i4ense o3 IHVCP, t2e said A4t re8oved and se5re5ated it 3ro8 7ein5 a p*71i4 3orest. T2e Co*rt 3*rt2er 4ited Se4. = o3 R.A. =--0, 62i42 provides t2at, Can/ in4identa1 re4eipts or in4o8e t2ere3ro8 s2a11 pertain to t2e 5enera1 3*nd o3 t2e Universit/ o3 t2e P2i1ippines.D T2e provision o3 t2e A4t is 41ear t2at UP, 7ein5 t2e o6ner o3 t2e 1and, 2as t2e ri52t to 4o11e4t 3orest 42ar5es and to s*pervise t2e operations o3 IHVCP inso3ar as t2e propert/ o3 t2e UP 6it2in it is 4on4erned.

Repu)lic v. *.A.+. %roperties "nc. (''' SCRA (77)

REPU!LIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. T.A.N. PROPERTIES, INC., respondent. .R. No. ,$.-$=( )*ne +&, +00%

-acts3 In ,---, T.A.N. Properties 3i1ed in t2e RTC o3 !atan5as an app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 a 1and, 1o4ated at Sto. To8as, !atan5as and 6it2 an area o3 $&..00' 2e4tares. To s*pport its app1i4ation, it s*78itted t6o 4erti3i4ates, iss*ed 7/ CENRO and FMS#DENR and 7ot2 4erti3/in5 t2at t2e 1and app1ied 3or 6as a1iena71e and disposa71e. T2e Rep*71i4 o3 t2e P2i1ippines, represented 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands, opposed t2e app1i4ation on t2e 5ro*nd t2at T.A.N. Properties did not prove t2at t2e 1and 6as a1iena71e and disposa71e. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e app1i4ant proved t2at, t2e 1and is a1iena71e and disposa71e. Rulin13 No. It is t2e 7*rden o3 t2e app1i4ant to prove t2at t2e 1and s*79e4t to re5istration is a1iena71e and disposa71e and 3or s*42 t2e app1i4ant 8*st prove t2at t2e DENR Se4retar/ 2ad approved t2e 1and 41assi3i4ation and re1eased t2e 1and o3 t2e p*71i4 do8ain as a1iena71e and disposa71e. In t2e present 4ase, T.A.N. Properties did not provide t2e needed proo3. For t2e do4*8ents provided 7/ t2e 4o8pan/, t2e Co*rt 4ited DENR Ad8inistrative Order No. +0 :DAO No. +0; and DAO No. =%( DAO No. +0 proves t2at FMS#DENR 2as no a*t2orit/ to iss*e 4erti3i4ates, 41assi3/in5 1ands to 7e a1iena71e and disposa71e( and DAO No. =% provides t2at CENRO 4an iss*e 4erti3i4ates o3 1and 41assi3i4ation 3or 1ands 2avin5 a 8a@i8*8 area o3 $0 2e4tares. T2e 1and app1ied 3or in t2e 4ase 2as an area o3 $&..00' 2e4tares, t2*s CENRO 2as no 9*risdi4tion over it. It is 41ear 3ro8 t2e a3ore8entioned DAO<s t2at t2e do4*8ents s*78itted 7/ T.A.N. Properties did not prove t2at t2e 1and is a1iena71e and disposa71e.

Sun)ea, Convenience -oods v. Court of Appeals (181 SCRA ((!)


-acts3 In ,-&=, t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands iss*ed a sa1es patent in 3avor o3 S*n7ea8 and on t2e sa8e /ear, t2e 1atter re5istered it 6it2 t2e Re5ister o3 Deeds and o7tained an OCT. T2e patent 4overs par4e1s o3 1and in !ataan, 62i42 6ere 41ai8ed to 7e 3orest1ands. In ,-'&, t2e So1. en. in t2e na8e o3 t2e Rep*71i4 o3 t2e P2i1ippines, instit*ted an a4tion 3or t2e reversion o3 t2e said OCT. so S*n7ea8 3i1ed a Motion to Dis8iss, 62i42 t2e CFI 5ranted. ?2en appea1ed, t2e CA 5ranted t2e petition 3i1ed 7/ t2e Rep*71i4 sin4e t2e 4ore iss*e is t2e 41assi3i4ation o3 t2e 1ands to 7e 3orest1ands. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e patent iss*ed 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands 4onverted t2e 1ands to 7e a1iena71e and disposa71e 3ro8 7ein5 3orest1ands. Rulin13 No. Forest1ands are part o3 t2e p*71i4 do8inion so t2e/ 4annot 7e t2e s*79e4t o3 1and re5istration 4ases *n1ess t2e/ 2ave 7een de41assi3ied and 4onverted into a1iena71e and disposa71e 1ands. For a part o3 t2e p*71i4 do8inion to 3or8 part o3 t2e disposa71e 1ands, t2ere 8*st 7e a positive a4t 7/ t2e 5overn8ent, an o33i4ia1 pro41a8ation 7/ t2e e@e4*tive depart8ent re1easin5 t2e 1and to 7e a1ienated.

Director of Lands v. Court of Appeals (1!! SCRA 7 1)

DIRECTOR OF LANDS, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, )OSE F. SALA"AR, )ESUS F. SALA"AR, PEDRO F. SALA"AR and AURORA F. SALA"AR, respondents. .R. No. L#$0=.0( De4e87er +&, ,-%.

-acts3 In ,-&$, t2e Sa1a>ars 3i1ed an app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 t2e +-, 2e4tares o3 1and :a 3orest1and;, 62i42 t2e/ a4E*ired 3ro8 t2eir 8ot2er So1edad. T2e app1i4ation 6as opposed 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands :DoL; and 7/ +$ o44*pants o3 t2e 1and. To prove t2eir o6ners2ip, t2e Sa1a>ars 41ai8ed t2at t2eir prede4essors#in# interest 2ave 7een in 4ontin*o*s, *ninterr*pted, open, e@41*sive, and notorio*s possession in t2e 4on4ept o3 o6ner 3or 8ore t2an t2irt/ /ears prior to t2eir app1i4ation and t2e si71in5s 3*rt2er presented ta@ de41arations 7*t t2e DoL sti11 41ai8ed ot2er6ise. In ,-'', t2e CA denied t2e app1i4ation 7*t in its ,-'- reso1*tion, it reversed itse13 and 5ranted t2e app1i4ation. T2e 7asis o3 t2e reversa1 6as t2e de41aration 8ade 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Forestr/ in Apri1 +%, ,-&,, re41assi3/in5 t2e s*79e4t 1and as a1iena71e and disposa71e 3ro8 7ein5 a 3orest1and. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e app1i4ants proved t2eir o6ners2ip o3 t2e 1and. Rulin13 No. T2e Co*rt a33ir8ed t2e CA<s ,-'' de4ision and a4Ano61ed5ed t2at t2e 1atter 2e1d 4orre4t1/ t2ro*52 )*sti4e Serrano in its de4ision t2at 62atever possession o3 t2e 1and t2e Sa1a>ars and t2eir prede4essors 8i52t 2ave 2ad prior to Apri1 +%, ,-&, 4annot 7e 4redited to t2e t2irt/#/ear reE*ire8ent. In t2e present 4ase, t2e t2irt/#/ear reE*ire8ent s2o*1d 7e re4Aoned 3ro8 Apri1 ,-&,, t2e point 62en t2e 3orest1and 6as re41assi3ied 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Forestr/ to 7e a1iena71e and disposa71e and not prior t2ereto sin4e it 6as sti11 a 3orest1and, a p*71i4 do8inion, t2*s, non#re5istera71e.

Repu)lic v. Court of Appeals (1'( SCRA (76)


-acts3 In ,-&%, Martina Carantes 3or and in 7e2a13 o3 t2e 2eirs o3 Sa18in5 Piraso 3i1ed in t2e CFI o3 !a5*io an app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 t2e 1and, 62i42 t2e 1atter 41ai8ed to 7e in t2eir possession and o44*pation open1/, 4ontin*o*s1/, e@41*sive1/, notorio*s1/ sin4e ,-,$. T2e Dire4tor o3 1ands, t2ro*52 t2e So1i4itor enera1 and t2e Dire4tor o3 Forestr/, opposed t2e app1i4ation on t2e 5ro*nd t2at t2e said portion 1and is 6it2in t2e Centra1 Cordi11era Forest Reserve as s2o6n in t2e reports and testi8onies o3 t2e distri4t 3oresters. T2e CFI 5ranted t2e app1i4ation, 62i42 6as a1so a33ir8ed 7/ t2e CA. T2e 5overn8ent<s 3ai1*re to s2o6 that the disputed land is more valuable for forest purposes is

one of the reasons for the CAs ruling. It also noted the failure to prove that trees are thriving in the land.
"ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e 1and in disp*te is a1iena71e and disposa71e. Rulin13 No. T2e Co*rt r*1ed t2at t2e petitioner 41ear1/ proved t2r* t2e reports and testi8onies o3 t2e distri4t 3oresters t2at t2e 1and app1ied 3or re5istration is a part o3 a 3orest1and. As to t2e 41ai8 o3 t2e app1i4ants t2at t2e/ 2ave 7een in possession o3 t2e 1and sin4e ,-,$, t2e 4o*rt 4ited its de4ision in Director of Forestry v. Munoz (23 SCRA 1184), 62ere it stated t2at possession o3 3orest 1ands, no 8atter 2o6 1on5, 4annot ripen into private o6ners2ip.

In its de4ision, t2e Co*rt a1so addressed t2e CA<s r*1in5 7/ 4itin5 its de4ision in Heirs of A un!te"ui v. Director of Forestry (12# SCRA #$, %&), 62ere it r*1ed, FA 3orested area 41assi3ied as 3orest 1and o3 t2e p*71i4 do8ain does not 1ose s*42 41assi3i4ation si8p1/ 7e4a*se 1o55ers or sett1ers 8a/ 2ave stripped it o3 its 3orest 4over. @@@Forest1ands do not 2ave to 7e on 8o*ntains or in o*t o3 t2e 6a/ p1a4es. @@@T2e 41assi3i4ation is des4riptive o3 its 1e5a1 nat*re or stat*s and does not 2ave to 7e des4riptive o3 62at t2e 1and a4t*a11/ 1ooAs 1iAe.@@@D T2e Co*rt a5ain reiterated t2at t2ere 8*st 3irst 7e a 3or8a1 overn8ent de41aration t2at t2e 3orest1and 2as 7een re#41assi3ied into a1iena71e and disposa71e a5ri4*1t*ra1 1and, 7e3ore private persons in a44ordan4e 6it2 t2e vario*s 8odes o3 a4E*irin5 p*71i4 a5ri4*1t*ra1 1ands 4an a4E*ire it.

Repu)lic v. Court of Appeals (1!' SCRA 1'6)

REPU!LIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, SPOUSES PRUDENCIO MAGINO and TARCIANA MORALES, PEDRO ON"ALES, RO ELIO AHUINO, Minor represented 7/ 2is 3at2er, Man*e1 AE*ino, and ALE)ANDRO, SOCORRO, MERCEDES, CONCHITA, REMEDIOS and FLORA, a11 s*rna8ed CONSOLACION, respondents. .R. No. L#$&0''( Fe7r*ar/ +%, ,-%$

-acts3 In ,-&,, t2e CFI o3 H*e>on rendered a de4ision, orderin5 t2e re5istration o3 %%$ 2e4tares o3 p*71i4 3orest1and in 3avor o3 t2e Ma@inos. T2e de4ision 7e4a8e 3ina1 and e@e4*tor/ so a de4ree o3 re5istration and an OCT 6ere iss*ed. Ei52t :%; /ears a3ter t2e de4ision 6as rendered, t2e Rep*71i4 o3 t2e P2i1ippines 3i1ed 6it2 t2e sa8e CFI an a8ended petition to ann*1 t2e de4ision, de4ree, and tit1e on t2e 5ro*nd t2at t2e/ are void 7e4a*se t2e 1and in E*estion 6as sti11 a part o3 t2e *n41assi3ied p*71i4 3orest. T2e Ma@inos opposed t2e petition. T2e CFI 9*d5e denied t2e petition and 62en appea1ed, t2e sa8e 6as dis8issed on t2e 5ro*nd t2at t2e order 2ad a11e5ed1/ 1on5 7e4o8e 3ina1 and *nappea1a71e so t2e overn8ent 6as estopped t2r* t2e re5istration 8ade 7/ its a5ents. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e order.

overn8ent 6as estopped in appea1in5 t2e re5istration

Rulin13 No. T2e overn8ent s*33i4ient1/ proved t2at t2e par4e1 o3 1and invo1ved in t2e present 4ase is a part o3 a 3orest1and, t2*s non#re5istera71e. As to t2e r*1in5 o3 CA t2at t2e 5overn8ent 6as estopped to appea1 7e4a*se t2e 1and 6as erroneo*s1/

re5istered 7/ its o6n a5en4/, t2e Co*rt r*1ed ot2er6ise 7asin5 on its de4ision in 'ov(t. of t)e *. S. vs. +u,-e of 1st .nst. of /! 0!n-!, (&1 /)i2. $%&, $81) , 62ere it 2e1d t2at t2e overn8ent s2o*1d not 7e estopped 7/ t2e 8istaAes or errors o3 its a5ents.

+atividad Sta. Ana $ictoria v. Repu)lic of t.e %.ilippines

NATIVIDAD STA. ANA VICTORIA, Petitioner, vs. REPU!LIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. .R. No. ,'-&'( )*ne %, +0,,

-acts3 In Nove87er +00., Vi4toria app1ied 3or re5istration o3 a ,,'+-#8+ 1ot in !a87an5, Cit/ o3 Ta5*i5, 7e3ore t2e Metropo1itan Tria1 Co*rt :MeTC; o3 t2at 4it/. T2e OS opposed t2e app1i4ation. To prove 2er o6ners2ip, Vi4toria o33ered t2e ConversionIS*7division P1an, 62i42 s2o6ed t2at t2e 1and is inside t2e a1iena71e and disposa71e area *nder Pro9e4t +'#! as per L.C. Map +&+=, as 4erti3ied 7/ t2e !*rea* o3 Forest Deve1op8ent on )an*ar/ =, ,-&%. Vi4toria testi3ied t2at s2e and 2er prede4essors#in#interest 2ave 7een in possession o3 t2e propert/ 4ontin*o*s1/, *ninterr*pted1/, open1/, p*71i41/, adverse1/, and in t2e 4on4ept o3 o6ners sin4e t2e ear1/ ,-.0s or 3or 8ore t2an =0 /ears and 2ave 7een de41ared as o6ners 3or ta@ation p*rposes 3or t2e 1ast =0 /ears. T2e Rep*71i4 did not present an/ eviden4e in s*pport o3 its opposition. In )an*ar/ +$, +00&, t2e MeTC rendered a de4ision, 5rantin5 t2e app1i4ation 3or re5istration and 3indin5 t2at Vi4toria s*33i4ient1/ esta71is2ed 2er 41ai8 and ri52t *nder t2e 1and re5istration 1a6 to 2ave t2e s*79e4t propert/ re5istered in 2er na8e. T2e OS appea1ed t2e de4ision and d*rin5 t2e appea1 Vi4toria s*78itted a DENR Certi3i4ation, veri3/in5 t2e s*79e4t propert/ as 6it2in t2e a1iena71e and disposa71e 1and o3 t2e p*71i4 do8ain. In +00', t2e CA reversed t2e MeTC<s de4ision 7e4a*se a11e5ed1/ Vi4toria 3ai1ed to prove t2at t2e s*79e4t 1ot is a1iena71e and disposa71e. F*rt2er8ore, t2e CA r*1ed t2at it 4o*1d not taAe 4o5ni>an4e o3 t2e DENR

Certi3i4ation sin4e it 6as not o33ered as eviden4e d*rin5 t2e 2earin5 in t2e tria1 4o*rt. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not Vi4toria a8p1/ proved 2er 41ai8 o3 o6ners2ip o3 t2e propert/. Rulin13 Bes. T2e Co*rt is 4onvin4ed t2at Vi4toria s*33i4ient1/ proved 2er o6ners2ip o3 t2e 1and. To prove t2at t2e 1and s*79e4t o3 t2e app1i4ation 3or re5istration is a1iena71e, an app1i4ant 8a/ se4*re a 4erti3i4ation 3ro8 t2e 5overn8ent t2at t2e 1ands app1ied 3or are a1iena71e and disposa71e, 7*t t2e 4erti3i4ation 8*st s2o6 t2at t2e DENR Se4retar/ 2ad approved t2e 1and 41assi3i4ation and re1eased t2e 1and o3 t2e p*71i4 do8ain as a1iena71e and disposa71e, and t2at t2e 1and s*79e4t o3 t2e app1i4ation 3or re5istration 3a11s 6it2in t2e approved area per veri3i4ation t2ro*52 s*rve/ 7/ t2e PENRO or CENRO. T2e app1i4ant 8*st a1so present a 4op/ o3 t2e ori5ina1 41assi3i4ation o3 t2e 1and into a1iena71e and disposa71e, as de41ared 7/ t2e DENR Se4retar/ or as pro41ai8ed 7/ t2e President. In t2e present 4ase, Vi4toria 6as a71e to s*78it t2e DENR Certi3i4ation, veri3/in5 t2at t2e 1and is a1iena71e and disposa71e. T2e on1/ reason 62/ t2e CA reversed t2e 1o6er 4o*rt<s de4ision is t2at t2e said Certi3i4ate 6as on1/ s*78itted d*rin5 t2e appea1 and not d*rin5 tria1 in t2e 1o6er 4o*rt. To 3*rt2er s*pport its r*1in5, t2e Co*rt 4ited its de4ision in 32!nes v. Re0u42ic, 62ere it a11o6ed 4onsideration o3 a CENRO Certi3i4ation t2o*52 it 6as on1/ presented d*rin5 appea1 to t2e CA to avoid a patent *n3airness. T2e Co*rt a1so stated t2at t2e r*1es o3 pro4ed*re 7ein5 8ere too1s desi5ned to 3a4i1itate t2e attain8ent o3 9*sti4e, t2e Co*rt is e8po6ered to s*spend t2eir app1i4ation to a parti4*1ar 4ase 62en its ri5id app1i4ation tends to 3r*strate rat2er t2an pro8ote t2e ends o3 9*sti4e. T2ere3ore, it 6o*1d 7e 8ore pr*dent to re4o5ni>e t2e DENR Certi3i4ation and reso1ve t2e 8atter.

&nion Leaf *o)acco Corporation v. Repu)lic of t.e %.ilippines


-acts3 In De4e87er ,, +00., t2e Corporation 3i1ed 7e3ore t2e RTC o3 A5oo, La Union 3o*r app1i4ations 3or 1and re5istration 4overin5 vario*s par4e1s o3 1and. T2e Rep*71i4 opposed t2e app1i4ations, 4itin5 Arti41e GII, Se4tion = o3 t2e Constit*tion. T2e 4orporation presented testi8onia1 eviden4e as 6e11 as do4*8entar/ eviden4e, parti4*1ar1/ t2e Advan4e P1ans and Conso1idated P1ans, 62i42 a11 noted t2at t2e s*79e4t 1ands are Cinside a1iena71e and disposa71e area as per pro9e4t No. $#A, LC Map No. +%-,,C to s*pport its 41ai8. A3ter t2e tria1, t2e RTC 5ranted t2e app1i4ation o3 t2e 4orporation 7/ re1/in5 on t2e testi8onies o33ered 7/ t2e 6itnesses o3 t2e 1atter. On appea1 7/ t2e Rep*71i4, t2e CA reversed t2e tria1 4o*rt<s de4ision, 2o1din5 t2at t2e 4orporation presented no eviden4e to s2o6 t2at t2e s*79e4t par4e1s o3 1and 2ave 7een re41assi3ied 7/ t2e State as a1iena71e or disposa71e to a private person. T2e 4orporation in its ans6er, insisted t2at t2e Advan4e P1ans and Conso1idated P1ans it presented proved t2at t2e par4e1s o3 1and are a1iena71e. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e par4e1s o3 1and are proven a1iena71e and disposa71e. Rulin13

No. T2e Co*rt r*1ed t2at t2e Advan4e P1ans and Conso1idated P1ans are 2ard1/ t2e 4o8petent pie4es o3 eviden4e t2at t2e 1a6 reE*ires. T2e notation 7/ a 5eodeti4 en5ineer on t2e s*rve/ p1ans t2at properties are a1iena71e and disposa71e does not s*33i4e to prove t2e 1ands< 41assi3i4ation. F*rt2er, t2e Co*rt 4ited t2e 4ase Re0u42ic v. 5.A.6. /ro0erties, .nc. 62ere It dire4ts t2atJ 7 7 7 7 5)e !002ic!nt for re-istr!tion ust 0resent ! co0y of t)e ori-in!2 c2!ssific!tion !00rove, 4y t)e D86R Secret!ry !n, certifie, !s ! true co0y 4y t)e 2e-!2 custo,i!n of t)e offici!2 recor,s. 5)ese f!cts ust 4e est!42is)e, to 0rove t)!t t)e 2!n, is !2ien!42e !n, ,is0os!42e.

Repu)lic v. /acus (176 SCRA !76)

REPU!LIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. FRANCISCO !ACUS, respondent. .R. No. '=+&,( A*5*st ,,, ,-%-

-acts3 In ,-%,, !a4*s 3i1ed an app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 a .-&#8 + par4e1 o3 1and in t2e CFI o3 Misa8is O44identa1. T2e Rep*71i4 t2ro*52 t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands opposed t2e app1i4ation on t2e 5ro*nd t2at said 1and 6as sti11 a part o3 t2e p*71i4 do8ain sin4e t2e 1and is sti11 part o3 a p*71i4 3orest. T2e CFI and CA r*1ed in 3avor o3 !a4*s. T2e CA re1ied on t2e 4erti3i4ation o3 Cit/ Deve1op8ent Coordinator o3 O>a8is Cit/, 62o 4erti3ied t2at t2e s*79e4t 1and 6as 6it2in t2e 4o88er4ia1#residentia1 >one and t2e 4erti3i4ation o3 t2e Re5ister o3 Deeds o3 O>a8is Cit/, 62o 4erti3ied t2at t2e 1ots near and s*rro*ndin5 t2e s*79e4t 1and 2ad a1read/ 7een re5istered in 3avor o3 private persons. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e 1and 2as 7een 4onverted as part o3 t2e disposa71e 1and o3 t2e overn8ent. Rulin13 No.

T2e Co*rt r*1ed t2at t2e 4erti3i4ations, 62i42 t2e CA re1ied on, are not s*33i4ient to 42an5e t2e nat*re o3 t2e propert/. T2e area is sti11 4onsidered 3orest1and sin4e it 2as not 7een de41assi3ied as s*42 7/ t2e proper a*t2orities. T2e Co*rt 3*rt2er stressed t2at deve1op8ent o3 3orest1and into residentia1 and 4o88er4ia1 stat*s does not a1ter its 1e5a1 standpoint as 3orest1and.

Repu)lic Ce,ent Corporation v. Court of Appeals (198 SCRA 7!()

REPU!LIC CEMENT CORPORATION, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, MOISES CORREA AND RE ISTER OF DEEDS OF !ULACAN,repondents. .R. Nos. %$--,#-.( )*1/ 0=, ,--,

-acts3 Rep*71i4 Ce8ent Corporation 3i1ed a petition in t2e CFI o3 !*1a4an, 3or t2e re5istration in its na8e o3 a par4e1 o3 1and identi3ied as Lot No. +%%0 o3 t2e Cadastra1 S*rve/ o3 Nor>a5ara/, !*1a4an, P1an Ap#,&.0., 1o4ated in 7arrio Min*/an, Nor>a5ara/, !*1a4an, 6it2 an area o3 +0',--& K8 +. Spo*ses )ose Ra/o and S*sana Man5a2as and one Pedro Le5aspi opposed t2e app1i4ation. T2e oppositor spo*ses 41ai8ed t2at t2e/ are t2e o6ners 3or a period o3 over &0 /ears o3 t2e east 4entra1 portion o3 t2e par4e1 o3 1and, tit1e to 62i42 is so*52t to 7e re5istered 7/ Rep*71i4 Ce8ent, 4overed 7/ P1ans PSU ++-$-+ and ++'&$-, 6it2 a tota1 area o3 &%,=%-K 8+.Oppositor Pedro Le5aspi 41ai8s t2at 2e is t2e o6ner o3 t2e eastern portion o3 t2e sa8e par4e1 o3 1and 4overed 7/ P1an PSU#++$%'+, 6it2 a tota1 area o3 =,,%%'#8 +. T2e = oppositors 6ere 1ater s*7stit*ted 7/ private respondent Moises Correa as s*7seE*ent p*r42aser o3 t2e a3oresaid portions o3 said par4e1 o3 1and. A3ter t2e tria1, t2e CFI ordered t2e re5istration o3 t2e par4e1s o3 1and 7o*52t 7/ Correa 7*t Rep*71i4 Ce8ent<s app1i4ation 6as dis8issed. On appea1, t2e CA

ordered t2e re5istration o3 Lot No. +%%0 in t2e na8e o3 Rep*71i4 Ce8ent 7*t e@41*din5 portions t2ereo3 as des4ri7ed in P1ans PSU#++-$-+, ++'&$- and ++$%'+ 62i42 6ere ordered re5istered in t2e na8e o3 private respondent Correa. A3ter62i42, Rep*71i4 Ce8ent petitioned t2e S*pre8e Co*rt, 41ai8in5 t2at t2e CA erred in orderin5 t2e re5istration o3 t2e t2ree par4e1s o3 1and 4overed 7/ P1ans PSU# ++$%'+, ++-$-+ and ++'&$- in t2e na8e o3 Correa a11e5ed1/ 7e4a*se t2e 1atter 3ai1ed to prove t2e identit/ o3 t2e 1ands 2e 41ai8s. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not Correa proved t2e identit/ o3 t2e 1ands 2e 41ai8s. Rulin13 Bes. T2e Co*rt 2e1d t2at 4ontrar/ to t2e 41ai8 o3 Rep*71i4 Ce8ent, Correa, t2ro*52 2is prede4essors in interest, 6as a71e to esta71is2 t2e identit/ o3 and tit1e to t2e 1and so*52t to 7e re5istered in 2is na8e. T2e te42ni4a1 des4ription and t2e s*rve/ p1an d*1/ approved 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands s*78itted in eviden4e 7/ 2i8 3*11/ des4ri7es t2e 8eters and 7o*nds o3 t2e par4e1s o3 1and invo1ved.


Director of Lands v. Re0es (68 SCRA 177)

-acts3 In ,-&., A1is*n*rin 3i1ed 2is app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 a vast tra4t o3 1and, 4ontainin5 an area o3 ,&,%00 2e4tares, 6it2 t2e CFI o3 N*eva E4i9a. T2e 1and 6as ad8itted1/ inside t2e 7o*ndar/ o3 t2e 8i1itar/ reservation o3 Fort Ma5sa/sa/. D*rin5 t2e penden4/ o3 t2e 4ase, PIDC s*7stit*ted A1ins*n*rin sin4e t2e 3or8er a4E*ired t2e o6ners2ip o3 t2e 1and. T2e Dire4tor o3 Lands, Dire4tor o3 Forestr/, and

t2e Ar8ed For4es o3 t2e P2i1ippines opposed t2e app1i4ation, 41ai8in5 t2at t2e app1i4ant 6as 6it2o*t s*33i4ient tit1e and t2at appro@i8ate1/ ,=,-$' 2e4tares o3 said 1and 4onsist o3 t2e 8i1itar/ reservation o3 Fort Ma5sa/sa/ esta71is2ed *nder Pro41a8ation No. +=', dated De4e87er ,0, ,-$$ o3 t2e President. To prove t2e 41ai8, t2e app1i4ants presented 71*eprints o3 t6o s*rve/ p1ans 7*t 1a4A t2e approva1 o3 t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands. A3ter t2e tria1, t2e CFI 5ranted t2e app1i4ation and ordered re5istration, 62i42 t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands, Dire4tor o3 Forestr/, and t2e Ar8ed For4es o3 t2e P2i1ippines appea1ed to SC, 62ere t2e/ 41ai8 t2at t2e p1ans presented 7/ t2e app1i4ants 3ai1ed to identi3/ t2e par4e1 o3 1and so*52t to 7e re5istered. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e p1ans presented 7/ t2e app1i4ants are s*33i4ient to prove t2e identit/ o3 t2e 1and in disp*te. Rulin13 No. T2e Co*rt 2e1d t2at t2e ori5ina1 tra4in5 41ot2 p1an o3 t2e 1and app1ied 3or, 62i42 8*st 7e approved 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands, 6as not s*78itted in eviden4e. T2e s*78ission o3 s*42 p1an is a stat*tor/ reE*ire8ent o3 8andator/ 42ara4ter. Un1ess a p1an and its te42ni4a1 des4ription are d*1/ approved 7/ t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands, t2e sa8e are not o3 8*42 va1*e. T2e 71*eprints o3 t6o s*rve/ p1ans presented 2ad no approva1 o3 t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands, t2*s t2ese did not s*33i4e t2e reE*ire8ent o3 t2e 1a6.


Director of Lands v. "nter,ediate Appellate Court (19' SCRA !8)

-acts3 In ,-'+, Espartine> 3i1ed 6it2 t2e CFI o3 A17a/ an app1i4ation 3or t2e re5istration o3 a par4e1 o3 1and, 62i42 2e 7o*52t 3ro8 L1a4er. T2e 5overn8ent t2ro*52 t2e So1. en. opposed t2e app1i4ation on t2e 5ro*nd t2at t2e app1i4ant 3ai1ed to prove 2is o6ners2ip t2ereo3. To s*pport 2is 41ai8 2e presented to t2e tria1 4o*rt severa1 do4*8ents and t6o o3 62i42 are t2e s*rve/ p1an o3 t2e 1and and a te42ni4a1 des4ription t2ereo3 indi4atin5 t2at t2e a4t*a1 area o3 t2e 1and. T2e CFI 5ranted t2e app1i4ation so t2e So1. en. appea1ed to t2e IAC 7*t t2e 1atter a33ir8ed t2e 1o6er 4o*rt<s de4ision. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e 1and in disp*te 6as s*33i4ient1/ identi3ied.

Rulin13 No. One o3 t2e 7est 6a/s to identi3/ a 1and is t2e presentation o3 a tra4in5 41ot2 p1an. In t2e present 4ase, despite Espartine>< 41ai8 t2at t2e tra4in5 p1an 6as atta42ed 6it2 t2e app1i4ation 2e 3i1ed, t2ere 6as a1so no proo3 t2at t2e sa8e 2as 7een deta42ed. ?2at 6as 9*st presented to t2e Co*rt 6as a s*rve/ p1an 7*t t2e 1atter did not re4o5ni>e it 7e4a*se t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands 2as not approved it. enera11/, s*rve/ p1ans are a44epted as eviden4e in identi3/in5 a 1and 7*t t2e 1a6 reE*ires t2at t2e Dire4tor o3 Lands 8*st d*1/ approve s*42 p1an. Espartine>< 2avin5 3ai1ed to provide 62at 6as reE*ired 7/ t2e 1a6 to 7e presented, 4on41*sive1/ 3ai1ed to s*33i4ient1/ identi3/ t2e 1and, 62i42 2e so*52t to 7e re5istered.

SM PRIME HOLDIN S, INC., petitioner, vs. AN ELA V. MADABA , respondent. .R. No. ,&.&%'( Fe7r*ar/ ,+, +00-

%ri,e #oldin1s v. 2ada0a1

-acts3 In +00,, Mada/a5 3i1ed 6it2 t2e RTC o3 Urdaneta, Pan5asinan an app1i4ation 3or re5istration o3 a par4e1 o3 1and 6it2 an area o3 ,,.-+#8 + 1o4ated in !aran5a/ Anonas, Urdaneta Cit/, Pan5asinan. Atta42ed to t2e app1i4ation 6as a tra4in5 41ot2 o3 S*rve/ P1an Ps*#0,#00%.=%, approved 7/ t2e LMS#DENR, Re5ion ,, San Fernando Cit/. SM opposed t2e app1i4ation 7e4a*se a11e5ed1/, t2e 1ot en4roa42ed on t2e properties it re4ent1/ p*r42ased 3ro8 severa1 1ot o6ners. SM a1so 3i1ed 6it2 t2e DENR a petition 3or 4an4e11ation o3 t2e s*rve/ p1an. A3ter62i42, SM 3i1ed 6it2 t2e RTC an Ur5ent Motion to S*spend Pro4eedin5 in t2e 1and re5istration 4ase a11e5in5 t2at t2e tria1 4o*rt s2o*1d 6ait 3or DENR<s reso1*tion o3 t2e petition. A3ter t2e tria1, t2e RTC s*spended t2e re5istration pro4eedin5s on t2e 5ro*nd t2at t2e petition 3or 4an4e11ation o3 t2e s*rve/ p1an 3i1ed 7/ SM 6it2 DENR is

pre9*di4ia1 to t2e deter8ination o3 t2e 1and re5istration 4ase sin4e a s*rve/ p1an is one o3 t2e 8andator/ reE*ire8ents in s*42 pro4eedin5s. ?2en Mada/a5 appea1ed to CA, t2e 1atter ratio4inated t2at t2e s*rve/ p1an, 62i42 6as d*1/ approved 7/ t2e DENR, s2o*1d 7e a44orded t2e pres*8ption o3 re5*1arit/, and t2at t2e RTC 2as t2e po6er to 2ear and deter8ine a11 E*estions arisin5 3ro8 an app1i4ation 3or re5istration. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e RTC 2as 9*risdi4tion over 1and re5istration pro4eedin5s is a33e4ted i3 t2ere is a petition 3i1ed in DENR to 4an4e1 t2e s*rve/ p1an, one o3 t2e 8andator/ reE*ire8ents in s*42 pro4eedin5s. Rulin13 Bes. T2e Co*rt 2e1d t2at as an in4ident to its a*t2orit/ to sett1e a11 E*estions over t2e tit1e o3 t2e s*79e4t propert/, t2e 1and re5istration 4o*rt 8a/ reso1ve t2e *nder1/in5 iss*e o3 62et2er t2e s*79e4t propert/ over1aps t2e petitioner<s properties 6it2o*t ne4essari1/ 2avin5 to de41are t2e s*rve/ p1an as void. F*rt2er8ore, It stated t2at a 1and re5istration 4o*rt 2as t2e d*t/ to deter8ine 62et2er t2e iss*an4e o3 a ne6 4erti3i4ate o3 tit1e 6i11 a1ter a va1id and e@istin5 4erti3i4ate o3 tit1e. An app1i4ation 3or re5istration o3 an a1read/ tit1ed 1and 4onstit*tes a 4o11atera1 atta4A on t2e e@istin5 tit1e, 62i42 is not a11o6ed 7/ 1a6. Ho6ever, t2e RTC need not 6ait 3or t2e de4ision o3 t2e DENR in t2e petition to 4an4e1 t2e s*rve/ p1an in order to deter8ine 62et2er t2e s*79e4t propert/ is a1read/ tit1ed or 3or8s part o3 a1read/ tit1ed propert/. T2e 4o*rt 8a/ no6 veri3/ t2is a11e5ation 7ased on t2e respondent<s s*rve/ p1an vis#M#vis t2e 4erti3i4ates o3 tit1e o3 t2e petitioner and its prede4essors#in# interest. A3ter a11, a surve0 plan precisel0 serves to esta)lis. t.e true identit0 of t.e land to ensure it does not overlap a parcel of land or a portion t.ereof alread0 covered )0 a previous land re1istration5 and to 3oresta11 t2e possi7i1it/ t2at it 6i11 7e over1apped 7/ a s*7seE*ent re5istration o3 an/ ad9oinin5 1and.

Repu)lic of t.e %.ilippines v. Candido $er1el De Dios

REPU!LIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs. CANDIDO, DEMETILA, )ESUS, AN ELITO, and TERESITA, a11 s*rna8ed VER EL DE DIOS, respondents. .R. No. ,'0.$-( Fe7r*ar/ -, +0,,

-acts3 Candidi 3i1ed 6it2 t2e RTC o3 !*1a4an a petition 3or re4onstit*tion o3 t2e 7*rned Ori5ina1 o3 TCT No. T#,.,&', and iss*an4e o3 a ne6 o6ner<s d*p1i4ate 4op/ in 1ie* o3 t2e destro/ed one. Atta42ed 6it2 2is petition are t2e Nas*1atan, P1an, Te42ni4a1 Des4ription and Ta@ De41aration o3 t2e 1and. T2e RTC 5ranted t2e petition 7*t t2e Rep*71i4 appea1ed t2e r*1in5 to CA ar5*in5 a7o*t t2e s*33i4ien4/ to order a re4onstit*tion o3 t2e 1ost tit1e o3 t2ose presented 7/ Candido. T2e CA a1so 2e1d as

ins*33i4ient eviden4e t2e Nas*1atan, 62i42 6as e@e4*ted on1/ in ,--&, 1on5 a3ter t2e ori5ina1 TCT 6as 7*rned and t2e o6ner<s d*p1i4ate tit1e 6as 1ost 7*t it a1so a33ir8ed t2e RTC<s order re5ardin5 t2e iss*an4e o3 a ne6 o6ner<s d*p1i4ate 4op/ in 1ie* o3 t2e destro/ed one. "ssue4s3 ?2et2er or not t2e iss*an4e o3 a ne6 o6ner<s d*p1i4ate 4op/ o3 t2e Certi3i4ate o3 Tit1e in 1ie* o3 t2e destro/ed one is proper. Rulin13 No. T2e re4onstit*tion o3 a 4erti3i4ate o3 tit1e denotes restoration in t2e ori5ina1 3or8 and 4ondition o3 a 1ost or destro/ed instr*8ent attestin5 t2e tit1e o3 a person to a pie4e o3 1and. T2e p*rpose o3 t2e re4onstit*tion o3 tit1e is to 2ave, a3ter o7servin5 t2e pro4ed*res pres4ri7ed 7/ 1a6, t2e tit1e reprod*4ed in e@a4t1/ t2e sa8e 6a/ it 2as 7een 62en t2e 1oss or destr*4tion o44*rred. ?2en re4onstit*tion is ordered, t2is do4*8ent is rep1a4ed 6it2 a ne6 oneOt2e re4onstit*ted tit1eOt2at reprod*4es t2e ori5ina1. A3ter t2e re4onstit*tion, t2e o6ner is iss*ed a d*p1i4ate 4op/ o3 t2e re4onstit*ted tit1e. In t2e present 4ase, it is 41ear t2at t2e CA 4an4e11ed t2e order o3 re4onstit*tion, 62i42 6as previo*s1/ 5ranted 7/ t2e 1o6er 4o*rt, t2*s, it s2o*1d 3o11o6 t2at no ne6 o6ner<s d*p1i4ate 4op/ o3 4erti3i4ate o3 tit1e s2o*1d 7e iss*ed. ?it2o*t t2e order 3or re4onstit*tion, t2e order to iss*e a ne6 o6ner<s d*p1i4ate tit1e 2ad no 1e5 to stand on.

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